Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 101 The Three Terms of a House Elf

"Harry Potter should listen to Dobby. Harry Potter should go home when he can't catch the train. It was Dobby who blocked the platform. At least that way you can get out of here. Harry Potter must go home, Dobby." Dobby thought that the Quaffle could make Harry Potter understand that Dobby was not trying to kill you. Dobby still remembered what kind of life we ​​lived before Harry Potter defeated the man who must not be named, our house elf. Dobby's life is worse than a pig or a dog. Of course, Dobby's current life is also worse than a pig. Dobby dresses like this because the house elf is a slave, so he dresses like this. Dobby can only dress like this if his master gives him clothes. Be free. Listen to me, something terrible is going to happen at Hogwarts, and Harry Potter must not stay here, because history will repeat itself. Dobby can't say more. Dobby just wants Harry Potter to be safe. "

Dobby had been to the medical service, and under Harry Potter's questioning, Dobby said everything he could.

It was Dobby who blocked the platform, almost causing Harry Potter and Ron to be expelled.

It was Dobby who controlled the Quaffle and chased Harry desperately, causing Harry Potter to be injured.

It's Dobby, it's Dobby, which makes Harry Potter extremely angry, wondering where on earth he provoked it.

Dobby didn't care about Harry Potter threatening to strangle him. Dobby was used to such threats. Dobby was threatened at least five times a day at home. But Dobby would harm himself, and Dobby would burn his hands with an iron.

Looking at the house elf's injured hands, Harry Potter didn't know how to communicate with him.

In the lobby on the first floor, students from various colleges can use it freely when not eating.

"Ron! Do you know about house elves?"

"A house elf is a very... strange creature, usually serving a certain wizarding family. But... this creature has three deep-rooted natures."

As a member of a wizarding family, Ron knew more about this than Harry Potter.

"Hmm! What kind of nature do you have?" Hermione, who was sitting elsewhere, curiously sat over and intervened after hearing this.

"First, house elves cannot take human lives, nor can they sit back and watch human lives being killed."

Ron rubbed his nose. It felt great to be able to popularize knowledge to his classmates like a professor.

"Isn't this great? It can't kill, and it has the habit of saving people like dolphins." Hermione asked softly.

"No... it's too bad, because killing and hurting are not the same thing. If you can be paralyzed to save your life, the house elf will do it without hesitation..."

Ron himself felt so terrible, scratched his head and continued.

"The second rule is that without violating the first rule, house elves must obey the orders of wizards, and the wizard orders of his family are the highest! Of course, you can't order a house elf to kill, but if If you are the head of the family, you can basically give any order, including asking them to die..."

"Are you sure this is nature?" Harry Potter asked with some uncertainty.

"This is evil slave labor!" Hermione, who had been much quieter in Ravenclaw, suddenly roared, "No normally evolved creature would have such an inexplicable nature! This must be evil. The result of magical distortion." She looked angry.

"Huh? What is evolution?" Ron scratched his head. "The third thing is, without violating the first and second natures, house elves cannot sit back and watch being hurt by others."

"Hmph, that's all it sounds like." Hermione's voice was indignant.

"But if the owner asks them to commit suicide, it can be done. However, the owner of the house elf will usually give an order to ignore other people's orders that may harm the elf. In this way... other people cannot use the order. To harm the elves in this way, because it conflicts with the second principle," Ron said.

"So..." Harry Potter thought about Dobby's situation, "So is there any way I can order the house elf to do something?"

"Hmm... I don't know. If you are sure that it will obey your orders and not disobey its master's orders... then your orders will be valid. But generally speaking, elves with a family will be ordered by the master to 'Don't Accept orders from others, so due to priority issues, the house elf will only obey the orders of the owner. Of course, if you use other methods such as requests or inducements to make him willing to do certain things, that's fine. Call 'Command'!"

"So...why did the house elf beat himself?"

Harry Potter thought of Dobby who was inexplicably self-inflicted. He had never thought that a house elf was such a creature, and asked with some worry.

"Well... because of those three natures and the personality of the elves themselves, they sometimes get into very puzzling situations." Ron said with some uncertainty, "I think that might be the case...".

"So what's going on with house elves? Such a strange nature can be called strange even in the wizarding world." Hermione asked, glaring at Ron fiercely, as if he had caused all this. .

"Actually, there's nothing strange about it!"

Ron planned to ignore Hermione's attitude, yawned, turned around and lay down on the table to sleep. He really didn't know why Ravenclaw was in such good spirits.

"It's very simple! There may be two situations that caused this result. Either you became a slave because of your hopeless nature, or you were given that strange nature because you were treated as a slave. Obviously , both are possible.”

Zhang Qiu sat next to Hermione. As a sister in Ravenclaw, it was her duty to answer questions for her sisters.

"Can magic change the nature of a race and make it so absurd?" Hermione gritted her teeth and said, "This... is simply too much..."

"Why is it impossible? I believe Hermione you know the example of the moon and the werewolf. It is the simplest example. In addition, if it is manipulated properly and combined with the power of the stars, it can even make dragons all over the world Such a powerful creature loses its mind at the same time. This is what magic is all about! As long as you have the will, you can do anything."

"Well, I don't want to see the house elves get hurt." Hermione thought painfully. "I have to do something... think of a way!"

From this moment on, Hermione was on the road to rescuing the house elves, which also pushed her to eventually take the position of Minister of Magic.

Christmas is coming, decorations are everywhere, but there are always mischievous people.

Peeves used red paint to write the words to open the secret room on the wall of the empty corridor.

"The secret chamber has been opened, enemies of the heir, beware!"

By coincidence, after Peeves finished writing, Harry Potter happened to be walking by alone and looked up, and then Filch appeared from the other side.

"Harry Potter! I want you to pay the price. Do you know what you are doing? Do you think I haven't done enough work?"

Filch's roar echoed throughout the corridor, and students who heard the sound rushed to watch.

"Harry Potter, do you really think you are the descendant of Slytherin?"

Draco laughed inexplicably at Harry Potter, and the Slytherins suddenly burst into laughter.

Such a scene made Harry Potter think that he was framed by Malfoy, and that the heir of Slytherin must be Malfoy.

"It must be you, right! I demand a duel with you."

Ron jumped out, raised the broken wand in his hand, and challenged Draco to a duel.

It seems that the dueling club training during this period has allowed the children to develop a good habit of resolving disputes through dueling.

"It seems you haven't eaten enough slugs! Weasley!"

Draco also drew out his wand. When he saw that the two were about to duel, the students around them immediately backed away and made way for a circle.

"Everyone stop it!"

Dumbledore came over, along with other professors and Regulus Black.

Looking at the writing on the wall, the thick letters cannot be distinguished from the handwriting, and the writing content is so sensitive.

"Regulus! What do you think?"

"It must have been Peeves."

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