Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 123 Everyone has their own script

Harry Potter has always known that the students in the college are fighting each other fiercely this year. The 'Petrify All' curse seems to have no magic power. It is used by the fighting students with the greatest magic power, so that the medical service is now overcrowded. , Madam Pomfrey has used the 'Invisible Stretching Charm' to expand the medical service several times.

Harry Potter once asked Hermione why he should use the maximum magic power and why he should use 'petrification' as a method of attack. The answer he got was both unexpected and reasonable. This is because Harry Potter said Parseltongue! Because the presence of Parseltongue means the opening of the chamber of secrets, because the opening of the chamber of secrets means the appearance of the monster in the chamber of secrets.

Although it is not clear why everyone chooses to use 'Petrify All', it seems to have something to do with the monsters in the secret room, because the monsters in the secret room are said to have this ability. As for using the maximum magic power to attack, that is because after using ordinary magic power to attack, it is very easy to It would be easy for the professors to break the curse, so they would know who attacked them, and no one wanted to be punished for such a thing.

Therefore, it has become a consensus among everyone to use the strongest magic power and use the 'all petrified' spell. Anyway, you can rely on the monster in the secret room, so why not!

However, now Ron has been taken into the secret room. What's going on? Wasn't it true that the promised opening of the secret room was false? The monster in the secret room is also fake, right? Ron disappeared in just a blink of an eye, and Harry Potter felt like he couldn't tell the difference between reality and fiction.

"Sorry! I overslept. I didn't miss anything."

Gilderoy Lockhart appeared here with a glowing face and full of energy. Compared to the nervousness of the others, he looked very relaxed.

"A student was captured by the monster in the Chamber of Secrets, Lockhart! Your chance to show off has finally come. Didn't you say last night that you always knew where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets was?"

Snape pushed Gilderoy Lockhart out of the way and blamed him for the incident.

"Okay! Lockhart, I'll ask you to deal with the monsters alone. After all, we have never seen you show off your skills."

Professor McGonagall continued to strike, vowing to crucify Gilderoy Lockhart in this matter.

"No problem, then I'll go back to my office and get ready."

Gilderoy Lockhart showed a very confident expression, then turned and left.

"Lockhart may be really useless, but he is planning to enter the Chamber of Secrets now. At least I should tell him everything I know, Professor! I have something to tell you."

Harry Potter trotted muttering to himself all the way into the Defense Against the Dark Arts office. As soon as he opened the door and wanted to talk to Gilderoy Lockhart, he saw him packing his things as if he were preparing to move.

"Are you leaving here?"

Harry Potter was shocked that there was someone like Gilderoy Lohar among the professors.

"Uh! Yes! I have something urgent and I have to go."

Gilderoy Lockhart said seriously that if he didn't leave now, he would wait until later.

"What about Ron Weasley? He's my best friend."

When he thought about being taken away by the monster from the Chamber of Secrets just as he turned left outside, Harry Potter actually felt a little guilty, feeling as if it was his own fault.

"Well...no one is more sad about this unfortunate incident than me."

Gilderoy Lockhart continued to pack the boxes, saying that he was sad or something was completely perfunctory.

"You are our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor! You can't just leave like this."

Harry Potter tried to use the other party's identity to trap Gilderoy Lockhart, but how could Gilderoy Lockhart, with his superb acting skills, agree! He made an agreement with Regulus Black and pretended to be leaving, allowing Harry Potter to force him into the Chamber of Secrets.

"I have to say, when I took the job, there was no mention of venturing into a locked room."

Um! This is the truth. Dumbledore never expected that there would be a secret room incident!

"You plan to run away? But your book says you are so great?"

First as a professor, and now as an author and adventurer? This is not enough to trap Gilderoy Lockhart! Boy, you have to use force.

"That's a misunderstanding!"

Gilderoy Lockhart denied himself, everything was a misunderstanding, come on! Point your wand at me, Harry!

"But you wrote that! Get rid of it!"

Gilderoy Lockhart had nothing to say about Harry Potter's naivety, and it seemed that he could only explain it to him in detail.

"Can you use your common sense? How could my book sell so well if people didn't believe the experiences in my book?"

Gilderoy Lockhart talked about a few marketing secrets. In fact, this is common knowledge that everyone in the industry knows.

"You liar, you just took the heroic deeds of other wizards and attributed them to yourself. You must have some magic!"

Oh...have you finally started swearing? Very good, it seems that we need to work harder, so that Harry Potter can work harder.

"That's right! Since you asked that, my memory spell is quite strong. Otherwise, those wizards would come to nag me, and my book would be unconvincing."

Hahahaha, as a senior official of the Intelligence Section of the Ministry of Magic, there is no need to explain what kind of people those wizards who have had their memories taken away are! It’s good to say it’s recycling waste! The Intelligence Section has always been short of funds.

"In fact, I'm going to make you lose your memory too."

Seeing Harry Potter's furious look, when it was finally time to deliver the final blow, Gilderoy Lockhart slowly began to look for his wand, hey! Where's my wand! Ah, here it is, finally found.

"Don't even think about it."

As soon as Gilderoy Lockhart turned around, he saw that Harry Potter had already drawn his wand and pointed it at him, but the child obviously didn't know that two wizards could not threaten each other when they pointed their wands at each other. Yes, only to see who uses the magic spell first, this is the most correct choice for all duels.

But Harry Potter obviously didn't have this concept. This naughty kid actually shook the magic spell in his hand and signaled Gilderoy Lockhart to put down his wand. This was simply ridiculous. Gilderoy Lockhart really wanted to Give this naughty kid a try, but when you think about it, it doesn't match the script. The Black family member might really kill him, so Gilderoy Lockhart decisively gave up.

Harry Potter pointed his wand at Gilderoy Lockhart and escorted him all the way through the deserted Hogwarts.

"Severus! Everything went as expected. What do you think of the final result?"

Dumbledore watched quietly from around the corner as Harry Potter escorted Gilderoy Lockhart into Myrtle's women's bathroom. He was obviously a little surprised. After all, this was all related to Regulus. As Black expected, he followed his script exactly.

"It is said that I am an assistant who is preparing to shoot a movie in the Muggle world. I think I am good at writing scripts. We are actors who follow instructions. Everyone has our own script. When we say the lines, our faces freeze."

What Snape actually wanted to say was that it was so embarrassing to act like a secret room monster, and he was suffering from embarrassment.

Professor McGonagall stood aside with the same embarrassed expression. If he didn't have to face Harry Potter directly, he might not be able to say those lines. In the end, when Harry Potter suddenly appeared, he only needed to say the last line, McGonagall. Professor Ge also turned around after speaking. It was really embarrassing. This was completely different from attending class.

However, Harry Potter seems to be completely involved in it, and now he even kidnaps the professor.

"Then let's all go to the Medical Service and wait for the results! Regulus said that Harry Potter will be sent to the Medical Service in the end no matter what. There are still a few hours before the Mandrake can be used, Severus Si! I have to ask you to help make the potion. There are too many children in the medical service. It’s time to stop this secret room incident.”

With the presence of the old god Dumbledore, he left with a few professors.

Regulus Black agreed to Dumbledore's request and arranged everything. Even Gilderoy Lockhart was violently surrendered by him and agreed to the content of this cooperation. It was actually very easy. Just need to use his acting talents.

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