Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 302 Yes, yes, yes, yes, okay, okay

"Harry Potter! Harry Potter! Come here, come here. Behind that door lies your destiny. It is your destiny."

Recently, the handsome Harry Potter has been doing well during the day, and he even seems to be a role model for others.

He managed the entire Salvation Army members very well, and the spell training in the Screaming Shack became a daily routine.

But it wasn't so good when he went to bed at night. A gloomy voice kept talking in Harry Potter's dream. There was a corridor entirely inlaid with black tiles, and a vault-like door in the depths. It appears repeatedly in dreams.

The handsome Harry Potter doesn't know where the place in the dream is, nor does he know what fate the dream refers to.

He could only be tortured by this dream all night long, but he couldn't wake up on his own. Ron Weasley woke him up every day.

"Harry! You must be too tired recently, how about I tell them to rest for a few days."

After Ron Weasley got up, he discovered that Harry Potter was sweating profusely and twitching on the bed as if he was having a nightmare. He immediately woke up Harry Potter, thinking that maybe it was everyone's activities during this time. That's why Harry Potter became so tired and said these words.

In fact, even Ron himself felt a little tired. Every activity took time. He had to return to the school dormitory before the curfew, and he had to worry about being discovered. The whole person's spirit was always tight. Tense.

Even Ron Weasley himself is like this, let alone Harry Potter who is responsible for teaching.

"Okay! We need to ask other people for their opinions. I've been having nightmares lately, but I don't understand the meaning of the dreams at all. I don't even know what the voices in the dreams are saying."

Harry Potter didn't look cool at all and covered his face. The cold sweat on his face was enough to wash it off.

After cleaning myself up and having breakfast, the first class today was Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Gryffindor students and Slytherin students were still in class together, and everyone arrived in the classroom a few minutes ago.

Dolores Umbridge has zero tolerance for things like being late.

Parvati Patil learned how to make paper birds from her twin sister, Padma Patil.

Fold and cut an ordinary piece of paper, then infuse it with magic power, then blow it gently, and the paper bird will flap its wings and fly.

This is a small, very easy, but requires good control of the magic.

There is no need for fixed spells or fixed movements of the wand. You can use this kind of magic just by feeling.

In fact, this is magic in the true sense, and the law comes from the heart.

Many times, little wizards create various strange magic effects due to emotional instability or excitement. That is magic in the true sense. However, if these children are asked to do it again, they will most likely fail. Lose.

This is the difference between intentional and unintentional. Harry Potter once blew up Uncle Dursley's sister into a balloon.

But at that time, he was so happy that he didn't think about why it happened or how to release it again.

The magic effect at that time, if Harry Potter could fix its release mode, it would be equivalent to creating a new spell. Judging from the effect, it can be named 'Angry'. Who makes this Harry What effect does Potter create when he is angry!

The paper bird successfully flew around the classroom, so Dolores Umbridge could not confirm who made the paper bird.

For a while, everyone watched the paper bird flying around. Some tried to catch it with their hands, some blew to raise the paper bird, and some used slingshots to try to shoot it down. However, except for raising it, all malicious attacks , were all dexterously avoided by the paper bird.

However, no matter how dexterous the paper bird is, it cannot compete with the direct effect of magic.

With a "Whoosh!", the paper bird turned into a pile of ashes, and Dolores Umbridge was standing outside the door looking at Parvati Patil.

Obviously, although the paper birds were flying around, she knew who made them.

The pink toad walked into the classroom with an air of knowing everything.

"Soon you should take the Intermediate Wizard Qualification Examination."

As he walked, he used his wand to write in large letters on the blackboard, 'Intermediate Wizard Qualification Examination'.

"Study hard and you will be able to pass. Otherwise, the consequences will be serious."

Dolores Umbridge is about to start talking about the benefits of new textbooks.

"In the past, the textbooks for this course were of varying standards, which was very disturbing. What is gratifying is that from now on you will be adopting a well-arranged defensive magic course approved by the Ministry of Magic."

Dolores Umbridge was very pleased to see all the students taking out books. It was great that everyone had a copy.

"In my class, you don't need to use magic. You will learn how to use magic in a safe, risk-free environment. The Ministry of Magic believes that mastering theoretical knowledge is enough for you to successfully pass the exam. And That’s what school is about.”

Now that it has become different from the original work, Harry Potter will not emphasize that Voldemort is in his body. Even if Hermione takes this course, she will not refute this pink toad, because Regulus Black I have told them a long time ago that this textbook is still useful, but it only cancels the practice and guidance part and only emphasizes theory and analysis. Moreover, because half of the part is missing, the theory and analysis part is particularly detailed and thorough. .

Therefore, this textbook is still worth studying. As for the pink toad’s remarks, everyone maintains their opinions.

yes! yes! yes! right! right! right! good! good! good! Just say whatever you like.

For the children to be so obedient and love to learn, Dolores Umbridge already felt that this was all her fault.

Although the content of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is boring, the content of the textbook is quite detailed, and even people who are not good at learning can easily understand it, as long as they can calm down.

"Harry Potter come to my office after class."

Dolores Umbridge suddenly said something, causing the handsome Harry Potter who was reading a book to look at her.

"What do you want to do to me?"

The handsome Harry Potter suddenly made a fearful gesture of crossing his chest.

It seemed like something inappropriate would happen if I went to Dolores Umbridge's office after class.

As Harry Potter who lives in the Muggle world, he knows more about the cultural information of the Muggle world than the children in the wizarding world.

It's just done for laughs and to gross out Dolores Umbridge.

The students in the entire classroom looked at the handsome Harry Potter, looked at his movements, looked at his expression, and then burst into laughter.

"Quiet! Harry Potter messes up the order in the classroom and must be punished after school. He will serve in labor for a month."

Dolores Umbridge's face turned red, as if she felt insulted.

"If you play too hard, you will suffer!"

Ron Weasley said softly, and then pretended not to say anything.

It was indeed a big deal. The handsome Harry Potter curled his lips helplessly. He really wouldn't die if he didn't seek death.

"It seems like I'm taking a day off today."

The handsome Harry Potter said softly to Ron. Ron would naturally understand what he said without thinking.

This is just right. Let the activities stop for a while and take a break. I just don't know what the labor service will be. Compared with teaching other people to learn magic spells, it will be a loss.

Soon, the handsome Harry Potter knew that this was definitely a loss.

Regulus Black, after learning about this provocative incident, knew that the scene that appeared in the original work would appear again. Is it true that the wheel of history is so difficult to change? I successfully collected the treasures that appear in the entire original work. Doesn't this change the historical trajectory of the original work?

"I don't know if this kid can survive it. Harry Potter is still very handsome now. I hope he is okay!"

Regulus Black commented to himself.

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