Harry Potter and the Dragon Prince

Chapter 380: Confirmed eyes

"Let's go over." Malfoy pressed his hat, and Harry also smiled slightly. He roughly understood what was going on, and put on a mask as well, and the two of them walked past the crowd.

Walking not far from the booth, the fat man who was negotiating the price suddenly felt a different atmosphere. He turned his head and saw two men in black masks walking towards this side.

"Two...what do you want?" The old stall owner was also taken aback, and stood up tremblingly, not daring to neglect, but he had seen a lot of men in black, so he was not afraid, after all, he was also a black wizard. The age of rampage has passed.

"This ring." Harry squeezed his throat and said in a low voice, then picked up the ring.

"10 Galleons." The stall owner still quoted the price, but the fat man next to him smiled. It's so expensive, how could he buy it? The other party will definitely lower the price. No, it's fun to watch a play.

"1 Galleon."

"It's really not enough."

"But this ring originally belonged to our young master. He sent it to that bald guy, but he sold it here. If you don't like Garen, we can give you other things..." Malfoy also said with a choked throat. , the whole person looked vicious.

This made the boss shudder, "Forget about other things, one Galleon is one Galleon!"

In fact, he didn't lose a Galleon. These dozen or so items cost only one Galleon. They were bought from Baldhead, and now they have paid back their capital.

But the fat man next to him was not happy, but before he came over, Malfoy stretched out his wand, which scared him back directly.

"Let's go." Harry took two steps back after getting the ring, and whispered in Malfoy's ear, "It's a wizard from the Ministry of Magic."

"Huh?!" Malfoy glanced back and found two men in overcoats walking towards this side, with a distance of more than ten meters away. They seemed to be looking for suspicious people, and they were very deliberate now.

"Let's go!" Malfoy dropped a Gallon and dragged Harry forward, but as their pace quickened, the pace behind them also quickened.

"Sure enough, he came with us!"

"But why are we running?" Malfoy thought suddenly.

"Although there is no major problem with the Ministry of Magic, it will delay time if you get caught. When the time comes to investigate, both the school and your father will be in trouble!"

"Then hurry up, there's a stove ahead!"


"The two in front stop!" At this moment, the wizard behind also shouted, Harry and Malfoy ran up suddenly, and instantly opened a distance of several meters!


In an instant, they also shouted and pulled out their wands, but fortunately, due to the high flow of people, they did not release them directly. Malfoy and Harry also came to the fireplace and threw the Floo powder casually.

"Outer Hogsmeade!"

With a bang, the two men flung themselves out of the fireplace, but Harry and Malfoy had disappeared in place, leaving a trail of exhaust for both.

"Old Ken?"

"They were talking about Hogsmeade just now, right?"

"Yes, are any of us over there?"

"That's Miss Dogan's office, those two should be there."

"Notify the past!"


And here, Harry and Malfoy also landed successfully, and quickly took off their black robes, but Malfoy was taken aback suddenly, "I seem to have forgotten to buy something for them."

"That's okay, anyway, you didn't fall off the chain once or twice."

"Hmph! It's up to you!"

"Then why don't you mention it to me?"


"You two!" Before the two could confront each other,

A voice broke the peaceful air, and two wizards, one tall and fat, and one thin, came to them.

"Gentlemen, hello..."


"You are... Big Hu... Mr. Lawn..."

"It's me, this is in your hands... you can't be the men in black, right?"

"...Sorry, we helped Mr. Snape go shopping in Diagon Alley, and we were afraid that other people would recognize us and think we were playing truant, so we put on these clothes... I didn't expect that some wizards from the Ministry of Magic saw us and thought we were bad people .”

"That's right, but I have to make a formality. What about the things you bought?"

"This." Harry immediately took out the two small bottles, which made Malfoy stunned, when did you bring these things! ?

"Potion equipment and a potion powder?"

"Yes, there is another ring. We bought it because we thought it looked good. It was discovered at that time. We just need to come back."

"It's okay, don't be afraid, the Ministry of Magic is also following normal rules, by the way, what about Professor Snape's approval note?"

"Here." Malfoy quickly took it out, and then Root came over and touched it with his wand, and realized that it was true. The bearded man also nodded, and there was no problem.

"We'll explain it over there. Of course, we have to call you if necessary, but generally there is no problem. Chief Dog'an can help a little."

"Then please."

"It's okay, let's go back, I think the countdown on Mr. Snape's pass is almost over." Root also smiled, and Malfoy and Harry instantly stood up.

"Immediately!" After speaking, he quickly ran towards the distance.

But the bearded man frowned, and patted Root next to him, "Actually, it was reported just now that two men in black seemed to come out of Knockturn Alley. Do you think this is easy to solve?"

"But Miss Dogan said that if there is no problem, then there is no problem. We believe that she is enough."

"But how do you let me do business?"

"Big Beard, you don't need us to force you, Sister Dogan, she will handle it. You almost overturned Fudge's table last time, so don't worry about it."

"That's right, let's just submit the materials we have, and we will hand over to our sir the ones that are wasted."

"By the way, Lauren, you feel a lot gentler recently, and you don't look like you anymore. Do you have a girlfriend?"

"My eldest daughter is about to give birth, I didn't tell you!"

"Really?!" Lute's eyes widened suddenly, a little inconceivable.

"Of course, what did I lie to you for?"


And Malfoy and Harry also managed to bypass the crowd and came to the Hogwarts grounds. Not far away stood Ellie and Hermione who seemed to be welcoming them.

"What about the rest?"

"Going to rest, how is it? Did you succeed?"

"It succeeded, and it cost me one Galleon. Do you want to reimburse me?" Malfoy let out a sigh of relief, and began to talk about his money loss again.

"Isn't this ring yours? Miss Ravenclaw will thank you when she wakes up, so your father won't thank you any more."

"Ugh... I feel like unless it's Slytherin himself, hanging out with you guys, I'm afraid he won't thank me..."

"Eh... Hurry up anyway!"

Several people also took out the ring, Ellie also looked at the ring, and Hermione next to her also nodded, and took out the soul jade.

In an instant, the soul jade radiated a ray of light, and the dim ring also flickered. Ravenclaw's voice sounded in Hermione's mind, very excited!

"Hermione, it's her, there's nothing wrong!! Hurry up, find a few wizards with powerful magic power, open the restrictions on the soul jade, and find your principal Dumbledore!"


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