Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 187 He is definitely an upright person

This is really a long night. Regulus Black before the timeline is taking Hermione to a candlelight dinner, while Regulus Black after the timeline is taking Hermione to the principal's office to report the situation, and maybe He had to stay up until dawn, after all, it was the time for the two of them to take a nap in the Room of Requirement.

Since I will definitely stay up late tonight, let’s stay up late together! No! Maybe it’s not bad to cultivate immortality.

The spiral staircase in the principal's office is slowly rising, and Regulus Black's spirit is also rising. The next step is the key.

"Why has Regulus been gone so long?"

Minister of Magic Fudge was able to drink Dumbledore's honey tea leisurely at first, but eventually he would get tired of drinking such sweet tea, and this is when people can't settle down.

If he were to know that Regulus Black was sleeping with his young lover, Fudge would probably hate him to death.

"Patience Connelly, from what I know about Regulus, he will do what he says and he never wastes time."

Dumbledore laughed at Fudge's impetuous performance, put down the sizzling honey tea in his hand, and looked at the door of the principal's office.

As soon as the door opened, Regulus Black took Hermione into the principal's office.

"It's already very late. I think Miss Hermione will describe tonight's results and then go to rest. After all, there are classes tomorrow."

Regulus Black didn't seem to want to speak first, but he did so to expose Hermione in front of the Minister of Magic. After all, this is how personal connections are established.

No matter how good you are, if those in power don't recognize you, you won't be able to enter a higher circle.

Therefore, Regulus Black does not mind letting Hermione show more face without guaranteeing that the future will be the same as in the original work.

After all, in the original book, Hermione served as the savior's comrade until victory. Afterwards, the savior became the Minister of Magic, while Hermione served as a judge of the Wizengamot, and finally became the Minister of Magic.

Even he would not be able to forgive himself if Hermione lost such an achievement because Regulus Black changed 'history', not to mention that Hermione was still one of his women.

Regulus Black gave Hermione an affirmative look and then sat down next to Dumbledore.

Snape turned his head and took a deep look at Regulus. It was obvious that Harry Potter must have been brought back safely, so he didn't say anything more. At least there was no expression on Snape's old face. of.

As for Hermione, she told the little girl to finish talking earlier and go back to sleep. Snape also agreed with this attitude.

Of course Dumbledore guessed that Regulus Black was taking Hermione and using the time turner to finish the work, so he thoughtfully took out a box of delicate pastries from under the coffee table and gave it to Hermione.

"Thank you, Headmaster! I see Professor Snape is here. I believe everyone knows what happened before. Then I will tell you what happened next."

Hermione held the small cake gift box and very confidently began to tell what happened after sending Ron back.

After returning Ron to the principal's office, he was taken out by Regulus Black and returned to the time line through magic props. How to save Harry Potter, how to save Sirius Black, and how to limit Lupine's Werewolf transformation, and...

"Oh! Miss Granger, you are saying that Regulus turned the stag conjured by the 'Guardian' spell into a real magical creature."

Dumbledore was very surprised that miracles always happened around Regulus Black.

Regulus Black not only created the intelligent magical creature produced by the curse "Invoke the Guardian", but also stabilized it. Judging from Hermione's current narrative, as long as Lu As long as Ping is still alive, this stag named 'Fire Tree Silver Flower' will always live in the Forbidden Forest.

As for the werewolf transformation that can always suppress Lupine as long as the existence of 'Fire Tree and Silver Flower', this is naturally a very important magical achievement in normal times, but when placed on a magical creature constructed with an activation spell, this achievement can only be an added bonus. .

Dumbledore was not the only one who was moved. Snape, Minister of Magic Fudge, as well as all the Aurors and Rufus Scrimgeour could not control their surprised expressions.

The current patriarch of the Black family is really outstanding. First, he made the witch of Azkaban pregnant, then he made the wizard leave offspring, and now he is able to turn the illusory creature made of magic spell into a stable magic. animal.

Being surrounded by the people present, Regulus Black had no intention of paying attention to them.

"Hermione, please excuse me. You don't need to be present for what happens after this. Go back to Ravenclaw and have a good rest!"

Regulus Black took Hermione's little hand, kissed the back of the girl's hand, and let her leave the principal's office.

Regulus Black's behavior in being so intimate with his female student in front of everyone made Hermione run away shyly.

However, the people present were not focused on this aspect. What Hermione said just now had an even greater impact on them.

"Regulus! Such an important matter is rare in the wizarding world. I will let a reporter from the Daily Prophet interview you."

Minister of Magic Fudge was determined to flatter him at this time. As someone who had already cooperated with Regulus Black, he certainly understood the meaning of this. Naturally, it would be better if Regulus Black was willing to reveal this curse. Although Fudge also knew that such a request was excessive and basically impossible to achieve.

In the wizarding world, every family that inherits magic will have spells, magic items or secrets that others don't know about. Generally, these will not be revealed and will only be left to the important inheritance of the core members of the family.

This is also one of the Dark Lord's methods of ruling the entire wizarding world. If you kill your whole family, no matter what magic inheritance you have, it will cease to exist. This is a huge loss to the individual, your family and the wizarding world.

And with these inheritances, one can be like Regulus Black, who can support the future hopes of the entire Black family with one person, and only needs to reveal a little bit in normal times.

After all, just knowing the name and effect of the spell cannot specifically understand the structure of the spell.

It is definitely overthinking to be able to use spells just by knowing the name. There is no need for Hogwarts to be established, and the Magic Experimental Department of the Ministry of Magic can also be abolished.

"Connelly, Connelly, what is important is not these trivial matters, what is important is the disposal of my brother, Sirius Black."

While everyone was paying more attention to the activation of the magic spell, Regulus Black changed the topic back to the main topic.

Sirius Black, the escaped convict from Azkaban, is now lying in the medical wing of Hogwarts. Everyone clearly understood this from Hermione's narration just now.

"Sirius Black must be captured and returned to Azkaban."

Rufus Scrimgeour on the side immediately made his position clear. Azkaban and the Aurors have been taking the blame for Sirius Black's escape for a long time.

The previous scapegoat was the witch's pregnancy incident, and the matter was finally resolved beautifully.

Regulus Black glanced at him sideways and said nothing, but Fudge jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

"I warned you, Mr. Scrimgeour, there is no room for you to interrupt here."

Fudge was very angry. Why did he bring such a stupid subordinate? Is this the person to talk to?

"If! You still want to stay as the head of the Auror Office, just shut up."

This reprimand did not give the senior official of the Auror Department any face. Rufus Scrimgeour was like an angry lion, staring at Fudge with a red face, unwilling to let him go.

‘He is worthy of being the future Minister of Magic! ’

Regulus Black actually admired Rufus Scrimgeour. He was definitely an upright man, which is why he died at the hands of Voldemort later.

But tonight, the effect of the Veritaserum in Dumbledore's food was too strong!

Seeing that these few people were so excited, they couldn't control themselves.

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