Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 104 The Nautilus surfaces

Seeing Lucius scolding his elf like this, Regulus Black had some ideas.

Why is this house elf different? Let alone Aunt Rowling's destiny, there should be a reasonable explanation for such a thing in reality. The servility of house elves is deeply rooted, and it is absolutely impossible for them to betray their masters, so no matter how Dobby explains it , the reason for Harry Potter to leave Hogwarts, its behavior is essentially a kind of betrayal.

So the strange thing is that in this place, Aunt Rowling violated her own setting for the protagonist.

"Lucius! Is this the only house elf you have?"

Regulus Black asked seemingly casually, and the Malfoy couple and house elf Dobby who were present were stunned.

"You mean Dobby? The Malfoy family also has house elves in other properties, but it is the only one in Malfoy Manor. What? Is there any problem?"

Lucius already understood at this time that Regulus Black would not say this casually. His house elf must have gone outside and done something.

"Maybe you should add another command to him, I think I've seen it appear elsewhere."

Regulus Black would not say specifically where he found Dobby, but Lucius would be able to find out later.

"Is that so? Dobby, from today on you are not allowed to leave Malfoy Manor without my order, unless I take you out."

Lucius knew that the guest was around, so it was not a good time to interrogate Dobby, but since he mentioned that it was easy to add another order, he was not allowed to go out without permission unless he was taken out by the master, so that would be enough.

No matter how disobedient the house elves are, the contract in their bones will still force them to do what their master asks.

This eliminated one of Harry Potter's potential helpers. Regulus Black wanted to see how far he could change his destiny. Dobby the house elf was not the first to have his destiny changed. It won't be the last one either.

"Regulus! May I know why you must want that dock?"

Lucius raised his glass to invite him, and Regulus Black also took a sip of honor.

"Because it's the Black family's property! If I don't take back all the family's property, there's no point in revitalizing the family."

The knife and fork in his hand was cutting the lamb chops, and there was a bowl of white cod fish soup next to it. Both of them tasted good. It was obvious that Lucius had put his thoughts into it. This kind of thing can be understood through Draco's correspondence. arrive.

However, Regulus Black's answer was obviously not what Lucius wanted to know, and it was obviously perfunctory.

"Let's put it this way! In fact, I have carefully inspected the entire dock and found no traces of magic. I don't think you want to return to the dock just to get back the family property. As far as I know, the Black family has a church. Industry, although you applied for arbitration, you were not very active. "

Lucius didn't want to guess any more riddles. After all, the two sides would have to communicate more deeply in the future, and it would be better for each of them to be more honest.

After finishing the last piece of lamb chop, Regulus Black took another sip of the fish soup and wiped his mouth with a napkin with satisfaction.

"Actually, the most valuable thing in the dock is not the dock itself. Under the water of this deep-water dock, sleeps a treasure from the end of the last century, Captain Nemo's submarine, a technological product without any magical power. Perhaps only the wreckage remains. ”

Regulus Black spread his hands and said that even if there were treasures that could be unearthed, they might just be waste, a pile of junk.

Although Lucius didn't quite understand why Regulus Black was still interested in the dock since it was all a pile of junk, this explanation was enough to satisfy his curiosity.

Dobby came to take away the plates, and the three wizards came to the study.

"This is an official document confirmed by the Ministry of Magic. You only need to sign it and go to the Ministry of Magic to register it."

Lucius took out the handover document that he had already prepared from his desk.

"Then it's time for me to leave, Narcissa! The family dinner was very nice."

After flipping through the documents, Regulus Black was about to stand up and leave. He still needed to confirm the situation at the dock.

"You can come here often when you have time, by the way! Let's turn on the fireplaces in Malfoy Manor and the old house in Morris Square! I have already submitted an application to the Ministry of Magic."

Narcissa Malfoy said kindly that although the transfer of assets this time caused the Malfoy family to suffer losses, it also connected them with the Black family again. This move cannot be explained clearly by the word profit.

It was already afternoon after the family dinner at Malfoy Manor. There was nothing to do today, so we could go directly to the dock.

Although he has been applying for this property, Regulus Black does not know the specific address, because magic can achieve many confidentiality measures. Although workers come in and out of this dock every day to load and unload goods, but for wizards, maybe It's confidential.

What is now marked on the document is the correct address and the corresponding magic pattern content.

Regulus Black looked at it and found that the address was not far from London, but it was also a very remote port town.


Regulus Black appeared outside the dock in an instant. The morning fish market had ended, and workers were cleaning up the scene. There was a hint of cool air coming from the ground washed by a large amount of water.

Stepping on the water marks and broken ice, Regulus Black found the person in charge here...Mark.

Mark is an old professional manager. Although he was hired by wizards to manage the dock, he does not know the difference between wizards and Muggles at all. As an excellent wage earner, he is only responsible to the boss.

So when Regulus Black handed the document in his hand to the other party, the other party quickly accepted the fact that there was a new boss.

After the dock boss took Regulus Black for another inspection, he finally had a preliminary understanding of the situation at the dock.

Through magical exploration, it was discovered that there was indeed a ship under the harbor. The Black family's records were correct, but because the harbor was small and the water was very deep, no one had ever discovered the sunken ship below.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the workers all got off work as usual, and even Mark left the dock after saying hello.

Regulus Black stayed alone, and the sound of the ship's motor in the distance gradually faded away.

"Well first! Muggle-repelling curse!"

Regulus Black changed his wand to the best one in the four-piece set [Blood Crystal]. As the wand was raised high, streaks of blood spread like oil dripping into the water, covering the entire dock. They were all wrapped up to form a spherical shield.

In this way, there will be no Muggles to disturb you. All Muggles who approach intentionally or unintentionally will change their direction because of such and such things, just like a single man chasing a goddess, who is just out of reach.

"Repaired as good as new!"

A huge amount of magical power was driven into the water, directly hitting the underwater bottom of the dock. A pile of metal accessories covered by the silt resonated with the support of magic.

"Generally speaking, the hull is still intact, but there are many cracks."

Feeling his magic power operating under the water, Regulus Black sketched a 3D effect of the ship's hull composition in his mind.

The Nautilus has a unique shape, like a huge machete. The main color of the shell is white, covered with 19th-century carvings, and the interior is also quite gorgeous. In 1899, this ship was a divine ship at that time. It was very fast, had a very hard shell, and had very strong firepower.

In addition, it also comes with a very modern car for the time.

Although not magical, the Nautilus and its matching car are the product of alchemy.

Although it has been soaked in the sea for nearly a hundred years, its former glory can still be seen when it is seen again in the light of day.

The repaired Nautilus automatically floated to the surface, and its entire length just filled the pier.

“There’s a lot of restoration work to do!”

Regulus Black raised his hand and put the entire Nautilus into the system space.

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