Harry Potter and the Dragon Prince

Chapter 277: The End of Last Semester

Hema shuttled through the greetings along the way and came to Dumbledore's office. This was the penultimate stop before leaving. He was going to ask questions about the exchange students.

Madam Pomfrey told him to go to Dumbledore's, but he went back to the dormitory first, and he was almost blocked, so he came directly if he knew it.

The penultimate stop is naturally Teacher Cahall's place. After all, other people may still see him during the winter vacation, but Teacher Cahall will definitely not go to him.

He entered Dumbledore's office as usual, but found that the four deans inside had already taken their seats, and all the deans of the four colleges were present. This was the first time that this happened.

"Good afternoon, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Snape, and Professor Sprout."

"What about me?" Dumbledore smiled and pointed to himself.

"You don't need to, I often see..."

"Haha, forget it." Originally, he wanted to say that these professors, you see them more diligently than me, but after thinking about it, this may be a special kind of intimacy.

"Is there anything? Questions about exchange students."

"Well, sit down first."

Hema found a chair by herself and put it next to Snape. He knew that Snape didn't like people being next to him, but he insisted on being next to him. Hema was willing to do such a disgusting thing, after all The master Snape also made him suffer a lot.

"It is indeed about the exchange students, but it is mainly about you personally. What do you think of this attack?"

"It's directly aimed at me..." Hema let out a breath and became serious. The other professors also nodded.

"Well, so they have noticed your threat, so you have to be more careful. Originally, I sent you to other schools for communication, but it was actually for your safety."

"I think Hogwarts is the place where I can feel at ease." Hema glanced at the surrounding professors, who also smiled at him, and Snape also nodded.

"I think so too, but you have to go if you don't go now. After all, Beauxbaton Academy of Magic and Durmstrang have mutually confirmed the exchange student system."

"So I have to go?"

"It's about the same, but it's not a bad thing. You can avoid the limelight and see the scenery outside. Your current strength should not be bullied."

"Well, by the way, I'll go over here, who will come over?"

"It's a boy named Bi Duoan, a little older than you, very good, I met him when he was in school."

"By the way, how do I get to France then? Do I need to use the portkey? Or something else...?"

"Don't worry, the exchange students have received strong attention from the three magic schools. After all, they are all excellent students, so they will send special personnel over, and we will also have teachers to accompany them."

"Then I'll just wait at home?"

"Well, don't think too much, don't worry, there is more than one day in two weeks during the Christmas holidays, and they don't come back until the penultimate day of the last week, so you can take a good rest."

"I understand that I want to make my own personal arrangements."

Afterwards, Dumbledore and several professors also told him some precautions, as well as the terms formulated by the local magic department, try not to violate them.

"That's all, then I'll go first, Merry Christmas, dear teachers!" Looking at the five people, Hema bowed fiercely.

"Wait a minute, since Christmas is Merry, then those of us who are masters and elders naturally want to give you a Christmas present.


Dumbledore took out a small box from under the table with a smile, and several other professors also waved their wands, and several small boxes fell into Hema's arms.

"I can't take it anymore." Hema held five boxes danglingly, looked at several professors, and nodded deeply again. Their eyes were also warm, which made Hema feel like she graduated of.

"Then thank you again, and see you in the third grade."

"Well, I wish you the best of luck, and give Ms. Cahall a question mark for me."

"Hmm." Hema was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and walked out of Dumbledore's office.

With several gift boxes in her arms, Hema came to Teacher Cahor's office, which was also the last stop before he left.

But before he knocked on the door, the door opened by itself. Aisha and Hema met each other's eyes, startling each other, "Mr. Hema, I'm here to give you a hug."

"Thank you."

"Are you looking for Ms. Cahall?"

"Well, what's the matter? Isn't she here?"

"Well, I don't know where I went? But she gave me the key and asked me to lock the door for a while and go home."

"Hey? Are you going back to the Forbidden Forest?" Hema glanced at Aisha, and then remembered that the other party seemed to have lived in Hogwarts for a month.

Although I went back many times on the way, but most of the time I still stay with Mr. Cahol. It is said that Mr. Cahol usually does not leave the office, and the class is a clone...

"Well, it's time to go back, but I have to say goodbye to Teacher Cahall, but I haven't finished learning..."

