Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 281 The treasure chest is as heavy as itself, online, etc.

Now the Delacour sisters have realized what it means to have strength but no use, punching cotton.

We were just about to get ready for a big fight, but it turned out that these seemingly fierce fishmen turned out to be cowards.

Crossing the lake, the melon-eaters exclaimed again. The mermaid put on armor. She looked so beautiful. Even though the two sets of armor looked a bit ferocious, the overall lines and shapes were definitely not the ugly ones in ancient times. Armor can compare.

"Fleur! I love you! Gabrielle! I love you!"

The female support group of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry started cheering again. They were the first to find the treasure chest. It seemed that they would be the first to win this competition.

"Fleur! I love you! Gabrielle! I love you!"

This time, several boys excitedly stepped onto the railing, shouted the same slogan and jumped into the water to follow the goddess.

"It seems this time! He is a student of Hogwarts."

Regulus Black glanced at it, and then continued to pay attention to the image in the sky calmly. As for the students who fell into the water, their professors would naturally deal with it.

"One point from each Gryffindor."

Professor McGonagall was speechless for these children. Their concentration was really poor.

"Hufflepuff gets a point from everyone, too."

Professor Sprout saw that Professor McGonagall treated the students of his own college in this way, so naturally he couldn't be too partial to the students of his own college, so he could only give the scores as usual.

Ravenclaw students are basically all women. Even if there are a few rare animals, it is because they are used to seeing girls around them and have a strong immunity to women's beauty, and they are even exempt.

Slytherin is the most self-disciplined student. Power, wealth, and strength are what they pursue. Even marriage can be arranged by the family with any partner, no matter if a beautiful woman appears! Even if she is a goddess...it is just a heartbeat.

These little snakes won't attack at will without understanding the other person's family background and character!

So, when the Ravenclaw girls walked away with a smile, the Slytherin snakes kept smiling, admiring the drowned dogs in front of them. At this time, they were not lions and badgers, just a group of drowned dogs.

Under water, Fleur and Gabrielle found their respective treasure chests. The reaction of the key was absolutely unmistakable, but inserting the key now was obviously a risky behavior. The rules of the game did not say to open it now.

Since we don't want to open it now, we can only take the treasure boxes to the water. But when we went to pick them up, we found that these treasure boxes were really heavy. Just like what was described in the fishman's song, the boxes would weigh as much as the body of the person taking them. .

"Can we take it instead? Maybe then there won't be any weight curse."

Gabrielle gestured with a possible suggestion.

yes! If taking your own box will be affected by the weight, will it be affected if you take someone else’s box?

Regulus Black was going to say, "Of course!"

It's so simple to ask you to change the boxes. Wouldn't the setting of the curse with this weight not reflect the effect?

‘But there is still a way, it just depends on whether you can think of it. ’

Regulus Black looked at the images of the Delacour sisters, waiting for them to come up with that simple solution.

The mermaid sisters alternately took each other's treasure chest. Sure enough, the effect of this weight curse varies from person to person. When the warriors get anyone's treasure chest, the weight they feel is only their own.

It seems that it is not advisable to take other people's treasure boxes up or help others take the treasure boxes.

And there is one more thing to consider, if you take someone else's treasure chest, will both you and the other party be disqualified from the game?

"It seems that we still need to get our own treasure box, but we can change the method. Maybe the curse will only take effect when it comes into contact with this treasure box."

Fleur Delacour told her sister her thoughts, and then the two of them first removed a ship plank, and then transferred the treasure chest to the plank. After picking up the plank again, they did not feel the weight.

The onlookers on the shore cheered, and the warriors from Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were the first to crack the secret of the treasure chest.

"Fleur! I love you! Gabrielle! I love you!"

The female support group of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry started cheering again, they were going to win.

Two mermaids, wearing beautiful armor, returned to the water with a wooden board in their hands and a treasure chest on it.

"Congratulations to the two warriors from Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for winning, and congratulations to sisters Fleur and Gabrielle."

Barty Crouch was very happy. This time, two girls won directly. This would put pressure on the other four boys. Pressure will naturally lead to motivation, and then their chances of winning will be very high.

Two warriors from Durmstrang Academy of Magic also found their treasure chest. To be precise, Viktor Krum found the treasure chest in a small cave, where there were also several murlocs guarding it. Holding the treasure chest.

As a result, let alone communication, when they saw Krum eating people with huge mouthfuls, all the fish-men were so frightened that they disappeared.

Viktor Krum took the key from his shark's mouth. Every time he swam too fast, the key seemed to be repositioned, which prevented Viktor Krum from maintaining high speed. , so much so that the girls from Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry took the lead.

Under the water, he saw how the two sisters from Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry dealt with the weight curse of the treasure chest. However, this was not a shipwreck, but an underwater cave, and the only props available around him were aquatic plants.

Weaving water plants to tie up the treasure chest was the only way Viktor Krum could think of.

Just as Stanislav Ivanetsi, another warrior from Durmstrang Academy of Magic, arrived, Viktor Krum had already tied up two treasure chests.

We had to rush back. Viktor Krum took the first step carrying his treasure box, while the big man Stanislav Ivanetsi had to drag his feet and slowly follow behind.

"Congratulations to the warriors of Durmstrang Academy of Magic, and congratulations to Viktor Krum."

Barty Crouch announced the winner of the third Warrior.

Cedric finally found his treasure chest. On a murloc altar made of pebbles, the surrounding murlocs were not afraid of his arrival. On the contrary, they let him go up to the stage to collect the treasure chest as if they were a prisoner. Those little harpoons kept coming from time to time. points at Cedric's vital points, but these are all meant to scare people. The fishman's job is to prevent people other than warriors from destroying or taking away the treasure chest. For warriors to get the treasure chest, as long as the treasure box is not mistaken, they will be allowed. .

As for the attitude of the fishmen towards the Delacour sisters, it is because of racial hostility and fear of Viktor Krum. It is an instinctive reaction of creatures, but for Cedric, who only has the Bubble Curse, , then we can only do official business.

Standing in front of the treasure box, the key will guide the hero to pick out his own treasure box. Cedric was also hesitant to open the treasure box, but decided to take it away first.

The method of using the bubble spell can also be used on the treasure box. When Cedric used the bubble spell on the treasure box, the entire treasure box was wrapped in bubbles and floated towards the water just as he expected.

Bubble spells were released one after another, pushing the treasure chest back to its position on the shore.

"Congratulations to the Hogwarts Warriors for winning, and congratulations to Cedric Diggory."

Barty Crouch congratulated the Warriors as always, and everyone was waiting to see... who came in last.

Because according to the current situation, Stanislav Ivanetsi has already obtained the treasure chest, but as a crocodile, he has embarrassed the entire species. The speed of taking it is too slow. Igor Ka will be indispensable after returning. Principal Karloff's reprimand.

Harry Potter had just arrived at the Murloc's Pebble Altar at this time and had not yet taken any action on how to deal with the treasure chest. Moreover, the most critical point was that the effectiveness of the gillweed was about to expire in one hour.

"There are still a few minutes at most. As long as you surface with the treasure box, you will pass the level."

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