Harry Potter and the Dragon Prince

Chapter 382: No matter who you are

"Yo! Did you succeed?" At this moment, that figure appeared again, holding a huge sickle in front of Hema.

"Dark 00, what exactly do you want?"

"I didn't stop you from leaving, congratulations, but your weapon seems to be half-cooked food~"

"You don't need to worry about this, anyway, I did my best." Hema also said casually, holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, the purple light was shining, ready to attack at any time.

"Then let me test how strong your sword is!" After speaking, he swiped the sickle, opened the space in an instant, and came in front of him.

Hema also took out the broken blade and responded directly, and then he was chopped off by the blade, and then cut off his head. The next second, the whole person turned into a cloud of dust and dissipated in the space. .

Dark 00 looked at Hema who had been cut off by him, exhaled, looked at a small gap on his sickle, and showed a unique smile.

"Interesting, really interesting, let me see how far you can grow in the future, Hema Abbott."

"Huh!!!" Accompanied by a big gasp, Hema jumped up from the grass, looked at the surrounding scenery, and felt that being alive was so wonderful for the first time!

"Where's the little guy? Forget it, hurry back... No, it seems that Hema over there is not me? Why don't I just go back to Hogwarts to have a look."

Hema closed her eyes, called out to the little guy twice in her heart, and then touched her own neck. The feeling of being completely severed and close to death just now was really bad.

"However, there is still a bit of effort to be broken." Hema stretched out her arms, and then visualized her soul power again, and then accompanied by a golden light, the formation of a sword was directly outlined, and then slowly solidified.

"Huh... It seems a bit difficult to make a weapon from reality, but it can reduce the concentration of spiritual power and add some magic power, so that the pressure is less. In general, fighting is enough. After all, the weapon that can cut off the soul weapon, then It must be a stronger soul weapon."

So Hema could clearly feel that he should be able to fight well against enemies with relatively weak soul power, at least in close combat, such as Voldemort.

Don't look at your magic, but as long as you give me a chance to get close, we have to say goodbye to you, but Horcruxes are also a problem, especially Harry's side.

But my soul power is so strong, I can develop it a little bit, maybe it can solve the problem of Horcruxes and soul fragments.

Fortunately, he knew roughly where Voldemort's Horcruxes were, so it wouldn't be too difficult for him to deal with them now, but before that, he had to go back and see Miss Hufflepuff.

But what does she mean by saying that she has already met me? I went back halfway, but it must be several years later, I still don't want to.


"You're here, let's go back..."

"I need to rest…"

"Well then, take a break."


"I understand." Hema looked at the little guy who spoke so slickly today, and immediately understood, and took out a handful of beef jerky from her pocket, which was given to him by a classmate in the dormitory.


"That's good, Beauxbatons. I don't know what that woman did when I left. I won't be a public enemy when I go back."

"No, she does...good things."

"I don't believe it, she can actually do good things?"

"At least for you."

"Okay, but your human language is getting better and better. Are you able to communicate normally, but you just don't want to speak?"

"No, not good, slow."

"Then you can't understand others."

"As long as you can understand..."

"That's right. I'm so moved by what I said. It's good that you are a girl." Hema also smiled and hugged the little guy in her arms, feeling the breeze blowing around and the warmth in her arms,

He thinks it's best to be alive!


"Don't be afraid. Look at me, I'm handsome. If you're a girl, then I can be a softie. Just protect me."

"That's it for now... okay?"

"Um, that's right, well, how is your rest?"

"Almost, almost."

Hema took out another piece of jerky and put it near the little guy's mouth. The other party bit it down too, and the two of them disappeared in place in an instant.

In half a minute, Hema and the little guy successfully landed in Dumbledore's office, but there were not so many people there.

There are only Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Dogan and Ellie, and of course two ancient powers. Although it is a bit funny to say this, it is true.


"Phew, I'm in trouble, sorry, everyone."

"It's fine, what trouble did you encounter, blood on the top?" Dog'an came over to check first, and found that there was nothing wrong with Hema's body.

"Basically, a strong man, very strong, but the other party didn't seem to have any intention of targeting me. He just tried my strength and left."

"That's good, but if you call him a strong man, I'm afraid you are a very powerful existence?" Dumbledore seemed to hear something.

"Well, an existence like Mr. Cahall's."

"Yes, but now it seems that they are limited?"

"No, the other party may just think it's a little fun to tease me, a weak person."

"Maybe, yes, let's give you some time to chat with the two alone." Dumbledore suddenly thought of something, and with a wave of his wand, a separate area appeared around Hema, and of course there were two soul stones.

The others didn't say much either, Hema took a chair casually, sat on the edge of the table, and started chatting with the two of them.

"Hema, are you back?"

"I came back safely, but compared to me, I really want to thank you this time... I just want to see you again."


"So I don't have any regrets anymore. We are already people from the previous era. This era is not where we exist. We must leave."

"Huh? Miss Rosa, look at Miss Hale's talking nonsense again!"

"No, no, Hema, what Hull said is indeed correct, but we are indeed the souls of the past. The us in the eyes of many people is actually not who we are now, but Hull, you are also wrong. We originally left Isn't this soul of mine just for the present survival?"

"Survive, but how much power is needed to support it? Unless the powerhouses of the Age of Gods try their best to help us."

"Stop, stop, what you are talking about is not something that needs to be considered now, okay? I can solve your survival problems now, and you have hundreds of years to talk slowly!"

"I'm only in my teens now, and I can still grow. Not only can I help you in the future, but at least I can help you continue to live. So since you have the opportunity, you have to take it seriously. How many soul jades are even opened and discovered? No!"

"Hull, you are the founder of such a great wizarding school as Hogwarts. Will you give up because of this situation? No matter what the road ahead is, I will accompany and help you, so please treat yourself well!"

"Hema...Sorry, I'm just a little bit."

"It's okay, don't worry, even if you are Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, I will still protect you!"

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