Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 171 Supernatural Sixth Sense Golden Eyes Lolita

Actresses are still at a disadvantage compared to men in the entertainment industry. Although gender equality has been called for many years and will continue to be so in the future, there is still a huge gap in worth between top actresses and top actors.

Moreover, in the eyes of many wealthy people, these celebrities are nothing more than expensive commodities, and there are many people who stare at their bodies.

What kind of woman can’t be obtained by a rich man? But no matter how beautiful a woman is, she doesn’t have the halo of a female star. So when an actress becomes famous, she will basically be suppressed. Then all kinds of people will come on stage and offer various deals to seduce them. This It was more serious in the past, but in the future it will just be open buying and selling. If you want to get an opportunity, sacrificing your own body has become an inevitable choice. Even those first-line female stars cannot escape this situation.

Regulus Black's instructions to them were also because he could provide them with better resources, so they did not have to work hard to please agents, directors, producers, or Hollywood actors like those new actors. The upper echelons of the big tycoons.

Because, all of these are just things that can be solved by a 'soul-absorbing spell'. If one doesn't work, then another one will be used.

Regulus Black is not only preparing to shoot one "Scarlet Heights", he will continue to shoot more movies in the future. Because he is a wizard, it is an extremely stupid choice to completely ignore the development of the Muggle world.

And as a wizard, you can use your own advantages to get more opportunities in the Muggle world.

In terms of years alone, if the development of the world after 1990 does not change much, then in this parallel space under the background of wizards, Muggles will still operate in the same way as the [original] history.

Therefore, Regulus Black not only wants to grasp the power, wealth, and influence in the wizarding world.

There are also rights, wealth, and influence in the Muggle world waiting for him to acquire.

After thinking about it, there were no classes today, and it took half a day to sneak out to deal with the film and television company matters for Lucius Malfoy. Lucy Piddle was dealing with related issues, and it would take some time for the complete handover.

Therefore, Regulus Black decided to go to Golden Eye Loli's place to kill time.

Arriving at the home of the golden-eyed lolita Sarah Maidani, the little girl is studying the magic books left by Regulus Black on her own.

Although she is a squib and cannot use magic, she was born in a wizarding family after all. Compared to ordinary Muggles, her physique is closer to magic. Unfortunately, her father did not fulfill his responsibility in the previous ten years.

"You're reading Quentin Trimble's Dark Powers: A Guide to Self-Defense. Have you read all the standard spells?"

Regulus Black had given her many elementary magic books before. Although Sarah Maidani could only use the magic attached to the jewelry, she also needed to have the ability to identify the magic used by others.

"I have already read the standard spells 1 to 4. During the time when you were not here, apart from working, I have been studying."

As soon as Sarah Maidani saw Regulus Black arriving, she immediately dropped her book and flew towards him, hugging him tightly.

Regulus Black also hugged the little Loli enthusiastically, and then the two of them sat in the same seat as before.

Sarah Maidani was still sitting in Regulus Black's arms, curled up like a kitten.

"Regulus! Look, those are all notes written by me. By the standards of the wizarding world, each book is a 10-foot review."

Pointing to a pile of manuscript paper on the table on the other side, there were 40 pieces of paper.

"The manuscript is flying!" Sarah Maidani used the brooch's built-in magic spell of 'flying around' to summon the stack of manuscript paper into her hand.

There was a long handwritten review in fancy fonts. If compared with the students at Hogwarts, it would probably be more than half of them. Regulus Black couldn't help but think of those naughty kids who didn't make good use of their talents. bemoaned Sarah Maidani's squib physique.

Quietly, the two of them just hugged each other. Regulus Black read it carefully and found that it was indeed good.

Sarah Maidani curled up in Regulus Black's arms and looked up at the other person's face. He was looking at his homework so seriously. This was a kind of respect and recognition. He would not be like her father. In that way, you throw yourself away casually and don't care about the achievements you have made.

Sarah Maidani's heart melted. Although the relationship between the two at this time was more like that of teacher and student or father and daughter, in fact, it was a supportive lover relationship. The relationship between the two determined the status gap. But it is still very, very happy to see Regulus Black taking himself so seriously.

"It's very well written, much better than the children of the same age in Hogwarts, and better than most people."

After Regulus Black read the manuscript, he smiled and stroked the little Lolita's hair. It really felt like he was stroking a cat.

"I have time for you today, and I won't leave until you fall asleep."

Regulus Black decided to avoid the limelight here today. He would still be watched by Dumbledore when he returned to Hogwarts.

Sarah Maidani licked her lips nervously. She knew that one day would be the day to give herself, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

"Do you need me to prepare anything? Should we take a shower together first? Or should I change clothes and show you?"

Sitting astride Regulus Black's lap, the little Lolita asked at a loss. Obviously theoretical knowledge and practical operation are different things. Sarah Maidani, who had no experience at all, didn't know where to start.

Regulus Black was stunned for a moment, but soon became happy. This little lover of his was really competent!

"You are only 13 years old this year! Although you think your body has matured, I hope that when you become an adult, the green fruits will still have to be ripe before they are delicious!"

Regulus Black smiled and patted the little Loli's head, immediately dispelling the ambiguous atmosphere just now.

"Are you still going to take me to the amusement park? I'm not interested in those children's activities."

Sarah Maidani's lips pursed, and she promised to be your lover! This beauty is ready to devote herself, but you just back down like this. This beauty is not a child, not a child... No! In front of Regulus Black, these words can only be kept in the heart, the golden-eyed little loli thought angrily in her heart.

"You don't have to do anything special, just like family members, doing their own things under the same roof, as long as you are by my side."

Regulus Black hugged the golden-eyed little loli, then waved his wand and started to do his own thing. A piece of student homework was taken out and floated in the air. An automatic quill was correcting these homework. After seeing Sarah Maidani's homework, Regulus Black had much higher requirements for his students' homework.

It's not even as good as a squib's homework, how can this be done!

Sarah Maidan looked at it for a while and found that Regulus Black was indeed as he said. He was obviously not here for a tryst today. She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but also a little relieved, and took the initiative to leave Regulus Black's house. Holding her in his arms, he went to the kitchen to make a pot of black tea for his lover, then sat there, picked up a drawing board, and started to draw a character sketch of Regulus Black on a blank piece of paper with charcoal.

Of course Regulus Black knew that the golden-eyed Loli was drawing himself, so he just glanced sideways and ignored her, continuing his work. Although there was an automatic quill to mark every homework, he still needed to do it himself. Scores will be written after you have watched them in person.

The students who will get their results tomorrow will probably be crying out loud! Who makes you worse than a squib!

After a while, the homework has been marked, but Sarah Maidani's painting obviously still needs a lot of time.

Regulus Black took out another stack of parchment and replaced it with a more advanced quill pen. This pen recorded the user's writing habits, in other words, it had its own handwriting.

Regulus Black thought for a while and wrote the title "The Supernatural Sixth Sense: Golden Eyed Lolita" on the new parchment.

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