Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 140 Sirius Black Prison Escape

After Regulus Black came to the Ministry of Magic to discuss with Cornelius Fudge for an afternoon.

Minister Cornelius Fudge suddenly came to Azkaban for an inspection. This trip was to care about the living conditions of the prisoners in custody.

The Daily Prophet reported throughout that Minister Cornelius Fudge has a kind heart and is the most merciful minister, blah blah blah...

Naturally, I was also concerned about the Aurors. After all, the environment here was also very dark for the guards.

In this way, Cornelius Fudge not only gained a good reputation, but also satisfied the valued Auror department. As for the prisoners... they came to jail, not to enjoy themselves, so a little mental care would be enough, although There is no benefit for them, but since the leader has come, they should be grateful.

"Sirius Black, does your cell still look neat?"

Cornelius Fudge held yesterday's Daily Prophet in his hand and knocked on the cell door, waking up Sirius who was reading the newspaper.

Yes, there are piles of newspapers in the entire Azkaban, just here for Sirius. Every time Regulus Black comes, he brings the previous Daily Prophet over, tells Sirius the progress of the complaint, and asks him to report back to him. When he reaches the wizarding world, he can become a decent Black, not a fool who cannot keep up with the times.

Sirius Black refused at first, even though these Daily Prophets had been piled up around him, but it didn't take long for him to become addicted to them. After all, he was still worried about being violated by Dementors in Azkaban. Reading the newspaper is more interesting.

In this way, although Sirius has been imprisoned for two years, Regulus Black still delivers newspapers from time to time. Although they are all outdated news, they can still let Sirius know the current situation of the outside world, especially those who have seen it recently I couldn't help but feel a little relieved that Regulus Black had almost finished appealing the Black family's assets.

Sirius was expelled from the Black family and could be considered a traitor to the Black family. However, his younger brother Regulus Black has been rescuing him and at the same time restoring the Black family to its previous honor. This is not easy.

Although he disliked the Black family, Sirius was still very happy to see Regulus Black revive the family.

"Ah! Every time Regulus comes to see me, he cleans it up, Fudge! Is that today's Daily Prophet in your hand?"

Sirius Black has finished reading the Daily Prophet in his cell, and is worried that there will be no new newspapers!

"Well! No...this is just yesterday's Daily Prophet."

Sirius asked him for the Daily Prophet. Although Cornelius Fudge knew that this would be the result, he was still shocked by Regulus Black's ability to see through people's hearts. Cornelius Fudge had So for a moment, I really didn’t want to give Sirius the Daily Prophet. What would happen if I didn’t give it to him?

"Can you give it to me? I want to do the crossword puzzle above."

Sirius looked at Cornelius Fudge longingly. He had already solved all the crossword puzzles in the Daily Prophet. The most recent Daily Prophet was from two months ago.

"Okay! The Daily Prophet can give it to you. Your brother has been appealing for you. The result is probably coming soon. Just wait."

With Cornelius Fudge's current relationship with Regulus Black, it was natural that he had to gain favorability in front of Sirius at this time. Even if Sirius didn't appreciate it, it didn't matter. Regulus Black would know about it afterwards.

Cornelius Fudge took one last look at Sirius Black, and then left Azkaban. There was no need for the other prisoners behind him to inspect anymore.

That night! There was an astonishing roar in Azkaban. The Auror guards heard the sound and found Sirius Black's cell, only to find that except for the torn Daily Prophet lying on the floor, Sirius Black had disappeared without a trace. On the high tower of Zikaban, a big black dog jumped and dangerously jumped into the black sea water. If it came any closer, it would be thrown to death on the rocks on the shore.

Sirius Black escaped from prison. The day after the good-hearted Minister Fudge inspected Azkaban, the Daily Prophet was full of prison escape news. After Minister Fudge's inspection, someone actually escaped from prison. This was a slap in the minister's face. ah! Only the Quibbler Weekly dared to suspect that Secretary Fudge was behind the prison break.

For a time, the streets and alleys of the wizarding world were covered with wanted posters, and the picture of Sirius roaring loudly was specially selected.

He has an expression that chooses and devours people. Since it is a silent dynamic image, people who see this wanted poster will only think that he is going crazy and biting people, but will not think that he is crying for injustice.

Regulus Black looked at the wanted poster and couldn't help but think of how much frustration and injustice Sirius felt at that time when his best brother betrayed his other best brother. Can it be sued?

But it doesn't matter, we have one year, and then Sirius Black can appear upright in front of people.

Regulus Black will continue to go to Scarlet Peak Villa to film. In addition to the parts about him in the Villa, the scenery has also been set up in the town of Scarlet Peak. Some of his scenes can be shot first, and the crew has also There are some new actors.

Among them, there is Edith Cushing's father role and the detective role in it. Naturally, since the time is more than 20 years apart from the original work, these two candidates are different from the original work, but they fit very well in the original work. image of the actor.

The first scene to be completed after returning, Dr. Allen played by Regulus Black, first filmed a scene where he rushed to the town of Crimson Peak in a snowstorm, and one person drove a carriage alone and stopped at a hotel. Outside, director Guillermo del Toro originally wanted to find someone to teach him how to drive a carriage! As a result, Regulus Black set up a carriage and took the two heroines with him and ran around the villa. The screams of joy never stopped.

"Wow! That's a good start."

Robert Downey Jr. clapped his hands and applauded. He didn't know whether his good start meant driving a carriage or the two heroines.


Regulus Black easily stopped the carriage in front of Robert Downey Jr., and the horse snorted and panted at Robert Downey Jr.

“Driving and riding horses is a compulsory course, and I have been an expert since I was very young.”

Regulus Black jumped out of the carriage, then turned around and helped the two heroines out of the carriage.

I don’t know whether it was because they were nervous or on purpose, but the legs of the two heroines were weak when they got off the car. As a result, their support turned into hugging them down.

Regulus Black could clearly feel the other party's hot body and heartbeat, and the scene became somewhat ambiguous.

"Guys! Let's move to the basement! All four of you will be involved in today's shooting plan."

Director Guillermo del Toro arrived to break up the mood.

The group of people came to the basement, where six red clay filter ponds were built. The ponds that were originally dry and cracked were now filled with water by the props team and restored to their previous condition.

Scarlet red clay mineral mud, the same scarlet color was chosen for the ghost's color, and it is suggested that several of Thomas Sharpe's ex-wives were sunk into these pools.

"Hey David! Did you catch anything in the pool?"

Regulus Black asked the busy props team leader.

"Of course I haven't fished it out. You must know that a hundred years ago, this place was thoroughly searched by the police, and the bones were fished out long ago."

David Robinson expressed with an exaggerated expression, but his expression was obviously frightened. Could this strong man be a coward?

"But to be honest, nothing has ever been fished out of the pool. It was originally a clay mine that was as dry as rock. Then we just released water. Who knows what's down there now?"

David Robinson smiled maliciously at several actors. Regulus Black was convinced that this man was also very talented in acting, and it would be a pity to be a prop team.

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