"Fire!" A red thread was torn apart on the ground and exploded. Several werewolves were directly repelled by the heat wave. Mobeta couldn't connect it hard, and retreated quickly!

And Hema stood where he was, as the river water kept pouring in and turned into ice thorns that suddenly pierced out one after another, constantly hindering their attacking rhythm!

And Mrs. Greengrass also stood up slowly, and everyone with the black guns lined up, aiming at the dark warlock side, ready to shoot.

"Wait! Let's leave!" An 11 saw this situation, it was impossible to snatch the other party's daughter, so he immediately withdrew his efforts.

Mobeta also ran over directly with the werewolf. They stood together and crushed the crystal. In an instant, they disappeared without a trace in the hail of bullets!

Mrs. Greengrass is also fighting psychologically to keep the other party. After all, there is a powerful person in the distance. If the other party is willing, they can still keep them.

And at this moment, a loud noise shook the ears, and everyone looked around, only to see a white light on the hillside a thousand meters away, which dissipated into nothingness!

And it didn't explode or other methods, it simply disappeared, leaving a flat depression, as if digging a spoon with a spoon.

And in the next second, the entire hill was directly shattered under the gushing of several colored rays of light, and then turned into little pieces of light!

"My God...I'm dazzled." Some wizards who recovered from the exhaustion of their magic power looked at the disappearing hills in front of them, and suddenly felt that they could still sleep.

"Little guy, come back." Hema looked at the situation, and if the fight continued, the mountain might be blown up, and there would be no winner, so she yelled.

Although others couldn't hear it clearly, the little guy could hear it no matter how far away, and then a colored light flashed, and the little guy landed on his shoulder.

It's just that at this time, compared with the snow-white appearance when it just left, it has become much dirty, and there seems to be an extra blood red spot on the right leg.

"You are hurt…"

"Hey... Hey!"

"Hey? What do you mean? The other party is also injured?"

"Almost..." the little guy said softly, it was still stuttering, but it was much better than the original word for word.

"Then can you recover?"

"Already... well." The little guy replied, then flicked his tail, the halo flickered twice, and the blood stains on his legs dissipated, but the halo dimmed a bit.

"Well, let's take a good rest and go back with me to eat delicious food?"

"Hey." The little guy also replied weakly, then jumped into Hema's arms, and turned on the sleep mode. Hema also nodded with a smile, and temporarily put it in the inner pocket of the robe.

"Mr. Aibo, it was this little guy who made the fight just now... What exactly is it?"

"You can treat it as a powerful magical creature. The opposite should be the high-level top blood..." Hema is not sure whether it is the captain or the so-called Holy Blood 9.

"Really...but Miss Aspen..."

"Don't worry, since Mrs. Greengrass said so, Astoria is her own daughter, there should be nothing wrong, and it is true that her magic power has changed, but she just doesn't know when she will wake up. "

"Don't worry, if it's quick, you can wake up as soon as half of the magic power and blood transformation are completed, Daphne, go and see your sister."


"I'm fine." Mrs. Greengrass broke away from Daphne's hand and walked slowly towards Bo Gang and the others, as if she had something to arrange.

But in the next second, another familiar and eye-catching white light flashed across,

To Mrs. Greengrass's head!

But at this moment, Hema felt a cloud of cold air passing by her ears, and saw that familiar figure woke up at some point, took out a long sword from nowhere, and instantly flew the white Light Arrow!

"Astoria?" Hema looked at the other person's eyes and frowned, because at this time one of the other's eyes turned a faint golden color, and there was no emotion in it, which made people feel very strange.

"Mother, are you okay?" Astoria asked lightly.

"Aya!" Daphne saw that her sister had regained her senses, so she quickly hugged her, but Astoria looked dumbfounded, instead of Daphne, her wrists were deadlocked.

"What's wrong with her?" Although Quinn on the side didn't communicate with Astoria for a long time, he could also see that something was wrong with this child.

"Astoria?" Hema called softly, and then slowly walked towards her, but the other party suddenly widened her eyes, pushed Daphne away, and then walked towards Hema.

