Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 312 Holy Sabbath Mental Sanatorium

"Mr. Regulus Black! This is the asset transfer document for the Black family. Just sign here."

Regulus, Black just came to work at the Ministry of Magic today, and there was a clerk waiting at the door.

The Department for the Management and Control of Magical Creatures usually only handles matters related to magical creatures, but this clerk was here to deliver documents.

There are still some properties of the Black family that have not been fully recovered, and the process of going through the procedures will take time. For Regulus Black, who has become a senior official of the Ministry of Magic, things that he could have pushed for in the past are now blocked because of his status. It’s not convenient to rush, but it’s nice to be able to go through the process without delaying it.

The change of identity means the change of many things. Originally, I had to go to various departments in person, but now those departments will send them to me. This is also an advantage.

"St. Sabbath Mental Sanatorium, I remember it will take a long time for this asset to be handed over! It is said that it needs the consent of the Muggle government and the approval of the medical institution before this asset can be handed over to me."

Regulus Black took the document and flipped through it. All the missing procedures were present, except for the asset applicant's signature.

This little clerk still didn't dare to hide the question from a director.

"That's right, Mr. Black. Just yesterday, a Muggle refugee camp was attacked by Dementors. Although no one died, they were all deeply hurt, mentally and spiritually. The British government knows Some matters in the wizarding world, so the Prime Minister handed over this abnormal matter to the department under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic. After all, 2018 people became like this at the same time, and it involved the dementors of the Ministry of Magic, so the Ministry of Magic could not I had no choice but to accept this task."

The clerk carefully explained what to do if the Ministry of Magic took over these people! Of course, send it to the relevant department for treatment!

But there is nothing St. Mungo's can do about people who have been attacked by dementors. These people have been completely destroyed and there is no possibility of treatment. Then they can only be regarded as mentally ill and sent to the Holy Sabbath under the Ministry of Magic. Went to a mental hospital.

As a result, they found out that the Holy Sabbath Mental Sanatorium was the Black family asset that Regulus Black had been applying for, so he naturally speeded up the process and threw out this hot potato.

Regulus Black took the document and shook it. He couldn't accept this hot potato casually. If some things were not handled well and he had to deal with it at a loss, then go ahead and cry!

"I remember this mental hospital. It was empty all year round after World War II. There were no medical staff and no new facilities. In fact, it was just a name and real estate. I originally wanted to take it back and transform it into a hotel!"

Throwing the document on the table, Regulus Black had no intention of signing it.

"I want to get back this asset, which needs to be rehabilitated to make money. You sent me 2,018 mentally ill people. How can I rehabilitate them? Or how can I make money if it is a mental hospital?"

Speaking of this, the clerk was speechless. Blocking people's way of making money was tantamount to killing their parents. This was something that a little clerk like him couldn't solve.

Of course, the clerk also noticed that the review and approval of the Black family's assets had been too delayed. At this time, Regulus Black took the opportunity to give them a slap.

"In fact, the Ministry of Magic and the Muggle government subsidize the St. Sabbath Mental Sanatorium. Renovation, equipping with medical equipment and personnel can all be funded by the Ministry of Magic and the Muggle government. The subsequent treatment costs for these people will also be high. A lot of subsidies.”

Before the clerk came, he had been reminded by his department head that if he wanted Regulus Black to take over this hot potato, he still needed to make the necessary efforts, and he had already given the dimensions to him.

"If that's the case, you can still bear this negative equity. You can bring the documents from both parties over first, and then I'll sign."

If it can make money, then Regulus Black will of course be willing to sign to take back the assets, and as long as these people in the mental hospital are still alive, there will be endless subsidies from the Ministry of Magic and the Muggle government.

"Wait! I just thought about it carefully, and I feel that there is still something missing. Let the Muggle government give it a little more power! Allow St. Sabbath Mental Sanatorium to independently admit patients, including those sent by the government and those who come for treatment voluntarily. "

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Regulus Black's mouth. In this way, this mental hospital would become a base for experiments on the corner of his mouth. How those Muggles would use this mental hospital could be figured out with their toes.

Many times, mental hospitals are no different than prison cells.

The clerk had no idea why the last three items were added, but he soon reported the request made by Regulus Black. The Muggles who saw the report understood that Mr. Black wanted to use this Become a force in the government.

For those who do not meet the legal conditions for imprisonment and are not convenient for the government to deal with, if they are sent to a mental hospital, they will become mentally ill or become mentally ill in a short time.

Soon, the letter of responsibility from the Muggle government was passed into the hands.

The Holy Sabbath Mental Sanatorium is allowed to independently admit patients, including those sent by the government and those who come voluntarily for treatment.

This is to relieve the pressure on the government and the financial pressure on mental hospitals.

St. Sabbath Mental Sanatorium occupies a very large area, located near a landfill in the suburbs. It was originally a factory area during World War II. It later became a refugee camp for refugees from the European continent. Later, it received many people from the war. The hospital became a hospital because of injuries and illnesses. Finally, when these injuries left or died, the hospital began to accept patients with post-war psychological trauma.

The entire history of the Holy Sabbath Mental Sanatorium is full of suffering, first for exploited workers, then for refugees fleeing their homes, then for those injured and injured in the war, and finally for those with severe psychological trauma. Located near a landfill, a lot of negative energy and aura accumulate here.

St. Sabbath Mental Sanatorium was auctioned due to debt. After more than ten failed auctions, the Black family bought the land at a very cheap price. This was just the money to buy the land, and the buildings on the ground were included. Not included in taxes.

Because according to the Muggle government's plan, those who buy the land will knock down these buildings and build new properties, so that the property value can be recalculated to obtain new taxes.

But in fact, as long as the person who buys the land does not demolish the house and just renovates it on the original basis, then he does not have to pay any tax.

Moreover, after buying the land, it has not moved for more than ten years, and all the houses have been reinforced by magic. The Muggle government can only watch these houses stand, while the land owners do nothing.

However, this time the dementors attacked the refugee camp, giving them an opportunity to leverage this land, so the Muggle government stuffed 2018 mental patients over, and Regulus Black performed even better, not only After eating it in one bite, the lion asked for cooperation, and even became one of the forces in the government department.

As for staffing, let’s move in a team of [Hundred-Armed Giants]!

Nowadays, Regulus Black has formed three teams of [Hundred-Armed Giants] after being forced to sign a slave contract, which exactly corresponds to the three Hundred-Armed Giants in mythology.

The Hundred-Armed Giants were the children of Gaia and Ouranos, and they had three children named Briareos, Cotos, and Guges.

Funds from the Ministry of Magic and the Muggle government were quickly received, and Regulus Black personally renovated the St. Sabbath Mental Sanatorium. With the assistance of [Hundred-Armed Giant Gugos], all the decorations were completed within a week, and 41 buses lined up have been waiting outside the door for a long time.

Throughout the refugee camp, 2,018 refugees, both men and women, adults and children, were tied up in straitjackets one by one, and then escorted out of the car by the staff.

"We're finally here. I didn't expect the Muggle government to be very efficient!"

Regulus Black specifically asked for leave from Hogwarts today to deal with matters here.

Looking at the people tied up one by one, these people are all money to Regulus Black!

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