Harry Potter and the Dragon Prince

Chapter 44: The End of the Chamber of Secrets (7)

With the slap of the turbulent waves, the three people were directly rushed into the pipeline, and the water hit them behind them like shells, pushing them forward quickly in the pipeline!

Harry also discovered a special point at this time. Although the current was very strong and fast, it did not submerge them, but just pushed them forward!

And Hema in front of him was half floating in the current at this time, as if all the water was moving forward according to his guidance. This kind of strength made Harry feel that Hema was different again.

It does not come from the display of power, but the ability to feel the singularity and particularity of this power that is different from other people's roots.

After half a minute, Harry suddenly heard the voice of the basilisk, and immediately shouted: "There is a fork in the road ahead, he turned right!"

"Understood!" With a wave of Hema's wand, the water flow instantly changed direction, dragging three people to drift in the pipe, and continued to rush towards the Basilisk.

Snape looked at Hema's back, his gaze fluctuated a little. With this strength, if he grows steadily, Voldemort's problem will not be a problem in the future.

At this time in Hogwarts, several professors first notified the prefects of each school and asked them to gather all the students in the auditorium.

After all, although unified protection is also dangerous, compared to scattered, the professor sits in charge, and the senior students can also take care of the lower grade students.

The basilisk also suffered a lot of injuries, and it was almost impossible to break through the defenses of so many professors, so they chose to gather together.

Because of Snape's absence, the Snake Court was notified by senior students and two fast-moving ghosts, Bloody Barrow and Professor Binns.

So the auditorium was full of people in a short while, although this time is not for lunch, of course, because tomorrow is Christmas, I will leave by car in a few hours, so there will be no classes in the afternoon.

Astoria also just came to the auditorium. Originally, she was taking care of her sister in the school hospital, but Madam Pomfrey forced her here.

She turned around, but didn't find Hema. She heard the professors say that he went to help Professor Snape hunt down the monster in the secret room. Although she was still a little worried, she was also a little happy.

At least in this way, Hema would not have to bear the stigma of being the heir to the secret room and attacking other students. She was quite happy.

Moreover, Professor Sprout said that the potion to undo the petrification can be prepared in a few days, and my sister will wake up soon, and go home together for the reunion.

Originally, my mother planned to send my sister to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries, but there is no antidote for petrification there for the time being, so it is better to wait for the antidote at Hogwarts.

And just as Astoria continued to think about things, she felt the ground tremble suddenly, she looked at other people, and the students of other colleges were also looking around, obviously it was not her hallucination.

"Sister Anconia, I feel a little danger here, let's go there!" Astoria frowned, feeling more and more bad!

Anconia is a 6th grade student of the Snake Academy and one of the 6 prefects. Although it is not a big family, but with its excellent grades and leadership ability, it is regarded as the most acclaimed existence among the prefects of the Snake Academy.

Anconia was also taken aback at this time. After all, she didn't know much about Astoria, but she also knew that she was a taciturn girl. At this time, she was so serious when she told her that she was surprisingly concerned.

"...Then... well, I feel a little bit wrong." After thinking for a while, feeling a slight tremor under her feet, Anconia also nodded.

"Attention Slytherins, we're going to Hufflepuff first, be careful where you step!"

"Hey? Why are you crowded with those guys~"

"But the ground is really shaking!"

"What? Can the monster come out of the ground?"

"But the prefect said it all!"

Whispering from below,

In the end, although some people were not very happy, they followed the arrangement of the two prefects, Anconia and Dolan, and walked towards Hufflepuff.

Anconia also hurriedly found Hufflepuff's prefect and discussed it. After all, the other party had to agree to their coming.

Fortunately, Badger Yard and Snake Yard didn't have much to deal with, but they still gave up a space for the students of Snake Yard in the spirit of kindness and simplicity.

Professor Sprout, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick also returned to the auditorium after arranging most of the things.

Now, except for Snape, Hema, and Harry, everyone came to the auditorium. Fortunately, the auditorium is already very big, and there is a lot of room left for each meal.

Now that most of the tables and chairs have been withdrawn, it looks wider. Many students who like Quidditch are even discussing whether the auditorium can be used as an indoor Quidditch training ground.

"Professor McGonagall!"

At this moment, a boy's voice sounded from the door of the auditorium, and Ron walked in with a water-stained body, and there were several figures lying behind him.


Several professors hurried over, and Gryffindor, who was near the door, also immediately recognized the boy. It was Ron who hadn't seen him just now.

"George... Ron, he came back alive, and mom is going to make another meal."

"Haha, by the way, is that Ginny?"

"Let's go and have a look!"

Although the twins are always laughing and joking, they still care about their friends and family very much, so they ran over quickly.

"What's the matter? Weasley?"

"It's Voldemort! He controlled Ginny to open the Chamber of Secrets, and later controlled Hermione, but now he is dead, but the Basilisk is still alive!"

Although Ron said it was very hasty and didn't have any details, but fortunately it was concise and clear, and several professors understood it in an instant.

"Where are Potter, Abbott and Professor Snape?"

"Still in the secret room, they told me to leave first!"

"Professor Sprout, you and Professor Flitwick are staying here, Madam Pomfrey, come here, these two children need your care."

"This Lockhart?" Pomfrey came over and frowned when he saw Lockhart lying there, even still snoring.

"Don't worry about him, just let him lie here!" Sprout, who was always kind, said unhappily. She hated this kind of guy who talked big and didn't do practical things the most.

"Ron, is Ginny okay?"

"There should be no major problem, after all Voldemort has been wiped out!"

"You mean... You-Know-Who? Has he been defeated?"

"I don't know either. That should be part of Voldemort. Anyway, it's weird. Let me tell you in detail."

Ron was pulled aside by the twins, and the students from other colleges felt a little terrified when they saw Ginny, Hermione, and Lockhart lying on the ground.

Hannah stood inside the Hufflepuff team, looked at Ron who was covered in stains in the distance, clenched his fists, and murmured, "It must be all right, Hema."

"Yo, Hannah, what's up?"

"It's Hema's business, I'm worried that something will happen to him..."

"It's okay, why did that person have an accident, so strong... hey? Why does the ground... feel a little shaking..."


At the same time, all the students felt the shaking under their feet at the same time, just like an earthquake, and several students even fell to the ground directly.

"The sound of running water!?"

"No, there are some animal sounds..."

Looking at the far right side of the auditorium, Mag took a deep breath and put his wand on his neck, "All students, move this way!"

But before Professor McGonagall's words fell, there was a thunderous bang from the floor of the auditorium. Half a second later, there was a muffled bang, the ground was pierced directly, and a huge black shadow rushed out with water splashes!

Dark green scales, a pair of huge gray-yellow eyes swept around, and the huge body instantly cast a shadow on the auditorium!

Roar~! ! !

With a roar, the basilisk rushed up to the students it had used as food in the panic it had just seen, and the crowd burst into screams!

The prefect shouted with great effort to maintain order, but for many lower grade students, they couldn't bear the pressure at all, and ran to the door quickly!

The flow of people began to squeeze each other, many students were directly squeezed to the ground, and the voices of the professors were completely drowned out in the crowd!

Astoria was directly squeezed by the flow of people, and was instantly squeezed out, exposed to the place closest to the basilisk!

The basilisk shook its head and bit directly at Astoria and the two Hufflepuff students next to it!

At the moment of life and death, there was another bang, and a stream of water sprayed out of the hole drilled by the basilisk just now, like a long spear, directly piercing the basilisk's neck!

Astoria felt the water dripping on her body, and a familiar figure appeared in front of her.

"Surprised you, Miss Green~"

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