Daphne and Mrs. Greengrass also saw the changes in Astoria, and suddenly became a little worried.

In the next second, Astoria suddenly raised his hand, and slashed at Hema with a sword. Hema dodged sideways, and a hole was torn open in the ground instantly.

Then he raised it again, and a wave of air was set off from the blade of the sword, knocking Hema back several steps, and then stabbing at his body again!

"Astoria!?" Daphne also yelled, but Astoria obviously didn't want to stop.

"Why are you hiding?"

"If I don't hide, I will be hacked to death by you..." Hema looked at the other party speechlessly, and the other party stared at him blankly, and then slashed up with a sword again!

Hema didn't dodge this time, and directly blocked it with Longhua's arm. With a crisp bang, the opponent was also taken aback, and then a blue light flashed on the blade of the sword, and Hema was sent flying again!

Hema also got up from the ground in a speechless manner. The impact just now was pure magic power, and it was still pure magic power. Although it was a little weaker than the magic power of the Age of Gods, it was almost the same. You are too wasteful!

But before he had any idea, Astoria swung his sword sharply, and a stream of sword energy burst out. Hema also turned sideways to avoid it, and then another stream of sword energy!

Hema struggled to dodge again. After all, his blade could resist, but his sword qi could not, because the blade was still metal, but the sword qi was actually a magic shock wave.

Second only to the magical impact of the Age of Gods, he also knows it by himself, and he will definitely not be able to withstand it!

Accompanied by the rumbling sound coming from the stone wall behind Hema, Hema felt that if he cut down like this again, the old monastery wall would be completely torn in half!

"Astoria, stop, don't make trouble!" Hema also stopped dodging, and after dodging two sword qi, she stepped forward and rushed to Astoria's body.

The opponent also didn't expect Hema to be so fast, so he was stunned and blocked with his sword, but Hema directly hit Astoria's wrist joint with his fist.

The hand holding the hilt trembled suddenly, loosened it for a moment, and then slammed the hilt, and the whole sword flew out and hit the ground next to it!

Hema also took advantage of this moment to grab the opponent's wrist, turned around, came behind Astoria, and bound the opponent's two hands.

But what Hema didn't expect was that the sword that fell on the ground dissipated within a few seconds, like smoke, and a short sword emerged from Astoria's hand again and stabbed him directly!

Hema also pulled away abruptly, and the other party also threw away the dagger casually, and then clasped it with both hands, a two-handed sword with a wide blade slowly appeared in his hand!

"Is this the Unlimited Sword System?" Hema felt like she was playing tricks, but this is too amazing, does King Arthur's blood also include this skill?

But he, who has a sense of magic power, has almost figured out that these blades are real blades, not the product of magic power.

They were directly extracted from another space, and these weapons were stored in another space. If there is no accident, this unknown arsenal is the legacy of King Arthur!

But Hema didn't plan to continue fighting with Astoria. Although he was very happy to see Astoria alive and kicking, this was not the girl he was familiar with after all, but he didn't know where it appeared. problem.

The moment Hema was distracted, the other party also directly slashed up. The thick metal sword burst into blue light, and it was about to cut off his neck in the next second.

Hema, who subconsciously planned to fight back, looked at the opponent's face, but suddenly stopped his wrist. Then he gave up the defensive attack, opened his arms, and directly met the opponent's sword!


"What are you doing!?"

But at the moment when the head was about to be chopped off, the opponent stopped attacking, and the golden eye faded a little, and finally turned into a light blue.

Hema looked at the blade that was only four or five centimeters away from her head, and also breathed a sigh of relief, and gently pulled the blade out of the opponent's hand.

Then he opened his hands and gently embraced him. The other party trembled at first, and pushed him vigorously with both hands, but after a few pushes to no avail, he slowly let go of his hands.

"Don't be afraid, Astoria, I'm here, I'm here, I'll always be here..."

Accompanied by Hema's gentle words, the other party also slowly put his hand on Hema's back, and hugged him gently. Hema also felt a few tears dripping on her neck, but a soft voice And then it sounded.

"I'm back... Hema."

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