Harry Potter and the Dragon Prince

Chapter 264: Become Stronger

Time flies, and it is mid-December, and Hema has successfully passed to the second grade, the first month when nothing happened.

Although in addition to the daily study, there is also the additional responsibility of dressing up the school, but for wizards, even if the castle is bigger, it will not be too tiring, Hema thought so at first.

"Mr. Aibo, may I bring you some food?" said two first-grade boys.

"It's okay, I'll eat after I finish these."

"Student Ai Bo, I specially brought some sausages here, you can eat some first, thanks for your hard work." A big girl in the senior grade handed over some food.

"Not hard."

"Student Ai Bo, I have a magical overalls that won't get dirty. Do you want to use it? I'll get it for you."

"Thanks, I'll finish it right away, no need."

Hema kept talking to the students around her, while she herself hung in the air, affixing beautiful magic colored paper to the lights in the corridor.

This kind of paper looks nothing special, but in the case of direct light, it will flicker by itself, and then convert the light into other colors of light and scatter it.

Hema glanced over and felt that the 3rd floor was almost done. Every lamp was pasted up, and a long strip of ribbon was stretched above the wall. The overall atmosphere was almost the same. Below is the second floor, or Said to finally reach the second floor.

Today is December 15th, and there are still 9 days before Christmas Eve, but he has been busy for almost a week, but seeing that everyone is very satisfied, Hema is also working hard, and he also got a information.

Originally, before he promised Lao Dengtou to dress up the academy, the student union had already finished their work and asked Lao Dengtou to dress up, but Lao Dengtou said that Aibo could do it alone.

This is simply deceiving me on purpose. Under the circumstances of whether it is tolerable or unbearable, Dumbledore made up for his 10 Galleon labor costs, and also made up for the points that Slytherin lacked.

But he didn't have any major changes, but other people are different. For example, the twin brothers who hit the wall last time have now found a sales channel.

The method is also very simple and rude, that is, first take the weakened version of the most common magic pistol, let Mr. Arthur Weasley operate it, and report it directly to the Ministry of Magic, and finally get the approval.

As a personal defense weapon, the Ministry of Magic also found it very interesting. I bought some, and then gave a approval note to open a shop. Of course, you can find the shop yourself, anyway, the approval slip is given to you.

So the two brothers are in financial difficulties again, which is actually a good thing. Maybe the Ministry of Magic can buy a more powerful magic weapon, but that will lose the two people's original intention to buy each of them.

After all, the Ministry of Magic will not allow high-power magic items to be bought and sold in the market at will, and must be managed by force. The power of the magic pistol is average, that is, a weakened version of the fragmentation, and it is still the power of the first grade, so it does not pay much attention.

But it was approved because of Mr. Arthur's efforts, and because some wizards really need something that can attack and protect themselves without using a wand, so the magic pistol was recognized.

Of course, there is another way to cash in, which is to sell the patent of this pistol. Maybe there will be many big families to buy it. Then there will be no shortage of money to open a store and mass-produce it. Of course, other people will completely strip the original creator. identity.

The other three groups have also successfully advanced. Ron was officially granted a pass to learn advanced metamorphosis by Professor McGonagall. It seems that he has reached the standard of fifth grade or above in metamorphology.

Based on the story of Ron, many people have also realized that as long as they work hard, they can do what they want to do.

Then Harry got along better and better with Snape, at least Snape who was not in a state of rage appeared, and his potions became more and more powerful.

If it wasn't for Hema's own relatively high magic power, which can be increased by purchasing equipment, then Harry's level is already stronger than him.

Compared with these two, Miss Hermione has become stronger than others know. She has successfully entered the stage of applying runes, and the melee training has come to an end.

In addition, Qiu Zhang, Cedric, etc. also have some harvests of their own. After all, they are all geniuses, but Qiu Zhang's growth is rather strange. He actually developed a special air magic, which is really amazing.

Of course, what surprised Hema the most was that Luna and Malfoy actually cleared the secret room within two or three months.

Although Hema didn't ask what the treasure was, the magic power surging in Luna's body was at least twice that of before, which seemed quite predictable.

Malfoy didn't change much, which made Hema a little curious, but let's talk about it after seeing Luna, after all, it doesn't seem very good to ask specifically.

In addition, there are his older sister, Miss Hannah, and the timid Neville. Both Miss Hannah and Neville were favored by Professor Sprout and became specialized herbal students, making others envious.

Of course, it's not envy that you can learn herbal knowledge one-on-one, but envy the title of Professor Sprout's personal disciple.

If you don't talk about the inside of Hogwarts, the big thing outside is that Dumbledore still didn't take action in arresting Lucius, and finally chose to take the long-term.

Although it will be very dangerous, this is also the only chance to get Voldemort out. This is fundamentally different from the movie. Dumbledore has a basic clue.

Of course, it is not sure whether the Goblet of Fire will be opened or not. At least Old Deng did not mention it to him, and he will not go if he mentions it.

In the current college, there are really many, a lot of people with good strength, and he is just a stupid bird flying first, plus the reason why his master is excellent.

"Okay, let's do your work, miss. There are still two floors... no, plus the bottom, there are three floors."

As Hema continued to work, somewhere in Albania, darkness seemed to be stirring.

"...Well, I need a body that can move on its own, not such a waste body that needs people to move a little bit!" A hoarse voice came from the room.

And there were several tall figures standing outside the door, one of them was Greyback, who came to Albania half a month ago.

The few next to them are Death Eaters who are still alive, but none of them are the leaders. Except for the dead ones, the rest of the leaders are either hidden factions like Lucius, or they are locked in Azkaban.

Of course, on the outermost side, there is the man in the golden armor who first proposed cooperation with Voldemort, but the woman from the Aoi group did not appear.

"But Master, besides being directly resurrected, he wants a useful body..." a Death Eater said tremblingly.

"Huh... But even if this is the case, I don't want to use this body anymore, but I must use that guy's blood as my nourishment for resurrection! By the way, is Mr. Cuomo there?"

"Oh? What's the matter, Mister Dark Lord." The Golden Knight turned to look at the small room.

"Can you give me some of your alloys? I can help you with a few things, some things about the Dark Lord..." Voldemort's hoarse voice was a little serious, full of a special allure.

"Oh? It's not impossible, but it needs to be reported. I said the top blood is good. It must be reported by the captain, and then..."

"Do two things for you alone."

"Okay! So Mr. Dark Lord, why the alloy?"

"The body does not have to use flesh, and metal is not impossible..."

"Huh?" Cuomo glanced at the hut and smiled bitterly. Although he had seen many magical things, he really couldn't imagine what a metal body looked like.

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