Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 345 Mercury Slime Soul State

Naturally, Rita Skeeter was not able to interview Harry Potter, but the news that Harry Potter had awakened was passed on to Dumbledore.

In the principal's office, Harry Potter stood there like a child who had made a mistake. In fact, he was a child, but the mistake was not made by him, but by the monster in his body.

"Principal, this is my analysis of Harry Potter's current situation. I believe that such an intuitive expression can make people understand more clearly."

A ball of silver mercury-like substance is restrained on a base. The base is composed of three layers of thin rings. When not in use, the three rings will slowly roll over to control the ball of mercury-like substance. When it is needed, the three-layer ring will stop and drop to the bottom, forming a three-layer light screen upwards.

"This thing uses a little bit of Mr. Harry Potter's blood. It was extracted just in case in the past and is used in this thing. It can truly reflect the current spirit of Mr. Harry Potter. state, or the state of the soul.”

As he spoke, Regulus Black placed the pedestal on Dumbledore's desk. The mercury substance immediately rose up as if it had been liberated, but then fell down weakly.

This reaction made everyone startled, and then relaxed. It was obvious that this mass of matter had some kind of consciousness.

"This thing has its own consciousness, and can be regarded as a tool similar to a Horcrux. It can move but has no attack or defense power. Currently, I call it mercury slime."

Regulus Black had already known the reaction of this mass of matter, so naturally he would not be nervous. The light screen of the three-layer ring was enough to stop this mercury slime.

This is actually Peter Pettigrew's right hand. After being chopped off and given to Voldemort as a potion material for resurrection, Voldemort used magic to reshape Peter Pettigrew's right hand. Pure magic is meticulously crafted, self-aware, and able to At the end of the original work, the main character Peter Pettigrew was strangled to death.

During the melee in the Hall of Mysteries, Regulus Black mingled among the Order of the Phoenix personnel and conveniently cut off Peter Pettigrew's entire arm and took it away, and then made this sensor specifically for Harry Potter's current state. device.

The prosthetic hand made of Voldemort's magic is the most suitable thing to sense the physical condition of Voldemort and Harry Potter after the fusion, not to mention that it also contains Harry Potter's blood.

The mercury slime was changing, and soon turned into what Harry Potter looks like now, and then a terrifying change appeared.

Another figure emerged from behind, like a backpack attached to Harry Potter's back. If you look closely, you can see the figure of a baby, as if Harry Potter was carrying a baby on his back. It was originally similar to an older brother carrying his younger brother. The scene seemed extremely disgusting and terrifying.

"This is Harry Potter's physical condition now. His soul is fused with Voldemort's soul."

Regulus Black said and glanced at Harry Potter. The professors present also looked over. Professor McGonagall even showed a sad and sad expression.

"Let's take a look at the situation in the past few days. This mercury slime can not only sense the present, but also record the past."

The mercury slime began to tremble continuously, and the entire body began to become torn and crazy. The images of Harry Potter and Voldemort kept flashing out, and you could see the terrifying appearance of them devouring each other crazily, and finally it looked like a two-headed cannibal. A demon-like image appeared, two skull-like heads, which could be recognized as those of Harry Potter and Voldemort respectively.

This image roared, vented its anger and desire for destruction, and continued to tear its own body, turning the entire body into tatters, and tearing off its two faces. Its madness frightened Harry Potter. .

"Professor Black! Is this what I was before?"

Harry Potter couldn't believe that his previous soul state would become like this.

"This is just an accidental product. The you before was the real you."

After Regulus Black finished speaking, he advanced the time of the mercury slime, showing another version.

The bachelor king Voldemort stroked his bald head and stood up, while Harry Potter and him were connected in the lower body. Harry Potter, who was originally standing, became bent at 90 degrees, and his body began to shrink and become smaller.

It's like Voldemort has grown a big penis, but no one can laugh. This means that Harry Potter is being controlled by Voldemort.

But when Harry Potter stood up and took the dominant position, Voldemort's figure did not shrink, but revealed his head and spoke in Harry Potter's ear.

"This is the reason why you had strange dreams before. Even if Voldemort does not take over your body, he can continue to affect your consciousness."

As Regulus Black moved his hand, the mercury slime continued to change.

A very innocent and cute Harry Potter appeared. There was no evil aura in his whole body. Only on the right side of his forehead, there was a lightning-shaped wound. From time to time, a phantom of a skull appeared in the wound. This is the least extent to which Harry Potter is controlled by evil.

"This is what your wound looks like. Where do you think this wound came from?"

Regulus Black continued to control the mercury slime to change, and Harry Potter's image began to change into a child, until he turned into a baby. When he could just walk, the wound on Harry Potter's head disappeared. .

This was the original Harry Potter, the Harry Potter who had not been attacked by Voldemort. At that time, the Potters were still alive and well.

Although the family of three cannot go out, they live happily together.

"It can only show your own soul, not those of those around you."

Regulus Black waved his hand, and the mercury slime immediately changed continuously. Just now it was changing backwards, and now it shows the growth process of a child, and it is constantly moving closer to the current image of Harry Potter.

When he passed the most evil form, he seemed to be able to feel the heart-rending madness. Soon the mercury slime turned into the current Harry Potter, a big boy with a baby on his back.

"That's all I can do, there's nothing else I can do."

After Regulus Black finished speaking, he left the mercury slime behind and turned to leave the principal's office.

Harry Potter still has a lot of questions he wants to talk about! But Professor McGonagall held down Harry Potter.

"Don't disturb Regulus. Now that he can speak to you normally, he is very restrained and takes care of your feelings."

Although Professor McGonagall did not say it explicitly, Harry Potter knew what he meant. Through newspaper reports and comments, Harry Potter was able to construct what happened that day and that Sirius Black's death was related to him.

Although he didn't seem to remember the situation at the time, Harry Potter's own selective amnesia after he made such a mistake was still analyzed by him through various clues.

Dumbledore learned Regulus Black's method of controlling mercury slime, and adjusted his form to the one he had when he fought with him that night. The evil and frantic form completely disrupted the two souls. If it can be completely stabilized, , it will be a brand new soul, but the price is the complete disappearance of Harry Potter and Voldemort.

This is also a good thing for Harry Potter. The new Harry Potter is a brand new person. The protective spells imposed by the Potters before will no longer work, and Voldemort no longer exists.

If the new Harry Potter is a good boy, then everyone can still regard him as the original Harry Potter.

If the new Harry Potter is an evil being, then without the protection of the protective spell, the 'Avatar' can solve it.

But looking at the pure Harry Potter now, he is in the form of carrying Voldemort on his back. Dumbledore doesn't know in which direction to push the situation. It seems that he can only let the situation develop on its own.

Dumbledore clicked on the ring, and the three-layered ring immediately flew up, wrapping the mercury slime into a ball, and kept rolling around to escape.

Just like Harry Potter, burdened with sin but unable to escape.

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