But when the two continued to chat, a tall figure suddenly appeared from behind Hema, and the two immediately turned their heads to see Cahor standing there in a black robe dragging a suitcase.

"Mr. Cahol, are you going home?" Hema thought about it carefully. She didn't seem to have any information about her teacher, but in this way, she must be going home.

"Well, go to your house for Christmas."

"Huh?" Hema felt that she had heard it wrong, and then glanced at Aisha next to her, who also shook her head in confusion.

"Yes, I still want you Aisha. I've packed your things too, so you can go with me."

"Hey? Aren't I going home?"

"I mean go to Hema's."

"Why, Master Cahor?"

"It's to let Aisha experience the situation in the real society. What she needs is not combat training, but external practice."

"I understand, Ms. Cahall." The very obedient Aisha nodded when she heard Cahall say this.

But Hema always felt that something was wrong, and always felt that Master wanted to go outside, not for Aisha...

So Hema originally planned to make a report and leave, but it turned into leading one big and one small, no, two big beauties walked towards the open space outside Hogwarts.

"Where's your luggage?" Aisha glanced at Hema, who was empty-handed.

"The elf will help the students and get them on the Hogwarts Express."

"Well, it seems that I don't have anything, Ms. Cahall?" Aisha thought for a while, because she had no change of clothes, because her clothes would not get dirty, and no part of her body would get dirty. The power of the horned beast.

"Your training materials, by the way, you don't go to say hello to your clansmen."

"That's right." After speaking, the whole person disappeared in place, leaving behind a white shadow.

Hema didn't even realize it. This isn't Apparation... Besides, the use of magic spells such as Apparation is restricted around Hogwarts... In other words, this is a special offering of divine power.

So Mrs. Cahall can also use the random shuttle in Hogwarts, which also means that she has supernatural power? Hema is more determined that her master's strength is due to the fact that she may be an inheritor.

Speaking of inheritors, where is the little guy? Although he didn't summon it, he hasn't seen it for a day, so he won't travel back again... Forget it, if he gets hurt, he doesn't care!

And a few seconds later, Cahor opened his eyes with his eyes closed and meditated, "I'm back."

"En." The next second, Aisha's figure appeared directly next to Hema, with a small bag in her hand.

"This is?"

"It's made of unicorn fur. It can be extended indefinitely. It can be used to hold some things. I also put your boxes in it."

"Thanks Aisha, what about unicorn fur?"

"Don't worry about Mr. Hema, it's not ours, it's some dead unicorns, they were given to the lord before they died, and I'm currently the lord of the tribe... after all, the Great Elder."

"Well, I don't want to keep that guy from Buried 3, but at least it's still useful for now. You already have strength now. After the contract is over, you can enjoy him to your heart's content."

"No, when will the hatred end...I hope that no matter people and people, or people and every creature, even nature, can coexist peacefully."

"Great wishes, you are kind."

"No, maybe I'm just delusional."

"Okay, let's go."

"Mr. Cahall, how are you going to leave? Just like before, move in space?"

"That's not space movement, but an enhanced version of Apparition?" Aisha said with some uncertainty.


"Ellie?" Hema turned her head and found Ellie carrying a small backpack, and ran towards him quickly.

"Don't try to run away!"

"I didn't run away. Why are you looking for me? Not your sister."

"Are you taking me out to play?"

"But wait until I'm done with Astoria."

"But I don't know where your home is, what should I do if I can't find it? You take me home with you."

"I won't..." Hema glanced at Aisha and Cahall behind him. These two were enough to give him a headache, and there was not enough room.

"No... Otherwise, your words don't count!"

"You wait for two days, I will take the initiative to find you!"

"Miss Aisha~ Please persuade him~" Seeing that Hema insisted, Ellie also changed the target of the battle.


"Sister Aisha~"

"Okay...Mr. Hema, I'm going anyway, take Miss Ellie with me."

"Eh... you're going too? Mr. Hema, you're starting again!?" Miss Allie seemed to be looking at a big carrot!

"Mr. Cahall is also following, don't talk nonsense, just follow if you want, but you must inform your sister."


So the four of them were ready to leave, but Cahor said, "Forget it, maybe you can't adapt to the strong space transfer, take the train, I will feel it too."

"Hey?" Hema was taken aback for a moment, where's the quick way to move?

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