Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 292 The Principle of the Death Curse to Eliminate the Soul

Well! What did Regulus Black just say? Bring the dead Cedric back to life!

Everyone who originally just wanted to grab Regulus Black to vent some accusations were stunned.

I know that your Black family has a "deep family heritage", but why don't you be so outrageous!

Resurrection of people killed by ‘Avatar’? How can this be! We must be hallucinating, right! It must be an auditory hallucination.

The skills in the golden finger of Regulus Black, the ‘Soul of Bones’.

It was originally an offensive magic, but now it has been exploited by Regulus Black.

As early as when the United States was filming the movie "The Sixth Sense: Golden Eyes Loli", this skill was added to the 'Bone Dagger' produced by Lucy Piddle, and a touch of her own consciousness was added.

Only then came the church forces in the Great Lakes region...the Seven Knights of Sacred Artifacts.

It's not difficult at all to make a blank soul and fuse it into a corpse, right?

"The principle of the killing curse is to completely eliminate the soul of life, but this curse will not harm the body, and the corpses left behind will be intact. I can create a blank soul for this body, as long as the soul can interact with the corpse. Fusion, then you will get a new Cedric, but he has no memory and must learn everything from scratch."

Regulus Black's words were the devil's temptation to Amos Diggory, a choice that would sink one's soul into the abyss.

The concept of resurrection, even if this magical thing happens in ordinary circles in the wizarding world, is still considered an evil thing. This is also the reason why everyone is panicked when Voldemort will be resurrected, because it represents a kind of evil. The power of evil, and Voldemort with such evil power will be even more powerful.

However, Cedric died. He was Amos's only son. The fertility rate in the wizarding world is really very low, not because they don't want children, but because their wizards' physiques and magic power make wizards powerful. Naturally, Powerful creatures do not need many offspring, this is the law of nature.

Now, Regulus Black explained why he could do it, leaving the choice to Amos Diggory.

"Amos Diggory, calm down, there is no resurrection."

Dumbledore looked serious. He didn't expect so many accidents to happen tonight.

First, Voldemort was successfully resurrected using magic rituals and potions. If Regulus hadn't knocked Harry Potter into the potion, I believe the person who appeared would definitely be the real Voldemort himself, and then another darkness would fall in the wizarding world. The time must come.

Now Regulus Black's astonishing remarks have completely subverted the understanding of the wizarding world. A person who has been cursed with the life-killing curse "Avatar" can actually be resurrected by inserting a blank soul. This resurrected person Still the same person?

"How do you tell me to calm down! How do you tell me to calm down! Dumbledore, help me choose. Will you choose to resurrect Cedric?"

Amos Diggory became more and more excited as he spoke. He grabbed Dumbledore's clothes. Now everyone who prevented him from resurrecting his son was his enemy, and Dumbledore was the only one who stopped him.

In order to resurrect Cedric, the father Amos Diggory went crazy.

Dumbledore just looked at Amos. If he could resurrect his relatives, Dumbledore himself would go crazy!

The young sister died in a melee, possibly at the hands of Dumbledore himself.

What if you could resurrect your loved ones? Dumbledore himself didn't know what he would do.

Feeling the same, Dumbledore's eyes only showed pity, and this look also made Amos Diggory calm down a little.

"Regulus Black, is the resurrected Cedric still Cedric?"

Amos Diggory looked like a man about to die, awaiting Regulus Black's sentencing.

At this moment, Regulus Black was both a god and a devil to him.

God will mercifully tell him the truth, then resurrection is just a kind of comfort. Death is ultimately irreversible, and all he gets is a new life.

The demon would hypocritically tell him the truth, with the same content but different explanations. Death may be redeemable, but the life that comes back to life may just be a demon that jumps out.

"There is such a ship. When it sails on the sea, it will naturally get damaged over time, so those damaged parts will be replaced. So if it is broken, replace it, replace it, and after sailing for a long time, the whole ship will be damaged. All the wood has been replaced, so the question is, in your opinion, is this ship still the same one that sailed?"

Regulus Black would not make decisions for others. The only person who could make decisions was the person involved.

Is the ship that has replaced all the wood still the same ship?

Amos Diggory asked himself, everyone else asked themselves.

If the answer is yes, then Regulus Black will step in to resurrect Cedric.

If the answer is no, then Regulus Black has already given a choice, and he gave up the chance of Cedric's resurrection.

This much was evident as everyone awaited the choice of Amos Diggory.

"Please help me resurrect Cedric no matter what. I think at least his body is still his own, so the whole ship won't be replaced, right?"

Amos Diggory spoke at the end, almost in a pleading tone.

As a senior official of the Ministry of Magic, his behavior was such that he could no longer stay in the Ministry of Magic. Resigning at this time was the inevitable result.

"Since you have decided, let's stay here! The venue is not a problem, everyone can be a witness."

After Regulus Black finished speaking, he directly condensed a ball of spiritual light on his hand. It was such a pure light of soul that it could be integrated into any kind of life form.

If you put this spiritual light into a tree, it won't take long for the tree to become a conscious tree.

And if this spiritual light is put into a human body, the person's soul will be greatly strengthened.

And put it into a corpse, and the corpse will be resurrected, whether it is a recently deceased corpse or a frame with only bones left.

This is the ultimate in necromancy, controlling the dead and pursuing life.

"Afterwards, you can take Cedric to St. Mungo's for long-term observation."

After saying that, Regulus Black pressed the aura on Cedric's chest, and the aura began to blend into the corpse. The corpse that had just lost its soul was like land that had lost its moisture. Now there is a large ball of moisture. , the land thirstyly absorbed the water.

"Dong dong~dong dong~dong dong~!"

First, there was a slight heartbeat, the blood began to flow, and the rigid body slowly came to life, and then the chest rose and fell, and the body began to breathe automatically.

Regulus Black continued to press his hand, but slowly moved his hand towards Cedric's head.

When the last glimmer of spiritual light merged, Cedric's eyes opened and he looked around confusedly, as if everything was strange.

"Human memory is divided into two parts, one is in the soul, and the other is in the body. From now on, he will gradually remember some things. You don't need to remind him, let him remember by himself."

What Regulus Black was talking about was soul memory and physical memory, and it was still unknown whether a corpse that kept its intact body under the 'Avatar' could retain its memory, so Regulus Black asked not to remind him. He, but let Cedric think of it himself.

This can prove that those contents are not memories formed due to external indoctrination, but are already existing memories.

"Also, the soul does not involve the magic power in the body. He is now a newborn child. We must carefully monitor his use of magic power and teach him how to use it. After all, he is approaching graduation, so his magic power level will not be bad."

"Cedric! I'm your daddy! Call me daddy!"

Amos Diggory was ecstatic and began to teach his resurrected son to speak, not at all like a man whose son had just died, but like a man who had just become a father.

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