Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi Chapter 309 The great revenge of the past fifteen years is avenged

"How is it possible, how could it be you, Harry Potter! Are you really controlled by Voldemort!"

Ollivander was very surprised. The person in front of him turned out to be Harry Potter. Because Harry Potter was taken away by the portkey and met Voldemort during the live broadcast of the Goblet of Fire match, and then the two merged together. But it still couldn't stop the progress of the resurrection ceremony.

It's just that the person who finally showed up was neither Voldemort nor Harry Potter, but the fusion of the two, a handsome Harry Potter. This handsome face appeared in the Daily Prophet, But it was used as a front-page photo for several days in a row.

Ollivander naturally recognizes this handsome face, and naturally also recognizes Harry Potter's wand. If both appear at the same time, then it can only be him, and no one will pretend to be him.

"Look! You know me, you know this wand, and you know who I am now, so can you give me the Elder Wand?"

After two people merge, there will inevitably be some changes, such as personality and character. To persuade Ollivander like this now, this will not happen to the original Voldemort. As long as the person being questioned is slightly uncooperative, it will be directly An Unforgivable Curse was cast.

‘Legilimency’ and ‘Crimson’ are commonly used spells by Voldemort. If he loses his patience, he will just use ‘Avadalar’.

"I really can't get it out. The Elder Wand was stolen decades ago by someone, and that person was the Dark Lord of the previous generation."

Ollivander almost said this with a sad face, it's over! It’s over! dying! dying!

The handsome Harry Potter's expression twisted. He had no more clues to judge the whereabouts of the Elder Wand. He was not the time traveler Regulus. He knew early on that the Elder Wand was in Dumbledore's hand, so he could only Find the Elder Wand through various clues.

"Take him with you and let's go."

Covering their faces with black mist again, the group left Ollivander's wand shop. Two Death Eaters lifted the unconscious Ollivander up. The Death Eater walking at the end looked at the crowd scattered around and shouted. A strange laugh of satisfaction.

"The bones reappear!"

Raising his hand, a green magic mark was released into the sky. A green skeleton opened its big mouth and spit out an equally green poisonous snake. This black magic mark, like a green firework, slowly rose into the sky and transformed. Got bigger and bigger.

The people who saw the Dark Mark were even more panicked. They had not seen the black cloud attacking Ollivander's Wand Shop just now, but they could not do much to help, and they also thought that this was what Death Eaters always did.

"Where are we going? Master!"

During the flight, a Death Eater asked the handsome Harry Potter.

"No. 4 Privet Drive, my aunt's family in this body, this family is all stupid pigs. Just kill them when you get home this time!"

The handsome Harry Potter thought for a moment and answered, "A family like this that is both Muggles and idiots, how can we keep it for the New Year if we don't kill them?"

Originally, these Death Eaters were still a little worried about this new master who merged the bodies of two people, but now they see that this is still the original master Voldemort!

He can even kill his relatives in this body, so there is nothing to doubt about it.

There are several ways for wizards to move. The way Voldemort and Death Eaters move, it looks like a black smoke from the outside, but when the members of the Order of the Phoenix move in the same way, it is white smoke. Some people may say that this is a problem with the special effects. , is to indicate the identities and positions of both parties.

But in fact, this has something to do with their respective magic powers and mentality. In this idealistic world of magic wizards, people who think they are good people and do not use black magic will naturally show white smoke, which represents a certain A bright position.

Of course Voldemort and the Death Eaters know that they are doing bad things, but they just do it and like to do bad things. Black magic is used as daily magic, so the effect is of course black smoke, because Their positions are all evil and naturally represent the dark side.

The black smoke avoided the buildings and then headed straight towards No. 4 Privet Drive.

For the three Muggles of the Dursley family, today was their end. The Death Eaters who came from the team did not even need to subdue them. A few of them just stood there and frightened the Dursleys. They are as big as chickens, except that two of them are a little fatter.

"For the time being, you will stay here. I still have to go to Hogwarts to go to school. You can do whatever you want with the three of them. Over the years, my body owner has been bullied and abused by them. When I come back next time I don’t want to see them alive again.”

The handsome Harry Potter directly applied various magics to this house. The 12 Death Eaters here are his capital for turning around now, and there is absolutely no room for loss. Protecting them means ensuring his own future.

The 'Muggle banishment' curse, the 'Wizard banishment' curse, the 'Loyalty' curse.

After several consecutive spells, the handsome Harry Potter set the Secret Keeper as himself and left here directly.

Behind him, three Muggles were tortured by the Death Eaters using the Cruciatus Curse, and they screamed in agony.

"Fifteen years of hatred can be avenged in one night! The moonlight is so beautiful tonight."

In the sky, handsome Harry Potter grinned. Today is a day worth remembering.

The reason why the handsome Harry Potter was able to leave Hogwarts was that he first destroyed Azkaban and kidnapped the remaining Death Eaters, subdued the dementors guarding Azkaban, and then kidnapped Olivan. De and robbed his wand shop, all because he was assisted by Dolores Umbridge.

Tonight's operation went smoothly because at the beginning, Dolores Umbridge let the handsome Harry Potter leave Hogwarts through the fireplace, directly from the headmaster of Hogwarts. room and came to Dolores Umbridge's home.

As the Senior Undersecretary of the Ministry of Magic, Dolores Umbridge opened the floo network between the principal's office and her home after becoming the principal of Hogwarts, which naturally had no problem.

As for the portraits in the principal’s office, haha!

After Dolores Umbridge became the principal, the first order issued was for Filch to clean up all the portraits, including the portraits of previous principals in the principal's office.

Because these portraits are very detrimental to her subsequent actions, and the same is true for the handsome Harry Potter.

After all the portraits were taken down, Harry Potter was called to the principal's office and worked all night, so that no one would suspect that this was so that the handsome Harry Potter could go out and do activities. .

For this reason, Harry Potter also deliberately wrote some words on his arm to prove to his classmates that he was being punished, and no one would question him as long as he stayed like this.

Except for one person, Regulus Black is the younger brother of Harry Potter's godfather. He is in the same school as his brother's godson. With this relationship, Harry Potter's punishment certainly requires some concern.

"Harry! Were you called to do labor services by that toad last night?"

Regulus Black stopped Harry Potter in a hurry during the break after breakfast.

He held a copy of today's Daily Prophet in his hand. The headline on the front page was the news that Azkaban was attacked and destroyed.

The above is the Ministry of Magic's denial of this matter, and it also maintains a denial attitude towards the collective disappearance of dementors.

"Due to incomprehensible reasons, the dementors in Azkaban rioted. They attacked the stationed Aurors, ate all the prisoners, and then disappeared without a trace. I suspect it was a wizard. What you have done is a provocation to the Ministry of Magic. Whether you are doing magic experiments or have your own evil purposes, what I want to say here is that you will not succeed. The Auror Department will pursue it to the end. Capture you and send you to Azkaban."

The Minister of Magic looked at the camera with a condemning expression on his face. His statement gave people a feeling of weakness and bluffing.

"Yes! Regulus, but I'm fine."

The handsome Harry Potter pretended to hide the writing on his arm, but it seemed that part of it was exposed unintentionally.

Regulus Black glanced at him and gave him an encouraging look.

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