Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 336 Packing Molin and the Flesh-Eating Thestral

"Regulus! Is what you said in the divination class true?"

Professor McGonagall asked at the professor's chair that the open class for the whole grade in the morning was opened at the request of Regulus Black. As a result, the new Divination class professor gave a lecture to all the students. If those graduating students If you dare to come, you will probably be scolded with spit on your face.

The reason why Professor McGonagall asked whether it was true was because she herself had a disdain for divination classes. The mainstream magic in the wizarding world was transfiguration, spells, magic patterns, potions, botany and other subjects. Prophecy How could something so illusory and unverifiable be taken seriously?

"Of course... it's true. Prophecy is an important field in the wizarding world. If it's really that bad, the Ministry of Magic can clean up the crystal balls in the Prophecy Hall as garbage instead of keeping them all for research."

Regulus Black was very clear in what he said. He was not the only one who had such an idea. Among all the functional departments of the Ministry of Magic, the Hall of Mysteries and the Hall of Prophecy were the most difficult to enter, because they were not from their circle. With your gift of prophecy, others will simply ignore you, and the Ministry of Magic retains department-level treatment for these two departments, so you are not just freeloaders.

However, for Professor McGonagall, the way she looked at Regulus Black had another meaning. Professor Sybill Trelawney was pregnant, and the child was from the Black family, and Regulus Black was the first In the first Divination class, he just justified the name of the Divination class. Such an action made Professor McGonagall think a little bit wrong.

I wish Professor Sybill Trelawney happiness!

Regulus Black's divination class was more interesting than the class taught by Sybill Trelawney, but Regulus Black was required to learn all the stupid prophecies that were often made in class before. Practice by himself, because he doesn't want to see them practice in class, nor does he want to see the results of their practice.

In his words, all kinds of random predictions are of no value.

However, after being scolded like this, the elective course in divination was still full, and all the students who got the news took the divination course.

And when they sent a letter home, they mentioned the content of the divination class.

The result is that many people who have graduated regret it. Maybe if they had devoted themselves wholeheartedly, they would have become a prophet!

"Since the last open class for all grades, I have said this to every grade, today is you."

Regulus Black smiled and was about to repeat what he said before.

"No matter how hard you work, you may not be able to become a prophet. But if you don't work hard, you may miss out on becoming a prophet."

Regulus Black was saying this, and many students who already knew this sentence were also saying it. After finishing speaking, everyone laughed.

"It turns out that the room filled with crystal balls is the Ministry of Magic's Hall of Prophecy."

The handsome Harry Potter got the answer he wanted from his classmates at the Salvation Army, the place that had been confusing him in his dreams.

"In other words, the Dark Lord is looking for the prophecy crystal ball about Harry Potter."

Ron Weasley's intuition exploded again, and he slapped his thigh, then fell down, and got up from the slap on his leg. His leg hurt from the slap!

"Even if we know, so what, we can't leave the school. We only have the chance to go to Hogsmeade Village before the holidays. But can we leave Hogsmeade Village at that time?"

The handsome Harry Potter thought of a very practical problem. They couldn't leave Hogwarts unless they took a vacation.

Could it be that the search for the prophecy crystal ball has to be postponed until the holidays?

"We can't give the Dark Lord any chance to get the upper hand. Otherwise, I'll go to the Forbidden Forest and find that damn car."

Ron Weasley jumped up immediately. His father's car was still in the Forbidden Forest. He was Arthur's relic and his hard work.

"I don't object if you want, but that car can only seat five people at most, and it won't be able to accommodate more than that. And since we can have more than ten people participating in the event, we still have to consider other plans."

"Maybe we could pack Maureen up and send the owl out."

Unable to think of a way, a student immediately came up with a crooked idea. Maureen was the shortest boy in Gryffindor. When his classmates said this, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

"Uh! Excuse me. I'm going to take a shower first."

Mo Lin smiled stiffly, and then stumbled back to the dormitory.

"Or we can ask Hagrid to help. There are so many magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest, and Hagrid will always find a way."

One student thought of hippogriffs, perhaps riding them to the Ministry of Magic in London.

"Oh...oh my God! This is a warning from above, why not just ask Principal Dumbledore for help!"

The handsome Harry Potter covered his face when he heard this idea.

Gryffindors are courageous, but none of them are reliable. No wonder they are exploited by other houses all the time.

"Let's check first to see if there are any magical animals in the Forbidden Forest that can help."

A student suggested, and everyone agreed, and everyone went to get ready for bed, since it was already very late.

Even lions doze off sometimes, not to mention that not all these little lions are night owls.

Seeing that no one was left, the handsome Harry Potter had no choice but to walk back to his dormitory.

If Voldemort was the leader of consciousness at this time, then the solution would have been figured out long ago, but Voldemort couldn't appear, and everything had to depend on Harry Potter himself.

Or move through the Floo network from Regulus Black's assistant office to Dolores Umbridge's home.

However, this would reveal Voldemort's relationship with Dolores Umbridge, and once exposed she would be useless.

In order to obtain the prophecy crystal ball, Voldemort hid his consciousness, gave up the dominance of his body, modified Harry Potter's memory, invaded Harry Potter's spirit, hinted at him, hinted at him repeatedly, and seduced Harry Potter. Lippert did what he wanted him to do.

Now that the prophecy of the Crystal Ball is known, Harry Potter is now stuck on the threshold of leaving Hogwarts.

It would be nice if you could simply climb over the wall and leave, but the walls of Hogwarts may seem thin, but they are actually magic-restricted fences. If you touch them, you will be beaten to death.

That night, Harry Potter had another dream. Voldemort found the prophecy crystal ball, where he was listening to the prophecy inside, and then burst into bursts of laughter.

The handsome Harry Potter woke up with a start, sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

According to the agreement, every member of the Salvation Army was running into the Forbidden Forest after class. They formed a team and carefully explored the edge of the Forbidden Forest, because they had to return to Hogwarts before nightfall. So they never went deep into the Forbidden Forest.

Not everyone is the protagonist, so not everyone is Harry Potter.

The weather was nice that day, and with a bored mood, Harry Potter started today's adventure in the Forbidden Forest.

As a result, he actually saw Regulus Black and a group of girls feeding a magical creature.

"Regulus! Why can't I see them?"

The new twins were holding beef in their hands and asked Regulus curiously. If the beef in their hands hadn't been eaten for no apparent reason, they wouldn't have believed that there were invisible magical creatures here.

"This is called Thestrals! I first heard that there were only a few of them. Over the past half century, Hogwarts has bred hundreds of them. It is said that only people who have seen death can see them, so Thestrals are also misunderstood as ominous. Biological things, in fact, these are just subjective assumptions. We have all seen death with our own eyes. If you can’t see it, you can only say that your life is very happy and you have not yet come into contact with death.”

"Yes! Since the last Goblet of Fire, students at Hogwarts have been able to see these Thestrals. I originally thought they were carriages moving on their own. I never thought there would be such magical creatures as Thestrals."

Zhang Qiu didn't know why, but he was a little sad about Cedric's death, as if there was a missing piece in his heart. He obviously had no friendship with that handsome boy, and at most he was invited by him at the dance.

The Thestral, which looks like a horse, turns out to eat meat, and Harry Potter feels that his outlook on life has been somewhat subverted.

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