Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 319 Let the dead die and die again

Regulus Black would never have said these words if he had just been resurrected.

Throughout the original Harry Potter books, killing someone in the wizarding world is such a terrible thing that they must be imprisoned in Azkaban.

Even the murderous Death Eaters are just receiving life imprisonment. If it weren't for the dementors, it would give people the feeling that the murderer is on vacation in prison.

Of all the things Regulus Black has done over the years, the pregnancy curse is undoubtedly the thing that has most impacted the minds of the wizarding world.

The question of whether to leave a blood descendant for the family or continue to live in Azkaban and be tortured by dementors has become a dilemma.

However, after Jupiter was born, the child was healthy and had wizard blood. Under the impact of this result, all prisoners except die-hards joined the plan, and the Ministry of Magic vigorously promoted it.

As for lying, under the control of Regulus Black, a man with a stiff expression and no acting talent, and corroborated by each other's testimonies, it was a case in which most of the parties and departments were responsible, and Sirius was clearly wronged. , presented in a perfect way in the eyes of the people who eat melons.

No department needed to take the blame, Sirius was freed, the truth of the case was revealed, and even Peter Pettigrew's escape successfully led the last bit of blame to this mouse.

It can be said that everyone who came into contact with the Ministry of Magic and Regulus Black was taught evil by him.

"Killing the escaped Barty Crouch Jr. is of course wrong. It will even violate many relevant regulations of the Ministry of Magic. However, no matter who does it, they cannot be completely exempted, and no one is willing to bear the responsibility. This risk.”

"However, if this matter is made public, whether Barty Crouch Jr. is on the run or is captured and tried, it will involve the responsibility of many departments. Who will take the blame? Is it worth it for a stubborn Death Eater? ?"

"In the end, all that is left to the masses is the incompetent image of the Auror Department and the bureaucratic pushback style of the Ministry of Magic. Therefore, if a person is already dead, let him die!"

Connery Fudge was silent. No matter how he pushed the matter away, in the end, as Regulus Black said, if the matter was not handled well, someone would have to find someone to take the blame.

Is it worth it for a stubborn Death Eater?

Rufus Scrimgeour thought for a long time, but could not come up with a better way to solve this problem. In fact, the Auror department did not require the use of the Unforgivable Curse when fighting against the Death Eaters. A melee broke out. If you ask like this when you are young, you will only die early.

Is it worth it for a stubborn Death Eater?

"Do you want me to kill Barty Crouch Jr. with my own hands?"

Judy Fox has a determined expression on her face, like a soldier about to go to war.

"No! My dear, of course Barty Crouch Jr. must die. How to die is another matter. You don't have to dirty your hands. I will take care of it. You just need to take the credit. "

What a joke to let your own woman face a Death Eater like Barty Crouch Jr.

"This matter must not be made public. Of course, Miss Judy Fox is absolutely capable and can secure her position as the Chief of Staff of the Auror Department. The Ministry of Magic will fully support her work."

Connery Fudge watched Rufus Scrimgeour remain silent. Although he was thinking with a constipated expression on his face, he never came up with any alternative. Since Regulus Black's method was Best, then let’s do it!

"Everyone, I still have classes at Hogwarts, so I will take my leave now. I would like to congratulate you both on your new positions and promotions. The gifts will be sent later."

Regulus Black stood up and left gracefully, leaving the three people behind in the Minister of Magic's office.

"Congratulations, Judy! Regulus really didn't say anything to you."

Connery Fudge reached out to Judi Fox. From now on, this young witch will be one of the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic, and will also be the target of his Minister of Magic, because both of them are closely related to Regulus. , people who are on the same side will inevitably help each other in the future.

"I congratulate you too, Miss Fox! I think the matters related to the Auror Department can be handed over to you first. I have to prepare to take over a brand new department, which will be too busy."

Rufus Scrimgeour finally figured out that he had already boarded Regulus Black's pirate ship, so it would be better to hand over the matters of the Auror Department first as a gesture of intimacy.

A small difference in detail can signify an attitude, Regulus Black would have understood.

After all, Barty Crouch Jr. isn’t dead yet!

If you don't follow Regulus Black's request, God knows what trouble he will use this 'dead man' to cause you.

There is unproven news circulating in the Ministry of Magic that there is a candidate for the position of Director of the Department of Magical International Cooperation.

His successor was Rufus Scrimgeour, Chief of Staff to the Auror Department.

The vacant position of Chief of Staff of the Auror Department was replaced by Judy Fox on the recommendation of her predecessor.

All three were related to Regulus Black, and it was said that they had tea together and the matter was settled.

Minister of Magic Fudge did not comment on the news, and Rufus Scrimgeour, the Chief of Staff of the Auror Department, also did not comment.

As for Judy Fox, she went to Azkaban for a routine inspection.

Azkaban returned to its calm state.

"Winky! Find Barty Crouch Jr."

Regulus Black whispered the order as soon as he left the Ministry of Magic.

House elves are a very strange magical creature. They are most suitable as servants of wizards because they originally come from the wizard's crucible, and their magical power is no weaker than that of wizards, and they are another system of magic. Like the golden finger possessed by Regulus Black, unlike the wizard's magic, their power comes more from the wizard's wishes.

"Twinkle heard what Master Regulus said, Twinkle will go find Master Barty."

Winky suddenly appeared in front of Regulus Black, then disappeared in a flash.

In the original book, Harry Potter also ordered Kreacher to go find the thief who stole Slytherin's pendant box. He had no idea where the other person was. The house elves only relied on their intuition and magic to find Kreacher. Find that person.

Regulus Black asked Winky to find Barty Crouch Jr. This was definitely more convenient than other house elves, because he could always find him as long as he was familiar with them.

"Master Regulus! Winky is back. Winky found Barty Crouch Jr. Master Barty Crouch Jr. is at Barty Crouch's cemetery."

Such convoluted words mean that the house elf speaks smoothly.

However, Regulus Black had already understood that Barty Crouch Jr. went to the grave of his father, Barty Crouch, perhaps to visit the grave.

With the silver flames and gas, Regulus Black instantly arrived at the cemetery he had visited earlier. A strong young man stood in front of the cemetery, looking at Barty Crouch's tombstone, wondering what he was thinking. What.

"Did you kill your father?"

Regulus Black walked up behind him and emitted a majestic magic that restricted Barty Crouch Jr.'s movements.

"So what? It was this incompetent coward who sent me to Azkaban."

Little Barty Crouch licked his tongue. His body and limbs were now in a stiff state, and only his facial expressions could move.

"You were imprisoned in Azkaban only after someone identified you. In fact, your father has always hidden you very well, both before he identified you and after you were transferred out."

There are some things that parents will do without explaining much. The results may not be good, but the purpose is the same, for the sake of their children, even if they do things that are hated by the children.

"You don't need to explain the relationship between our father and son."

Barty Crouch Jr. completely relaxed after repeated efforts to no avail. It seemed that he would not be able to escape today.

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