Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 314 Ring of Oath Toad Loves Boy

Jennifer Hydera felt that this moment was so sacred that she could not help but put her hands into fists on her chest.

"Yes! I do! It is my wish to become a vassal of the Black family, and Jennifer Hydera is here to offer everything."

Regulus Black felt satisfied when he looked at Jennifer Hydra, who looked hungry just now, but was so holy now.

"In that case! Give you a new contract, the Ring of Oath!"

As Regulus Black finished speaking, a magic power was poured into the top of Jennifer Hydra's head. After sweeping her whole body from head to toe, it gathered on the top of her head, a crown-like crown. Rings float overhead.

The blueprints that this contract refers to are the Angel Ring and the Tightening Curse. It has both the prohibition effect of the Tightening Curse and the blessing effect of the Angel Ring. It can also ensure that the ring of oath worn by everyone is different and unique. .

Jennifer Hydera's Ring of Oath is made up of a series of nine dragon-headed snakes, with no trace of where the body and tail are.

This oath ring is hidden on the top of the head like an illusion. It will only be revealed when Jennifer Hydera wants to use magic, and it will have various buffs attached.

"I feel closer to my master."

Jennifer Hydra looked at Regulus Black with a look of joy.

"Closer. You almost ate me just now. Wasn't it closer then than it is now?"

Regulus Black patted her face. She had good skin for a 20-year-old, with both the delicacy of a girl and a mature air.

The matter of the Holy Sabbath Mental Sanatorium was handed over to Jennifer Hydera by Regulus Black. All the wizards who joined her saw her changes, but they did not dare to go to Regulus at will. · Blake requested, only secretly envious of her good fortune.

"Don't envy me. Although there are 2,018 sacrifices here, they are not enough if they are actually used. Moreover, they are all recorded patients. We need to find more sacrifices from elsewhere. These things need to be done The handling of the plan cannot cause any trouble to the master. I hope you will strictly abide by your duties and obey the arrangements. "

After Regulus Black completed this lecture with Jennifer Hydra, he returned to Hogwarts, where there was still an unstable factor.

With unremitting efforts, Dolores Umbridge finally caught all the students spreading rumors in Hogwarts, basically half of the people in the hall.

At the end of all classes for the day, Dolores Umbridge asked them all to come together to the Great Hall for labor services.

Rows of tables and chairs have been prepared long ago, waiting for the students who have been punished to arrive.

Dolores Umbridge enjoyed this waiting process very much. The students who were punished must be outside the door at this time, trembling with fear and afraid to come in! But the time will eventually come, and students who fail to come after the time will be punished double.

The students came to the hall one after another. Before dinner, they had to sit here and keep copying "I will no longer spread rumors."

"I believe Hogwarts will operate normally in the future. As long as you don't make any more mistakes, you won't have to be punished."

Speaking relaxed words, Dolores Umbridge closed her eyes triumphantly, enjoying the screams of pain from the students. This was simply wonderful. This was second only to being fucked by a cat. Surrounding feeling.

"I will no longer spread rumors" must be copied to fill a piece of parchment. If it is written in a large font, it will not be counted. If it is written in a small font, you will suffer a disadvantage.

Therefore, after the students got to know each other about some students who had been punished, they basically reached a consensus on the size of the fonts. This is rare for students who do whatever they want in their homework and use huge fonts to match the length of the parchment. of.

Time continues, and all the copying students are looking forward to the passage of time, but Dolores Umbridge is very hateful and creates a huge pendulum in the back. The pendulum swings back and forth, each time it means Holding on for one second, this is definitely to increase the psychological pressure of the students who are being punished.

In fact, if a person can do something with his heart, time will pass very quickly and it will pass before he knows it.

A person who wants to waste time will be extremely sensitive to the passage of time. Looking up at the clock will definitely make him more energetic than doing things. The big pendulum behind Dolores Umbridge only aggravates this sensitive reaction. , so that students have to look up frequently.

What you are doing is impossible for people to concentrate on, and the pendulum in front of you is so eye-catching. This is a severe punishment.

"Fortunately, Regulus told us not to come into contact with Peeves. You see, all the classmates who were contacted were arrested."

Hermione looked at the scene in the hall and thought of the words carved on her arm. These were words written by herself.

It really hurts just thinking about it! It hurts a lot.

If she were still Hermione in the original book, she would definitely criticize Dolores Umbridge righteously.

In that case, he would inevitably become a member of the copying army. For the sake of his favorite loli, Regulus Black specifically asked her to pay attention to her actions and not to become the target of this pink toad.

Because if Hermione and other harem members are punished, Regulus Black will also be very sad. He can't confront the Ministry of Magic over this matter. If these lolita hurt, it will hurt, even if it is cured Now I have experienced this process.

not worth it! Very not worth it.

"What are you doing at the entrance to the hall?"

Regulus Black came outside the hall. Of course he knew what was happening in the hall, and as a teaching assistant he could enter the hall from the teacher's passage to dine. He was only walking here to care for these harem members.

"They were punished for copying before dinner, so we had to wait until dinner time was over before we could enter."

Holding a book in her arms, Zhang Qiu shyly explained to Regulus Black that they had known each other for several years and she still couldn't change her shy habit. However, I heard that she was among the older sisters in Ravenclaw. But a very crazy one.

"But it's just a few minutes away. I believe they can finish it."

Regulus Black glanced at the scene in the hall. They were all boys. He didn't expect that Dolores Umbridge's large-scale manhunt would only capture boys. Could it be that even a gossiping girl was caught? Not caught?

Dolores Umbridge doesn't seem like the kind of person who would leave a little girl alone.

"Help me ask, besides boys, have any girls been caught?"

Regulus Black told his harem members to stand still here, and they immediately spread among other students to find out the answer to this question.

Soon, these girls returned to Regulus Black and reported to him one by one what they had heard.

"In fact, there were girls who were caught, but Dolores Umbridge completely ignored these girls and just punished the boys. It felt like this was intentional. Could it be that this one in the rumors It’s true that big toads like to laugh at boys!”

After these girls exchanged information, they actually made such a summary. Then they looked at Regulus Black collectively, showing strange smiles, and they didn't know what they were laughing at.

"I originally thought that Regulus Black was a big pervert, but I didn't expect that there is a female version of him. He is ugly and likes little boys. This is definitely a completely negative background."

Luna Lovegood had been dumbfounded, but she suddenly made this conclusion, and her voice was not very soft. Most of the people around her heard it, except for Regulus Black and the harem members. Some other students heard this as well.

OK! It is conceivable that soon new rumors will spread, a female version of Regulus Black, an ugly boy-loving opposite with completely opposite attributes.

Regulus Black has no problem with this. For him, this rumor can't hurt him anyway, but the big toad may have to jump again.

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