Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 183 Wild instinct suppresses wisdom

Draco left with an ugly expression. He originally wanted to report to Professor Snape and punish the Harry Potter trio, but at this time, he had disappeared without a trace, leaving only a stunned state.

Regulus Black was not only the school's teaching assistant, but Draco Malfoy's uncle, his mother's brother, and his father's business partner.

Draco was also sternly warned by his father, and Regulus Black's behavior was carefully analyzed by both father and son.

As long as he doesn't offend him too much, Regulus Black is actually very easy to talk to. This can be seen from the fact that as a teaching assistant, he is more popular with students than ordinary professors.

Those who offend him will suffer misfortune, as can be seen from the Valentine's Day tragedy, although Regulus Black said he was innocent.

Draco ran away, and Regulus Black felt that he had done something unnecessary. The professor on duty tonight was Snape, and he was personally involved in everything, so students escaping for the night and so on, in It must be at the end of tonight's series of events.

Regulus Black didn't know why, but he didn't want to witness what happened in the original plot. After confirming that Hermione and the others had entered Hagrid's hut, Regulus Black sat back leisurely. Watch the scenery from the corridor handrail.

Not long after, Principal Dumbledore came over with Minister of Magic Fudge and the executioner.

"Regulus! I didn't expect you to be here too."

Minister Fudge greeted him somewhat unexpectedly. After all, the sentence of death for Barcobic and the execution of the execution by the executioner were all discussed in advance. At this time, Regulus Black appeared, and he did not know what would happen.

"Oh! It's Minister Fudge. Don't pay attention to me. I'm just waiting for someone here. You should be able to understand that, and the cute girl."

Regulus Black responded with a smile. It was normal to say this. After all, it was an indisputable fact that he could deal with any girl in the school. It was really too much to have a tryst with a little girl in a remote back corridor. normal.

"We still have things to do, so I won't interrupt your tryst, or you can come along if you want...!"

Minister Fudge really couldn't confirm whether Regulus Black's words were true, so he had no choice but to issue an invitation.

"It's really not necessary. We can just do our own things. I wish you all the best."

Regulus Black looked like he was eager for them to leave as soon as possible, which made all three of them very sure that he was indeed waiting for a tryst with a girl.

Hermione and Regulus, who came from behind the timeline, were in the pumpkin patch in the distance. Barcoby was locked by an iron chain. The other end of the iron chain was inserted into the iron ring of a pillar. There was no lock or anything. Yes, it seems that Hagrid also hopes that Bakobik can escape on his own.

However, as one of the magical creatures, the Hippogriff Barcopico, he still has some IQ. He knows that he has made a mistake and will be punished. Barcopico still has not thought about escaping. This is reflected in the original movie. In the plot, it can be seen from the fact that Harry Potter forced it to leave but was unable to do so.

However, Barcobeak was eventually lured away by Hermione with a ferret because of the animal's wild instinct. Just like it attacked Draco because he was unwilling to salute, the wild instinct would suppress its wisdom.

After the timeline, Regulus Black and Hermione were hiding in Hagrid's pumpkin patch. They could see the scene in Hagrid's hut from a distance, and Ron was taking the milk from Hagrid's hand. The mouse 'Banban'.

"Oops! The principal and the others are coming over."

Hermione noticed the arrival of the headmaster and his party, and whispered to Regulus Black.

"We need to remind your two best friends."

As Regulus Black spoke, he took out his wand and pointed it at his side to use the launch spell. There were some snail shells there.

"Wadi Wasi!"

Ron found his pet mouse. He originally thought that Scabbers had been eaten by Hermione's cat!

Suddenly, a small stone flew from the window and hit Harry Potter on the head.

Immediately, Ron Weasley was also hit in the head, and the two boys screamed indiscriminately.

Hermione picked up the pebbles and found that they were snail shells from Hagrid's pumpkin patch, a small thing with a very hard shell.

Looking up out of the window, he saw Dumbledore walking with Cornelius Fudge and the executioner.

Regulus Black and Hermione retreated into the woods to Hagrid's hut. The principal and his entourage walked in, and the three of them slipped out of the back door. Passing by the pumpkin patch, Hermione confirmed again that someone was indeed there just now. This position, a snail shell was thrown into the hut to remind them.

Come to think of it, Regulus Black is the only one who can do this!

Hermione and the three returned to a higher position, which was the stone circle at the end of the back corridor.

"The principal and others have confirmed that Barcobic is present. Let's take him away now."

Regulus Black got stuck at the stall where Hermione and the others were on their way, without turning around, and walked directly in front of the death row prisoner in the pumpkin patch.

Salute to Barcopico? No! There was no need at all, Regulus Black just threw the curse away.

"Confuse the public!"

It was as if Barcopiak saw Regulus Black and saluted it. It saluted back to Regulus Black. Then Barcopik seemed to have seen the most delicious ferret in the world, drooling involuntarily. stood up.

Regulus Black waved his wand repeatedly. Although he did not use any magic spells, the magic power moved according to his heart. He untied the chain hanging in the iron ring and packed away all the ferrets hanging not far away. After all, Ba But Piccolo will go crazy if he can't eat it all the time.

The whole operation was much smoother than the original movie. When the principal and the Minister of Magic Fudge left Hagrid's hut, Barcoby had disappeared, and Dumbledore didn't have to cover for Harry Potter and Fudge like in the original movie. Introduce the scenery with the executioner.

Bakobik ran away, but the executioner ran away in vain. After holding back his anger, he swung his ax and split the largest pumpkin.

According to the rules, this pumpkin belongs to the executioner who carries out the execution.

Dumbledore and Hagrid fully understood the executioner's approach of not returning empty-handed.

Before the timeline, Hermione had just been grieved by Barcobeak's execution, and after receiving a summons from Regulus Black, she ran to him to cry, and was then directed to the Whomping Willow.

After the timeline, Regulus Black and Hermione were walking in the Forbidden Forest. Behind him, Barcobeak followed consciously, stealing a ferret from Hermione's hand from time to time, and then making a sound similar to a giggle. .

"The only thing left to do is wait, wait for all of you to leave the Shrieking Shack, wait for the moment when the werewolf Professor Lupine threatens Harry Potter, then it depends on whether your little she-wolf can scream Attract the werewolf."

Regulus Black told Hermione some of what happened later, because Hermione and Snape took Ron back to Hogwarts before the timeline, so Harry Potter and Sirius The distress part is unclear.

"Of course it can attract werewolves. In fact, when I left, I heard another wolf howling. I don't know why, but when you say this, I can be sure that it must be me, and it will definitely succeed."

Now that Hermione has heard the sound of her own wolf howling, there will be no problem when the time comes.

Regulus Black, from before the timeline to after the timeline, has completely seen the smooth development of the entire thing.

Hermione seduced the werewolf away with just two roars, so such a small thing naturally went smoothly.

"There is still a lot of time before dark. Although we can do something, I think it is better to fulfill the duties of a teacher, even though I am only an assistant." Regulus Black said to Hermione with a smile, This made Hermione blush, "I need to do something now. Hermione, you are watching from the sidelines. How much you can learn depends on your luck and understanding."

Regulus Black pulled Barcopiak's chain, waved his wand and began to cast spells without using any magic spells at all, and magic spells began to transform the chain in his hand.

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