Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 288 Furong retires and the giant falls to the ground

A scream spread across the entire maze, and Cedric was whipped into the Harry Potter area.

"Save people! Help people, why don't you bastard Aurors go and save people."

The members of the Thebes Legion were still competing with the Aurors, and this time they were even more excited when they saw Cedric flying from the sky.

Harry Potter was stunned, whether to go forward to grab the trophy or to look back to see Cedric's situation.

Harry Potter now faces a dilemma.

Fleur was going crazy. First she saw Gabrielle being punched, and then she saw Cedric being whipped out. It seemed that Gabrielle's condition was definitely not getting better.

"Regulus! My sister misunderstood, she will react impulsively, what should we do!"

Gabrielle, who was doing well, shook Regulus Black's arm, asking only for him to help Fleur.

"There is nothing I can do about this situation. There is no communication effect set up on the gauntlet, so you cannot notify Furong of your current situation, but in fact it is not a big deal. If the protection mechanism is activated, you can exit the game."

Regulus Black comforted the little Lolita. Such a misunderstanding was actually quite interesting.

Stanislav Ivanetsi had just beaten Cedric away. He turned around and saw Fleur about to step into the center of the field. The Goblet of Fire trophy was placed there, and his companion Viktor Krum was a little further away.

If you don’t take the trophy yourself, you can’t let others get it. With this thought in mind, Stanislav Ivanetsi stepped over and destroyed the maze, traps, and mechanisms along the way. He is ineffective.

Fleur has arrived at the central area, and Stanislav Ivanetsi has also arrived at the central area.

Fleur wanted to go through this area to find her sister Gabrielle, but Stanislav Ivanesch just wanted to prevent her from getting the trophy.

Just as Fleur stepped onto the trophy pedestal, Stanislav Ivanetsi's huge feet also stepped on it at the same time.

The entire pedestal shattered, the trophy was moved to another location, and Fleur was wrapped in a ball of air, holding up the Padfoot above.

Regulus Black summoned again outside, and Fleur was summoned. The two sisters immediately hugged each other, both happy that the other was fine.

"Cedric! How are you feeling?"

Harry Potter decided to check on his classmates first, and soon found Cedric in the back area.

"It's okay! I almost thought I was going to die."

Cedric was slapped and flew across the entire maze. He even saw the trophy while tumbling in the air.

Fortunately, the entire maze was surrounded by slender trees. Cedric crashed directly into these trees, and the impact was removed so that he did not fall to the ground.

"As long as it's okay! Just as long as it's okay!"

Harry Potter sat next to Cedric. Just now he was really worried that what he would see after searching would be a corpse.

"It might have been okay just now, but something will happen soon."

Cedric said nervously. The huge figure was particularly scary in the night sky. Harry Potter also stood up nervously.

"Lend me your wand, I just dropped my wand."

Cedric offered to borrow Harry Potter's wand to use. In the dim night, the faces of the two people were dark and difficult to see.

"for you!"

Harry Potter handed the wand to Cedric.

"Here comes the wand!"

Cedric waved Harry Potter's wand and summoned his own wand using the 'Fly' spell.

Immediately, a small wand flew from a distance. Cedric grabbed it and returned Harry Potter's wand to the other party.

"Let's use 'faint' together and remember to use maximum magic."

The only thing Cedric could think of was this curse. Although the other party knocked him away, he didn't want to kill him.



With such a big target, the two of them could hit it without aiming. Cedric and Harry Potter tried their best to release the spell.

Then, as if it had worked, the giant transformed by Stanislav Ivanetsi staggered and fell backwards.

"Damn! How could it be such a coincidence!"

Viktor Krum, who happened to be in the rear area, looked at the giant that was about to fall and couldn't hide anywhere!

As if the earth was cracking and a landslide occurred, Stanislav Ivanetsi fell straight down, and tightly suppressed Viktor Krum behind him.

"It seems that the protective aura on Krum's body has also appeared."

For a woman who was not him, Regulus Black directly drew out his wand and pointed it towards the ground a little ahead.


A ball of air exploded, like a balloon being punctured, and Viktor Krum appeared at that location out of thin air.

"It's a pity! Krum, you behaved well."

Regulus Black extended his hand to the other person and the two shook hands. Was this considered recognition?

Viktor Krum took off the arm guard on his left hand and gave it to Regulus Black. He didn't know why the other party wanted to recycle these props, but since this was a rule, he should abide by it.

At this time, Sister Delacour's armguard was placed at the foot of Regulus Black's seat.

On the entire field, there was a giant lying down near the center, and the only people who had not been eliminated were the two warriors of Hogwarts.

This kind of game process was full of twists and turns. Cedric and Harry Potter looked at each other, and they both saw the desire to win in each other's eyes.

He raised his hand and looked at his arm guard. The flash on it indicating the location of the trophy had been moved to another place.

Stanislav Ivanetsi first transformed into a giant and destroyed his own area, then attacked Gabrielle and destroyed Gabrielle's area, and then went on to attack Cedric and destroy that area.

After destroying three places in a row, he found that Furong had entered the central area, so he rushed to the central area and destroyed it as well.

The only intact areas now are Harry Potter's, Fleur's and Krum's areas.

Fortunately, the trophy was not in Klum's area, otherwise the world-class superstar would have turned around long ago.

The trophy is not in Fleur's area, otherwise Krum could have arrived first and not be crushed under the giant's body.

The unexpected answer was that the trophy was moved to the Harry Potter area, on a pedestal near the entrance.

This is simply a blessing from God, no need to travel long distances.

The two warriors of Hogwarts, from the mutual sympathy just now to the competitive relationship now, changed in just a moment.

The two people started running wildly, rushing all the way to the pedestal of the trophy, making small moves with each other, pushing and shoving without caring that the other was a classmate of the same school.

The same pushing and shoving also occurred in the audience, and the Theban Army and the Salvation Army also clashed outside.

"Victory belongs to Cedric!" the members of the Theban Legion shouted, waving their fists and hitting each other in the face.

"Victory belongs to Harry Potter!" The members of the Salvation Army immediately responded and inserted their fingers into the opponent's nostrils.

"Calm down, kids!" Professor Sprout squeezed in with his body, trying to separate the two sides.

"You all stop it!" Professor McGonagall stamped her feet angrily outside, memorizing the names of all the students involved.

"What to do! What to do!" Professor Flitwick was anxious without any sense of existence.

Professor Snape glanced at the chaos behind him with a paralyzed expression, and then stared closely at what was happening on the big screen.

Rarely, for the fight between a lion and a wolverine, he really wasn't even interested in deducting points. Killing the opponent with two blows wouldn't make him moved. The only thing that could make him moved was the safety of Harry Potter.

Since Cedric was not familiar with the Harry Potter area, he followed the strategy until the two of them could see the trophy.

The tall and long-legged Cedric immediately started running. At this time, he was completely an athlete. This game had broken away from the boundaries of wizards and returned to the most basic human physical competition.

At this time, a gust of evil wind blows!

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