Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 101 The Werewolf Lupine (Part 1)

It happened an hour before Louis woke up.

Draco Malfoy and his three men were rushing towards the dungeon with grimaces on their faces. They originally wanted to interfere with Harry Potter, but their opponents turned them around and put them in solitary confinement.

"If it weren't for that old guy Dumbledore who likes to be nosy." Malfoy cursed and saw a red-haired boy wearing Gryffindor clothes.

"Hey, isn't this a child from the Weasley family? Why, a rat has come to us." Malfoy sneered, while Crabbe and Goyle looked sneer on their faces.

There was no anger on Ron's face, as if what Malfoy said had nothing to do with him. When Draco came closer, Ron finally spoke:

"You must be Lucius's son."

Draco's eyes narrowed, and he seemed to feel that Ron was completely different from what he had seen before.

Moreover, he actually called his father by his first name. You know, even the current Minister of Magic uses Mr. Malfoy as an honorific title.

By the way, Dad mentioned that he had an old friend who had known him for many years at Hogwarts, and he held secrets that could bring down Dumbledore.

"Are you Mr. Peter?" Malfoy tried uncertainly. His father had told him that the man's name was Peter Pettigrew, who had died in front of everyone.

Draco didn't know how the dead came back to life, but his father's words were always correct.

Ron smiled evilly, looking like a rat with sinister features and sly eyes.

"But why did you become Weasley?" Draco didn't understand what the purpose of pretending to be Ron was.

He took out an empty bottle of potion reagent from his pocket and handed it to Malfoy.

Draco opened the reagent, sniffed it in front of his nose, and suddenly felt enlightened.

"Polyjuice Potion?"

Draco licked his lips. He naturally knew this potion, which was known as the strongest disguise in the wizarding world.

But where would the real Ron Weasley be?

"Lucius said that you have a plan, and perhaps my explosive inside information can help you."

Draco nodded, and a conspiracy was born.

"Harry, wake up, Harry!"

Ron returned to the Gryffindor common room and woke up the sleeping Harry. Harry opened his sleepy eyes and stared at Ron in surprise, wondering why his good friend was so crazy in the middle of the night.

"It's Lupin. Something happened to Professor Lupin and he went crazy!" Ron said breathlessly.

"Crazy?" Harry's face looked even more strange. How could Professor Lupin, a well-behaved person, go crazy.

"I don't know either. I just came back from outside. When I passed by his office, there were strange noises and someone's screams!"

"But in this case, shouldn't we tell Professor McGonagall first?"

"It's too late!" Ron looked anxious, "The situation is a bit critical. Harry, come with me to have a look."

"Okay." Harry took out his invisibility cloak from the suitcase and put it on his and Ron's heads. The two passed under Sir Cadogan's horse. At this moment, the bellicose old man Dozing off on the horse.

Walking through the dark corridors of the castle, the two of them headed straight to the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher's office. This wasn't Harry's first night walk in the castle, but it was the first time he felt a biting chill.

"The Alajo hole opens."

Entering the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Lupin's office is facing the back of the classroom. Harry took off the invisibility cloak, looked at the silent office door, and asked strangely:

"There's nothing going on here, Ron? Ron?"

When he turned his head, he found that Ron Weasley had disappeared without a trace, and he was the only one in this dark classroom.

Suddenly, there was a soft sound of opening the door of the closed classroom behind him.

Then, a boy with a silver wand appeared in front of Harry.

"I see you're still here Potter."

"It turns out it was you, Malfoy." Harry pointed his wand at Malfoy, "What was your purpose in tricking me here?"

"Lying to you? Haha." Malfoy sneered, "I just want to tell you some facts."

"What are you making up again, Malfoy?" Harry frowned and yelled at him.

"It seems you don't know yet." Malfoy smacked his mouth. "It's so pitiful that you were deceived by your most trusted teacher for so long."

Harry was about to say something when suddenly, a burst of frightened screams came from Lupin's office.

That scream was particularly loud in this silent castle, and it inevitably woke up the students living in Gryffindor Tower.

"Ron!" Harry panicked, and the voice that came from the office was Ron Weasley. He seemed to be scared and kept knocking on the office door.

Harry was about to go over, but was blocked by Crabbe and Goyle.

"Get out of the way!" Harry's tone was extremely nonchalant, and he looked at the Slytherin student who was two heads taller than him with an angry expression.

"Don't worry, Potter, everyone hasn't arrived yet, your good brother will be fine." Malfoy looked at the magic watch in his hand.

Not long after he finished speaking, a bustling crowd came to the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, obviously attracted by the big movement here.

"Malfoy, it's not worth the trip if you don't have some breaking news for me."

"Don't worry, Justin, I will definitely make you want to come back."

"Malfoy, what the hell are you doing."

Draco Malfoy waved his hand, and Crabbe and Goyle made room for Harry.

"Don't come over! Don't come over!"

Ron called again, and Harry rushed directly to Lupin's office in a hurry.

Malfoy smiled, like a conductor making an announcement, and swung his wand forward. Suddenly, a red light flashed from the front of the wand, flew past Harry, and hit the door directly.

If there is a barrage at this moment, it must be a high-energy front that fills the screen.

The door was opened in an instant, and the students in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom rushed forward, but the sight that greeted them made them collectively take a breath.

Harry was the first person to rush into the office. This was the second time he came to Lupin's office, but this time he saw the mess on the floor, tables and chairs scattered aside, and papers flying everywhere. Ron was even more frightened and slumped in the corner.


Harry helped the frightened Ron, but he grabbed Harry and screamed like crazy.

"Harry, leave quickly. It's too dangerous here. Then Lupin, Lupin is..."

"What's wrong with Professor Lupin?" Harry suddenly had a bad premonition.

Ron pointed in that direction, and Harry looked along. It was a curled gray thing.

"Remus Lupin, he's a werewolf!"

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