Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 125 The Adventures of Porter's Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter was a little confused about the sudden bravery of Gilderoy Lockhart, who had always been timid, but since Professor Gilderoy Lockhart was willing to save people, that was the best thing.

After the two people passed through a heavy iron door again, they finally arrived at Slytherin's secret room.

The snake heads on both sides add to the eerie atmosphere, and a figure is lying next to the old man's stone statue in the distance.

"Ron! Ron, you must not die. Wake up, wake up... Please, wake up."

Harry Potter ran quickly and came to Ron's side. Just like in the original book, he threw his wand aside and reached out to check Ron's body.

Gilderoy Lockhart followed, but a figure appeared before him. Regulus Black also came to Harry Potter's side and made a silencing gesture to him.

Regulus Black picked up Harry Potter's wand and stroked it slowly in his hand. Although he just stood aside, Harry Potter didn't notice at all.

"Although he is still alive, he cannot wake up, and he is not far from death."

Regulus Black had to remind Harry Potter that your friend Ron was dying.

"Who are you? What do you mean he can't wake up?"

Harry Potter turned around and looked at Regulus Black, his eyes flashed with silver, as if he had never seen him before. In fact, the person in Harry Potter's eyes at this moment was 16-year-old Tom Riddle. look.

"I am Tom Riddle, and I am the memory left here. No one has been here as a guest in 50 years."

Regulus Black continued to assume the role of Tom Riddle and glanced at Gilderoy Lockhart.

Gilderoy Lockhart stood aside, watching everything that happened with strange eyes without making a sound, while Harry Potter seemed to have completely forgotten the existence of Gilderoy Lockhart at this moment, and was just looking at Harry. kindness.

Gilderoy Lockhart couldn't help frowning because the legendary savior performed so poorly. It was so disappointing.

"He's as cold as ice, Ron, please don't die. We have to save him, there are monsters here."

Harry Potter turned to 'Tom Riddle' for help, which made Gilderoy Lockhart behind him roll his eyes.

"Of course there is a monster in the secret room. This monster is the basilisk. It only appears when it is summoned."

Regulus Black had to wave the wand in his hand, which belonged to Harry Potter.

Our savior finally sees his wand fall into the hands of this unknown man.

"Give me my wand, we have to save him and get him out of here."

Harry Potter seemed to be feeling abnormal at this time and spoke a little irritably, but he still didn't know what was going on.

"You won't need to use it. I'm afraid I can't do anything about your request. You have to know that as poor Ron becomes weaker and weaker, I become stronger and stronger. That's right! It's me who is absorbing Ron's strength. Life, I let the basilisk bring him to the secret room."

Regulus Black admitted everything directly, the Chamber of Secrets, monsters, everything Harry Potter wanted to know.

"Who are you anyway?"

Harry Potter finally started to panic. It was obvious that Tom Riddle in front of him had some kind of conspiracy, but he didn't recognize him at all and didn't understand why he would do this.

"Actually, my target is you. I have been thinking of ways to contact you these past few months, because you are the person I am most eager to see. I must see you, I must talk to you, so I sent a basilisk to petrify some students at Hogwarts, so that idiot Hagrid would be imprisoned in Azkaban again."

Regulus Black said, pretending to be proud.

"Hagrid is my friend. It was you who opened the Chamber of Secrets 50 years ago, right!"

When Harry Potter heard that Hagrid was imprisoned in Azkaban, it turned out to be his conspiracy. He was no longer afraid, but became more courageous. In order to protect his friends, for Ron, and for Hagrid, Harry Potter Want to... calm down! The wand is in the other person's hand.

"My views are different from Hagrid, but Dumbledore has always believed in Hagrid. After I opened the Chamber of Secrets, I was monitored by Dumbledore for a long time, because it would be very risky to summon the basilisk again while at school, so I left my memories here, and I kept my memories before I was 16 years old. Until one day, I will wake up, open the Chamber of Secrets again, and release the Basilisk to complete Salazar Slytherin's death. Great mission.”

Regulus Black revealed bits and pieces of the original novel to Harry Potter.

"In a few hours the mandrake will be ripe and none of your mission will be accomplished."

Although he couldn't directly hit the opponent with magic, he couldn't be intimidated by his momentum. Harry Potter directly responded with words.

"Really? Actually, killing those Muggle descendants is not that important to me anymore. My new target is you. I don't understand why a newborn with no magical talent can defeat the greatest wizard in history. ? How did you escape unharmed but with this scar?"

Regulus Black ran his wand through Harry Potter's hair and lightly touched the scar.

"Why do you want to know how I escaped? Voldemort is not from your time."

Harry Potter was pointed with a wand and could only regain his place verbally.

"Voldemort! It's my past, present and future."

Regulus Black turned around and used Harry Potter's wand to draw lines of fire in the air.

Tom Riddle, after splitting the letters and rearranging them, got a new name, I am Lord Voldemort.

"It turns out that you are Voldemort, and you are the descendant of Slytherin."

Harry Potter was surprised, and even Gilderoy Lockhart behind him was surprised. He did not expect Regulus Black to know this secret. You must know that when Voldemort raised the flag of revolution, he was already The name Voldemort was used, and as a senior official in the Intelligence Section of the Ministry of Magic, Gilderoy Lockhart only learned this secret from some clues after the fact, when the Death Eaters were overthrown and liquidated.

"Of course, do you think that I will still keep the surname of my dirty Muggle father? Of course not, so I took a new name for myself. I know that when I become the greatest wizard in the world At that time, the entire wizarding world will fear the mention of this name."

Regulus Black told the truth, but what Voldemort really meant was to prevent anyone from using his real name to curse him, so he changed his name to Voldemort and used Death Eaters to attack anyone who said his name. Let the people only dare to call him the Dark Lord, so that no one will know his real name, and the curse will be out of the question.

"Professor Dumbledore, he is the greatest wizard in the world."

When it came to who was the strongest, Harry Potter impulsively began to argue with Voldemort.

"I kicked Dumbledore out of Hogwarts with nothing more than a memory."

Regulus Black interrupted Harry Potter with a contemptuous smile.

"He will not leave because we remain loyal to him."

When Harry Potter said these words, the silver light in his eyes shone, which was obviously true from his heart.

There were chirps, and Dumbledore's Phoenix, Fawkes, came to the secret room with a gift.

Since Fox can enter the Chamber of Secrets, why doesn't Dumbledore know where the Chamber of Secrets is? In fact, this is not the case. Just like the owl that the wizard sends a letter to, although it is unclear where it flies, it can find the target. This is a kind of innate magic that can only be understood but cannot be described.

The one given to Harry Potter looks like a folded Sorting Hat.

"It turns out that this is Dumbledore's gift to his admirers, a broken hat."

Regulus Black scoffed, and it looked like it was time for a follow-up script.

Looking at Slytherin's avatar, Regulus Black began to chant Parseltongue spells.

"Hiss... speak to me! The greatest of the Hogwarts Four."

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