Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 156 Boggart’s transformation and comedy

"I've searched the Astronomical Tower and the Owl Room and found nothing."

"We have checked all the rooms on the seventh and eighth floors and found none."

"The same is true for the sixth and fifth floors that I am responsible for. I have checked all the classrooms and found nothing."

"I have checked the fourth and third floors, and there is nothing unusual."

"The school's herbal medicine shop and the first and second floors have been checked, and there is no one there."

"I've already looked at the basement, there's nothing there!"

One professor after another came to the hall to report the search results to Dumbledore, but Sirius Black, who had been thrown into the lake, would not be found.

Professor Snape and Assistant Assistant Black who were left behind just looked on. No one knew that Regulus Black had just arrived. Before that, he had returned to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor and dealt with the big black dog who made the mistake. .

"Maybe! We should search the Forbidden Forest as well."

Snape said leisurely from the side, his expression was very unpleasant no matter how you looked at it.

There is Snape's resentment towards Dumbledore for agreeing to Regulus Black's plan and putting Sirius Black into Hogwarts. The half-blood prince and the foursome were very Not to be dealt with.

"In other words, Sirius is not in the castle, and I don't want him to continue to stay in Hogwarts."

Dumbledore did not respond to Snape's words, but just acted reassuringly. At least half of the students in the hall were not asleep. These words were said to them on purpose. Dumbledore knew that Snape Nap also knew, because this was Regulus Black's plan. After all, if Hogwarts was damaged in the plan, whether it was reputational or material, Dumbledore would not agree. That's why Regulus Black reacted so violently to Sirius destroying the portrait.

The destruction in the original movie was necessary for the plot, but in today's reality, it would be an accident.

"A very remarkable method, isn't it? Being able to come and go at will, enter Hogwarts and wander around as he pleases, without being discovered by anyone. How did he do it?"

Since Dumbledore didn't answer, Snape naturally had to change the topic.

"It's really amazing. There are so many ways to do it, each one more incredible than the last."

There was a hint of pride in Dumbledore's words. After all, Sirius was also his student and the main thug in the Order of the Phoenix. Now that his charges were about to be cleared, Dumbledore naturally had to plan for the future. Of course, his subordinates' abilities were beyond the limit. The stronger, the better.

"Maybe someone in the castle helped him."

Snape said, turning to look at Regulus Black who was following behind him.

"I'm sure no one in the castle is colluding with Sirius, but I'm thinking of sending the children home,"

"What about Potter! Do you want to remind him?"

"Maybe! But let him sleep now! Only in dreams will we enter a world that belongs entirely to us. Let them swim in the ocean, or soar in the highest clouds in the sky!"

Following Dumbledore's words, all the students who were still asleep fell into a deep sleep. In their dreams, they were either swimming in the ocean or soaring in the sky.

All the students slept well that night, except for the professor who stayed vigil with dark circles under his eyes. The school returned to peace and tranquility again.

"Today! The course I'm going to take is very interesting! I was lucky enough to catch a boggart in a cupboard. Does anyone know about boggarts? Doesn't anyone know about it?"

Remus Lupine is giving a lesson to Gryffindors and Slytherins today about Boggarts, a type of changeling.

But the atmosphere in this class is not good! There was deep contempt among the Slytherins. Obviously, many Slytherins knew what a Boggart was, but they just didn't know how to answer the question, especially since Professor Lupin was from Gryffindor, so they collectively silenced him.

Gryffindor, on the other hand, had a confused look on their face. It was obvious that no one knew what a Boggart was, and they were waiting for Professor Lupine to answer the question. Moreover, due to the experience of the last Care of Magical Creatures class, everyone Many students already have a fear of this kind of direct practical course, and they are all waiting for Professor Lupine to release the monster in the cupboard!

The cabinet is shaking and making knocking sounds, especially when people are approaching, the sound will become more intense. And when you think there is a person inside and open the cupboard door kindly, the next step In seconds, you will witness your deepest fears. Boggarts will transform the objects of fear hidden deep in your hearts. Boggarts can even scare people to death.

"Okay! Let's first learn the spell to deal with the Boggart. The spell is actually very simple. Just say 'Funny' with me!"

"Funny!" the students chanted.

"It's just that there are no essentials. There are no prescribed gestures for waving a wand. You just need to take out the wand and recite the spell."

Remus Lupine looked very happy and turned on a gramophone. The light blues music brought a relaxing atmosphere.

"Now, line up and come one by one. When you face the Boggart, it will become what you fear most in your heart."

Remus Lupine had already planned the target, and only this student could carry it out completely.

"Neville! Yes! It's you, come here Neville, tell me who are you most afraid of?"

Remus Lupine found his target among the Gryffindor crowd, hugged him and asked softly.

"Professor Snape!" The dull Neville did not disappoint Lupine.

"So who are you least afraid of?"

Lu Ping continued to ask. Although he already knew these things, he still wanted to remind everyone that there would be a good show soon.

“The person I’m least afraid of is my grandma.”

Neville answered honestly, completely unaware that he had fallen into Professor Lupin's trap.

"If a boggart turned into Snape, just imagine what he would look like wearing your grandma's clothes."

Remus Lupine whispered into Neville's ear. Due to the blues music, none of the students lining up behind him heard him.

"Then get ready and start!"

Remus Lupine waved his wand, and the cupboard door opened on its own. The Boggart that was still struggling inside also stopped rushing, and instinctively wanted to become the thing that the person who opened the door feared most.

I saw an identical Professor Snape stepping out of the cupboard. Neville seemed to be angry and locked him in the cupboard. However, due to the Boggart transformation, this Snape was not Can talk.

But even without a single vicious word, Neville was still trembling with fear from Snape, and finally mustered up the courage to wave his wand.


Professor Snape suddenly spun around, and then his clothes changed into the style of an old lady, with a top hat on his head set with a vulture specimen.

Neville immediately felt relieved. He didn't expect that Snape would be so funny when he put on grandma's clothes.

The other Gryffindor students saw it and burst into laughter.

The Slytherin students looked very unhappy, especially Draco Malfoy, Snape was his godfather!

The eyes of the little snakes glanced at Neville and Professor Lupin, but the former was blocked by many Gryffindors, and the latter had no consciousness that he was the initiator.

"Next person, continue!"

This time the person is Parvati Patil, one of the Indian twins.

As soon as she stood in front of the boggart, Professor Snape immediately turned into a huge cobra.

As a student of Indian origin, it is normal to be afraid of snake gods.


This huge cobra immediately turned into a spring clown in a box, swinging back and forth and making all kinds of weird laughs.

"That's it, keep going!"

Remus Lupine greeted Harry Potter, who was third in line behind him.

Harry Potter came to the clown and looked at the strangely smiling Spring Clown. He didn't feel funny at all, but instead had an inexplicable feeling of terror. The Boggart felt Harry Potter's fear and immediately began to Transformed.

A dementor appeared in front of Harry Potter. Not only Harry Potter was frightened, but other students were also frightened.

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