Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 285 Thebes Army Salvation Army

In the carriage of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, two sisters, Fleur and Gabrielle, were sitting with Madame Maxime.

All Beauxbatons students are used to this height difference. Anyway, Madame Maxime is older and her body is naturally normal. Most people use this kind of self-hypnosis to force themselves to adapt to this height difference. The tall principal.

God knows how giants fell in love with humans. Not to mention who fell in love with whom first. Just because of the height difference between the two different races, it is impossible for the person involved to imagine how the whole process was accomplished. As for the crystallization of their love, it is similar to the sea. Ge and Madame Maxime, their lives are also very miserable, because there is no suitable partner, this is an obvious thing.

So, how did giants and humans do it? How is it done?

This is a worldwide problem, at least in the wizarding world, there is no relevant research information.

"Fleur! Gabri! I came to you today mainly to discuss the third competition. What if! I mean, if there are only two of you sisters in the end, which one of you will win the trophy?"

Madame Maxime's meaning is very clear. Putting aside other issues, those mutual attacks that may occur in the maze, if the Beauxbatons warriors are lucky enough, then who among the two sisters will win!

"We haven't thought about this problem. Obviously the competition is designed like this, just because we don't want to see two winners appear at the same time. Of course, there is also the reason for audience participation, but I thought that at that time, we would not be on this issue. hesitantly."

Fleur Delacour smiled and hugged her sister. At that time, would a sister compete with her sister?

"I won't compete with my sister. If we are really lucky to have that opportunity, I will definitely give it to my sister."

Gabrielle said very directly that she would not steal her sister's victory, because her sister's victory is also her victory!

Just like Regulus Black, after he expressed his love, he also accepted his sister's love. Isn't this great!

Madame Maxime only loves these two innocent students and does not necessarily require them to confirm such things.

For a pair of sisters who love each other to make such a cruel choice just to win a game, it will only destroy their relationship with each other. Fortunately, the Delacour sisters are not like that.

"Then the remaining question is, how should we deal with the warriors from the other two academies. Durmstrang Academy of Magic is good at black magic. You should pay special attention to it."

Mrs. Maxim was very wary of that German academy. Their warriors were much better than Hogwarts in terms of strength and reaction, which forced Mrs. Maxim's attention to focus on them.

In this regard, the two warriors far away in the castle had something to say.

"Please leave us alone for a moment!"

I learned from Regulus Black that the third game may involve a confrontation between warriors. Their respective supporters will protect their warriors like a hen protecting its chicks, or surround it with a human wall. It’s time to get up!

Walk anywhere, whether it's the Great Hall or the Library, or to see Hagrid's maze for his watering and growing competition.

Just like gangs traveling together, the Lions and Wolverines don't deal with them wherever they go.

"Stay away from our Cedric! You spy."

The chocolate Cedric discarded was not only eaten by Hufflepuff classmates, but also by people from other houses. After the Slytherin people were discovered, they dealt with it internally, and the other party begged Regulus with a swollen face. ·Blake helped him eliminate the effect of the love potion, but he didn't recognize who he was at the time.

However, he did what Regulus Black said and pushed the whole process aside. Cedric actively participated and helped. He also found a girl who had given Cedric chocolates to pass it on. Finally, Regulus After S. Black broke down the poorly made Valentine's Day chocolate, the only Cedric admirer in Slytherin healed himself.

Draco even came to express his gratitude in person back then.

But in this case, all the boys in Ravenclaw were booked early, and the only one in Slytherin was also cured.

None of the winning bidders from Hufflepuff and Gryffindor came to seek help. On the contrary, they actively threw themselves into Cedric's arms and formed one of the largest forces in Hogwarts, Thebes. Legion.

But it is precisely because the Thebes army comes from two different houses, and now there are warriors from two houses appearing in the Triwizard Tournament, then the question arises, should the people of Gryffindor continue to surround Cedric? Woolen cloth!

"What qualifications do you have to be around Cedric? You are all Gryffindors. Go back to Harry Potter!"

Two or three lion cubs were pushed out by the wolverines. Obviously they were treated as aliens.

"Sorry! Although I sympathize with your situation, please stay away from Harry Potter."

The Salvation Army, composed of the three bad boys of the Weasley family, quickly emerged in Gryffindor. Their center was of course the savior Harry Potter.

Ron Weasley stood upright in front of the driven lion cubs, blocking their retreat.

Children often don't know how much they hurt others. They just feel like they want to do it, so they do it confidently and without any scruples.

"10 points from Gryffindor and 10 points from Hufflepuff because you caused trouble in a crowd and blocked the passage to class."

Regulus Black didn't save anyone, he just deducted points from both teams as he passed by.

"Why does Assistant Blake deduct points from us!"

Some students got a little excited, but they couldn't tell who Regulus favored because he had points deducted from both sides.

"Damn Slytherin!"

Ron Weasley suddenly shouted loudly.

"Damn Slytherin!"

The little lion next to Harry Potter also shouted.

"Damn Slytherin!"

Even the little Hufflepuff wolverine shouted.

They suddenly thought that Regulus Black and Professor Snape were the same. They were both born in Slytherin and were now teaching Potions. However, Regulus Black, as a teaching assistant, often appeared in various places. Take a variety of different courses.

Regulus Black, who had already turned the corner, turned back again.

"Ten points will be deducted from Gryffindor and 10 points from Hufflepuff because you caused trouble and provoked the relationship between the houses."

Regulus Black really left after saying this. I believe deducting 20 points each can make them all sober up.

There are still many arrangements to be completed in the maze. The Aurors from the Ministry of Magic are responsible for adding traps and mechanisms. Each setting needs to be evaluated to ensure that it can interfere with the warriors but cannot actually kill the warriors.

Moreover, these institutions must also play a protective role, such as some traps that trap people. Once the warrior is locked in, he will lose his freedom and be protected at the same time. There will never be anyone outside the trap. , being able to attack people inside at will.

The reason why the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic were asked to do this was to show fairness. Director Barty Crouch agreed very much with this and expressed high praise for Hogwarts' cooperation. It was really Full of mandarin.

Obviously the Director of the Department of Magical Cooperation is no longer normal. 'Legilimency' is also called the Bewitching Curse. During the Dark Lord's time, many wizards were controlled by this Unforgivable Curse. After the Dark Lord's fall, there were many Death Eaters. Claiming to be controlled by this curse, he escaped the sanctions of the Wizengamot Court.

Barty Crouch appears to have been controlled by his son, Barty Crouch Jr.

And I remember that in the original book, Barty Crouch died at the hands of his son in the end.

Who can compare to such a deceitful person?

When Regulus Black came into contact with Barty Crouch, he casually asked what he thought of Mad-Eye Moody.

"Moody is our retired Auror. He is very good. He is our pride. I also asked him to help with the traps in the maze."

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