Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 323 Wolf King Fenrir Greyback

The Hogwarts exams ended, Weasley's joke shop opened successfully, Dolores Umbridge, the big toad, finally got out, and Dumbledore also returned to Hogwarts at the farewell party. Everything seemed to be in order. Think about the good aspects developing.

Regulus Black no longer comes to Black's old house often. After all, it was agreed that Sirius Black would handle it.

Sure enough, without any surprise, he donated this place to the Order of the Phoenix as an activity base, just like in the past.

However, Regulus Black did not leave Kreacher to him, but left the newly contracted Winky to serve in the old mansion.

Sirius' sense of belonging to the Order of the Phoenix far exceeds that of the Black family. This is one of the reasons why he is still unwilling to get married. After all, after he bought a rocket crossbow for Harry Potter, the golden man around him There were not many Galleons, and it was barely enough to keep the old house running. He had never thought about asking the members of the Order of the Phoenix who came here to pay for their meals.

Of course, shameless Dumbledore wouldn't pay for the food.

However, Sirius never thought that now the entire Order of the Phoenix here was exposed to Voldemort's eyes. The handsome Harry Potter was his godson. He could see everyone coming and going here. Originally, this was There is no problem, but when Voldemort's consciousness becomes dominant, then the problem becomes big.

Voldemort's Death Eaters continued to hide in the Dursley's house, torturing the Dursleys and his son while doing the tasks assigned by Voldemort.

If you want to start a war, you have to raise an army. Fallen wizards and magical creatures are all Voldemort's targets.

The Death Eaters have begun to recruit giants. Those big giants' brains are not easy to use, so the Death Eaters spent a lot of time, but the progress was slow. However, in order to express their sincerity, they beat Hagrid who was visiting his brother. .

In fact, they beat Hagrid every time, but this time they beat him more smoothly. Who makes Hagrid look shorter?

"Dumbledore! The giant has been recruited by Death Eaters."

Hogwarts was on holiday here, and Hagrid went to the giant to visit his brother, but he brought back such bad news.

"When did this happen?"

Dumbledore has always been kind to these giants, as long as they don't cause trouble, but they are also wild and untamable magical creatures, so it is not surprising that they are recruited by Death Eaters.

But what is the purpose of this Death Eater's move to recruit giants? Could it be that Voldemort is really back?

Dumbledore couldn't help but feel a chill in his body when he thought of the handsome Harry Potter now living in the old Black Mansion.

Before Voldemort, not only were giants assisted, but also werewolves and vampires. However, no race of any kind fully supported his cause, and those magical creatures that participated in the past have been dealt with by the Ministry of Magic, even if they escaped It has also been completely hidden, and this time the Death Eaters contacted the giant and received support, it can only be seen as receiving direct orders from Voldemort.

Otherwise, it cannot be explained that these giants who should not have participated back then are now willing to join Voldemort's team.

Just before the exam, the handsome Harry Potter asked his Death Eaters to search for magical creatures such as giants and werewolves.

It didn't take them long to find the giants. After all, they were so big that they were easy to spot.

After several contacts with Death Eaters, the handsome Harry Potter lost his patience. Those giants who were willing to follow Voldemort had long been cleared out by the Ministry of Magic, leaving only those who had not participated in the past and who had always been there. A giant dawdling in the backfield.

The handsome Harry Potter naturally didn't have much patience for these traitors. He took the opportunity of being punished and left Hogwarts from the principal's office, and then personally threatened these giants to participate in his actions.

"As long as Dumbledore is here, you have no hope of victory. We don't want to stand with losers."

Giants are not mindless, it's just that their rigid minds take a long time to think about things, and their reflex arcs are too long.

After coming into contact with the Death Eaters, they spent a lot of time thinking about this problem and finally came up with a perfect way.

As long as Dumbledore is alive, Voldemort has no hope of victory. On the contrary, there is a greater chance of defeat again.

Therefore, they can also use this reason to reject Voldemort's request.

"If you want to see the news of Dumbledore's death, I will let you see it, but before that, you must agree to my contract, otherwise you will go to hell to meet Dumbledore!"

The handsome Harry Potter appeared with his face still covered, and then released all the dementors.

Humans are not the only targets of dementors. Recently, they have been able to eat a meal from time to time and become angry. In the past, they could hunt wild food, but now they can only be restrained in the body of their new owner.

The overwhelming Dementors appeared, taking control of all the surrounding giants, and greedily sucked their vitality.

"Okay! We agree to your contract and let these ghosts leave."

The giant leader, who was almost dead after being sucked into life, finally realized what he should say.

The dementors were taken back by the handsome Harry Potter, and the angry meal just now allowed them to rest for a long time again.

The so-called contract, of course, will not be signed on a piece of paper, but when the giants realize that they will not resist, the handsome Harry Potter will leave a mark on their souls.

Once you sign a contract, you will be bound for life. This is very unfair, but for the sake of life, the giants have to bow their heads.

A black shadow rushed over from a distance. Just when several Death Eaters wanted to block it, the black shadow stopped.

"Fenrir Greyback comes to pay homage to the Dark Lord!"

A tall, strong man with an ugly appearance was half-kneeling on the ground. He was the criminal who went out in the wizarding world, Fenrir Greyback, one of the former Death Eaters and the leader of the werewolves. In the past, Voldemort used him to organize and lead the werewolves.

Fenrir Greyback had long discovered the Death Eaters' contact with giants. He had never understood what was going on because he had almost no contact with wizarding society and had never heard rumors of Voldemort's resurrection.

Therefore, he stayed outside the circle where giants lived, waiting for those Death Eaters to appear again.

Finally, an extremely powerful figure appeared. Although he did not have the appearance of the original Voldemort, with the werewolf's intuition, he knew that the handsome young man in front of him was probably the resurrected Voldemort.

If he was not mistaken, then he would definitely not be wrong in paying tribute to a new Dark Lord.

The werewolves in the original Harry Potter world avoid ordinary society and rely on stealing and killing to obtain food.

Most of them obeyed Voldemort and thought they could live better under his rule. It's a pity that Voldemort seemed to be indifferent or discriminatory towards them, and only allowed them to put on Death Eater robes and join their team when he needed them. Even most Death Eaters don't remember the existence of such a Greyback. Only the handsome Harry Potter would remember this werewolf leader because of his possession of Voldemort's soul fragment.

I remember Bellatrix had always called him a "filthy scavenger".

What a woman of great taste! I just heard that she had given birth to a daughter for the Black family and then died.

Fenrir Greyback obeyed Voldemort because he believed that only the Dark Lord could do it so that all werewolves could "live under the sun."

The hatred and oppression of werewolves in the wizarding world has caused their hatred and revenge complex against wizards. Faced with discrimination, Fenrir chose revenge, which would also bring the werewolves to death. But this is not something he can control.

Fenrir Greyback didn't understand that the reason why werewolves were hated and bullied was because of their ugly appearance. If werewolves were all cute and cute dog-eared girls, then people who like them would line up in a long line. They werewolves It will also become a protected animal of the Ministry of Magic.

Look at how free Veela are, they are just restricted from charming humans, and no one usually harms their survival.

Instead Veela have become the mascot of the Bulgarian team.

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