Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 297 Harry, a bystander in court

"Headmaster Dumbledore!"

The handsome Harry Potter looked at the approaching Dumbledore with surprise on his face.

Just after sending Sirius Black off to his old home, Regulus Black arranged for him to stay with the Auror who accompanied him back.

However, he could tell that this was actually asking the Aurors to look at him, and these Aurors did the same.

Several Aurors occupied the doorway and window of the kitchen, and only the handsome Harry Potter was busy preparing food for them.

"Harry! Come here and let me see if you are okay!"

Dumbledore saw the busy Harry Potter, and it was obvious that something was wrong with him.

All the people attacked by Dementors were in the same state as Sirius, that is, they were close to death.

Those Muggles had their memories erased by Aurors and were sent to the hospital. So far, nothing has been found wrong with them. At the same time, some of them woke up, and they were also in a coma state that was not far from death.

Harry Potter was the only one who came back alive and kicking, which was very abnormal.

According to his own statement, he was also attacked by Dementors at that time and was pressed against the wall by force. The time was only a short moment shorter than Sirius's, but his condition was much better.

Dumbledore hugged Harry Potter and quietly used magic to explore his body. A powerful and dark magic surged in Harry Potter's body, but it was always in a dormant state. Because this magic acted as Basically, Harry Potter was very energetic.

An owl suddenly flew into Blake's old house, holding a letter in its mouth.

"Harry Potter, here is a notice from the Ministry of Magic's Supervisory Committee. Since you used magic outside, and you used magic in the presence of Muggles, in view of the regulations on underage wizards, please go to the Ministry of Magic tomorrow for questioning. Of course, you can also skip this process and drop out of Hogwarts directly."

The letter jumped up on its own, turned into a big red-lipped mouth, and said the content of the letter before falling on the table.

"Headmaster Dumbledore! Will I be expelled?"

The handsome Harry Potter is a little uneasy. He still has three years to study!

"Don't worry! Harry! There is still an inquiry from the Ministry of Magic! Things will be sorted out."

Dumbledore comforted the handsome Harry Potter, but looking at Harry Potter's current state, he looked nothing like Tom Riddle back then. He was still the same as the original Harry Potter. This is a habit that is hard to change. part.

Think about the Goblet of Fire competition, when the handsome Harry Potter just returned to Hogwarts. His way of speaking, actions, and mental temperament all had an indescribable strangeness. He was a little bit like himself. The original shadow is more like a completely different stranger.

But now, Harry Potter still retains his original appearance, speech and behavior, even though the two souls of Regulus Black have merged.

The Ministry of Magic obviously has their own ideas, and Hogwarts cannot compromise casually.

Dumbledore was determined to defend Harry Potter.

When all the students got on the Hogwarts Express, the handsome Harry Potter was sent to the Ministry of Magic by Regulus Black.

Although Harry Potter was supposed to be the protagonist today, in fact the protagonist was not him.

Some people, led by Minister of Magic Fudge, believed that Harry Potter was lying, and those Muggles were attacked by him, or by Sirius, so Harry Potter's behavior was helping his godfather cover up the crime. .

The members of the Order of the Phoenix believed that it must be the Ministry of Magic that sent out the Dementors. Even though the number of Dementors has been reduced a lot, they can still be sent out to carry out this attack mission. After all, Azkaban does not happen all the time. There are prisoners trying to escape from prison every moment, and there is no need for dementors to guard there for a long time. The purpose of the Ministry of Magic is to let Harry Potter use magic to force the child to drop out of school.

People from the Ministry of Magic protested and refuted this. They pointed out that among the people present at the time, Muggles could not see the Dementors. Sirius was Harry Potter's godfather. His testimony was not credible and was dismissed. Harry Potter, who was attacked by so-called dementors, couldn't seem to be hurt at all.

The idiom of the Order of the Phoenix also countered this. Dementors do not need to harm the body to absorb life. Harry Potter's wand only has a "Calling God's Guardian" charm, so it can be concluded that the target of this spell is Dementors.

Both sides ignored Harry Potter, who was sitting on the trial bench, and got into a quarrel with each other.

Minister of Magic Fudge felt that he was really wronged because Voldemort was clearly sealed in Harry Potter's body.

But even if the two sides were quarreling fiercely, no one from either side dared to mention this topic.

Because the Ministry of Magic hopes to downplay the matter of Voldemort, while the people of the Order of the Phoenix are full of doubts about the disappearance of the seal.

After the Dementors' attack, the Six-layered Sealing Gauntlet was taken away by the Dementors. People at the Ministry of Magic didn't know this, and people from the Order of the Phoenix didn't dare to mention it. Regarding the fusion of Harry Potter's soul and Voldemort's soul fragments , only a few people know about it, and it is kept secret.

The handsome Harry Potter sat there, having been the audience for most of the day, so naturally he would not interrupt casually, and would focus the firepower of both parties on himself.

Finally, regarding Harry Potter's use of the 'Guardian' spell in times of crisis, let's leave it to the quarrel.

Regulus Black had been staying in his office during this period. The office of the Department for the Management and Control of Magical Creatures was still very large, and the relevant documents required him, the director, to process them one by one. However, the secretary had already arranged the documents according to the requirements. After classifying the importance, it was time for him, the director, to give his approval.

I have to say that the salary at the Ministry of Magic is really very good, and as the director, he is even more generous, and he is also equipped with a beautiful female secretary.

"Penello! Are you still getting used to work?"

Regulus Black looked at the beautiful woman who brought in the documents. He had promised her to go into the film and television industry, but was later delayed by various things. However, the two of them had maintained a close relationship for a long time. When Les Black got the position of director, the first person he thought of was his woman.

"These are documents that need your approval."

The curly brown-haired beauty placed a stack of documents on the table. Penelope Crevat actually liked this job because working in the Ministry of Magic was very fulfilling. As a former Ravenclaw prefect, For her, who is the president of the student council, it is better to participate in politics than to go to the entertainment industry.

Regulus Black stretched out his hand and crossed these documents. Each document was opened and closed continuously, and the signatures on them were quickly written in fancy fonts.

"Why don't you read the content carefully! And you are not allowed to use magic to sign, it won't count."

Penelo Crevat felt that the fruits of his labor had been spoiled. If it were not signed manually, the handwriting written using magic would be considered a forgery.

"Dear, I believe in your handling ability. I have read the contents of the document. Do you need me to recite it to you now? And of course I signed it manually, but it was too fast and you didn't see it clearly. ”

Regulus Black closed the last document and complained to this wise and intelligent woman.

"How can this be?"

With a little bit of inquiring look, Penelo Crevat took out his wand and pointed it at a document. After checking, the signature was indeed a manual signature, not a handwriting generated by magic.

"Dear Penello! Am I so untrustworthy?"

Regulus Black's body has been improved a long time ago, and his current speed can exceed the speed of sound at any time.

With his current physical strength, breaking the sound barrier with a punch would not be a problem.

"A man who says he can't do it is not worth trusting."

Penelope Crevat raised her eyebrows cutely and put her hands around her.

"If you are really still interested in becoming a star, I can do it now."

It turns out that when he encouraged her, Regulus Black's film and television career had not yet started, but it was different now. He had already filmed two movies and was already an insider.

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