Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 154 The Difference Between Lolita and Mature Women

Regulus Black left Sarah Maidani's home and used some spells on her home before leaving, including Muggle expulsion spells, Black family marks, etc. that are used by ordinary wizarding families. Spell.

From now on, this villa will fall under the protection of the Black family.

Walking on the busy streets, Regulus Black couldn't help but think of his previous second life... Regulus.

As an ordinary otaku, I lived in confusion until my 30s. I didn’t like being chased by my parents, so I moved out of the house early. I was doing odd jobs while immersed in my own online world. During this period, my contact with my parents also declined. Fewer and fewer.

Finally, after learning the news that his parents had passed away, Regule returned to his hometown in the mountainous area that he had not set foot in for more than ten years. Looking at the dilapidated and leaky house, Regule felt a little better about his failure to provide for the elderly. I have some regrets, but at the same time I am glad that I did not stay here and increase the burden on my parents while I was suffering.

After taking care of his parents' funeral, Regule burned down his old house. I remember that people in the village went crazy to put out the fire, but Regule, who had already left far away, was not even interested in taking a look. nor.

It is said that he was wanted later. However, as a person who was accustomed to living without a fixed address, Regule was not caught by the police until his death. Instead, he died of exhaustion in his rental house. This may also be the case. Related to hunger strike.

Thinking about the self-destructive tendency in this second life, even Regulus Black himself cannot explain why.

In comparison, in this life, Regulus Black was jumping up and down all the time for the purpose of reviving his family and extending the heirs of the Black family. Compared with his previous life, he was extremely active.

Now in its third year in the world of Harry Potter, the results have been very fruitful.

Apart from Nagini and Harry Potter himself, several other Horcruxes have been obtained and refined into equipment to provide themselves with permanent improvements in certain attributes. If Voldemort knew about this, then the Dark Lord would Regulus Black's name probably ranks before Harry Potter on his murder list.

The Three Hallows of Death, except for the Elder Wand, are still in Dumbledore's hands. The Invisibility Cloak and Resurrection Stone have all fallen into his own hands. They have also been refined into equipment again to provide him with permanent improvements in certain attributes.

Furthermore, Regulus Black already had magic props like small amulets at his fingertips. Although he didn't make many, each one was unique and powerful and had outstanding effects.

From the time he first had to carefully craft props in the Room of Requirement, to now he only needs to tap the items to be made into props with his wand. Regulus Black's attainments in alchemy have already surpassed his original self by countless degrees. level.

Regulus Black himself also invested in filming movies, sold scarlet gems, and built battleships. It could be said that he was running wildly on the tortuous road without any intention of stopping.

"Lucy! I've already been to Sarah's place. You are really good at choosing people. She is really a lovely girl."

Regulus Black took out a mobile phone. In 1992, when there were still few mobile phones, Regulus Black paid for himself and everyone around him to buy mobile phones, so that he could make calls in the Muggle world. More convenient.

Besides, because of the second generation Regulus, how can people who have enjoyed the convenient communication in the future world endure a life without mobile phones! Of course, smartphones would have to wait another 20 years.

"Boss! As long as you like it, that's fine. If there is such a top-notch lolita in the future, I will keep an eye out for you."

Lucy Piddle had been eyeing the movie for Regulus Black and she was the real producer.

After receiving a request from Regulus Black to arrange for Sirius Black to appear not far from Hogwarts, Lucy Piddle quickly found the same Squib Sarah McDany. , and then a manuscript about a girl living alone who happened to meet a wanted criminal was handed into the hands of Regulus Black. It was a blessing to have such a capable personal secretary.

"Sarah Maidani is already a member of my Black family, and naturally you are too. I will make up for the gift later."

Regulus Black just thought that women should not treat each other favorably. Lucy Piddle had followed him very early, but she had been busy and had not even given a decent gift. The gift here meant The one given to Sarah Maidani was not your typical holiday gift.

It was agreed at the beginning that Squibs like Lucy Piddle would be able to use magic, but it was delayed due to being busy with various things and because at that time, my level was not yet high enough to produce a finished product.

Now that a standard gift for a lover has been created, a set can be given to all lovers in the future, especially those who are squib lovers. Or maybe one for Jennifer Connelly and one for Charlize Theron.

"That's right! Boss, you still have some scenes that you haven't finished filming. The director asked me to ask you when you will be free. The entire filming is about to be finished."

Lucy Piddle's heart was as sweet as honey at this time. When she first met Regulus Black last year, she was already captured by his temperament. Later, after becoming this beloved man's personal secretary and legal advisor, the two of them became friends. The personal relationship has broken through to the level of a lover, but she was promised that she, a squib, could also use magic, but this promise has never been followed up.

But today, Regulus Black actually gave the answer. Although it has been a long time, this complementary gift is so important, far more than those holiday gifts.

Just before her phone call with Regulus Black, Lucy Piddle had already contacted Sarah Maidani and was able to use magic! Although there are only 12 real magics, those are opportunities that ordinary squibs don't have.

What spell should I choose? Or is it like Sarah Maidani, with Regulus Black helping to choose?

"I just gave Sarah Maidani a set of scarlet jewelry. Each of the 12 brooches is blessed with a magic spell. You can also choose at will, and you can also choose the type of jewelry. You can ask Sarah for details. Ask La Maidan."

"Boss! Can I even choose the style of jewelry at will? In this case, I only need a few magic spells."

Lucy Piddle was a little excited. If she could even choose the style of jewelry, then she wouldn't need many magic spells.

"You mean to choose the style of jewelry and give up the number of magic spells? No need to do that, okay! It's up to you. You can design the specific style yourself. I just used alchemy to make a magic prop. It's very easy. simple."

Regulus Black agreed immediately, what a big deal! It’s just a woman’s petty thoughts. However, he also believed that his personal legal advisor would not go too far and would only show her differences in such matters.

"Boss! Remember to go back to Scarlet Villa for filming. I will write the jewelry design for you later. I love you! I love you! I love you!"

Lucy Piddle expressed her love over the phone.

"Okay! I'll hang up if I don't have anything else to do. I still have some things to do at Hogwarts. I'll go to Scarlet Heights once they're taken care of."

Regulus Black smiled as he listened to the expressions of love on the phone! My personal legal advisor is still the same as when I first met him.

Beneath the mature appearance is a cute little girl. Lucy Piddle is absolutely different from Sarah Maidani. Golden Eyes Lolita has a mature soul under the appearance of a girl.

Comparing the two of them, the gap is huge. How can there be such a big difference between the same squibs!

Regulus Black couldn't help but feel funny, but when he thought about how he would feel like a family with a mature woman lying on the bed, it would be better to separate them and pamper them.

Back at Hogwarts, it was just after lunch, and many students in the entire school had returned to their dormitories.

"Something happened! The Fat Lady is missing."

On the mural at the door of Gryffindor, the fat lady with a terrible singing voice was gone, and the entire painting had been cut with several wounds.

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