Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 347 Three Novels Release Signing Event

Life will go on, even if the savior turns into a big devil.

When one of Harry Potter's neighbors became passionate about writing because of the haunted house phenomenon at No. 4 Privet Drive.

Regulus Black's Ghost Ship trilogy has been written a long time ago, and through some channels, he found a British book publisher to publish it at his own expense.

Regulus Black never expected that these three novels would bring him wealth. Just relying on the royalties from the novels, he could get hundreds of millions of profits. This is too unrealistic. In his previous life, he only had only tens of millions. Worthy author.

However, since it is publishing a novel, some necessary processes are still required. In the Black family bookstore, Regulus Black made a small investment and asked Lucy Piddle to invite a dozen squib girls. Be a store clerk.

They are all poor people who are related to the wizarding world, but have not been able to enter the wizarding world. This is like a mixed-blood noble. In the eyes of the common people, he is a noble, but in the eyes of the nobles, he is just a bastard. This may be the mentality of Tom Riddle back then!

Regulus Black still remembers that when he was considering investing, he casually commented on various industries, and mentioned several industries that he had dreamed of doing in his previous life, such as maid coffee shops and maid libraries. , Maid Berry Farm.

Maid can be discussed separately, but the coffee shop, library and orchard are things to consider.

Hence the present Black Bookstore, which opened on the edge of the Muggle urban area, a few steps away from Black's old house and surrounded by ordinary residential communities. The bookstore has become a major attraction here.

This is a three-in-one bookstore. Readers here can read books in a limited area for free as long as they order a cup of coffee.

The entire store is surrounded by potted berries, with berries of various types and flavors teetering on the edge.

The most famous coffee here is not the famous brands in the world, but the unique berry flavored blended coffee here.

Drinking coffee, reading books, and eating berries, these three dreams from the past life can be achieved at once as long as you have money.

Regulus Black felt that Regulus in his previous life had been fulfilled.

When selling new books, you have to do it in your own bookstore. Foreign writers don’t hold book signings after they become famous. Instead, they would rather have a book signing for every book, so you can often see a book signing. The unknown author sat awkwardly in a corner of the bookstore. The table next to him was piled with his new books. The bookstore also put up a large advertisement, but only a few people came to buy the books and communicate with the author. This is a common problem for all new authors. Awkward.

Regulus Black was prepared for such embarrassment. After all, his two previous novels were first made into movies before being released to bookstores, "Red Villa" and "The Sixth Sense: Golden Eyes". "Li" first used the book as a script, and then released the novel. The novel is equivalent to a peripheral product of the movie, not the origin of the movie.

As soon as Regulus Black sat down, the female clerks from Black's Bookstore came around in maid uniforms. They were all carefully selected by Lucy Piddle and met the conditions of being squibs, young, beautiful, and willing to devote themselves. .

However, in the two years since the bookstore opened, Regulus Black has not come here often. The occasional visit is just to check on his assets. Today, Regulus Black will stay here for a whole day. sky.

This became an opportunity for them, a rare opportunity.

"Boss! This is the coffee you asked for, and here are today's fresh berries."

A row of maids and clerks came over, each holding something in their hands. This was obviously intentional, so that it would be considered fair and allow everyone to have a chance to show their face in front of the boss.

"Do you know what you are doing?"

Regulus Black asked them with a smile, but they were surprised. After all, with all of them gathered around, the entire bookstore was unmanaged. This was definitely not the kind of employee a boss wanted to see.

What was originally thought to be a fair approach turned out to be stupid, and everyone was likely to be expelled.

Seeing that they suddenly fell silent, and looked like they were willing to accept education and criticism, Regulus Black felt a little sad for them, but at the same time he was very happy to have them.

After the beating, it is natural to feel comforted.

"I know you all want to fulfill the contract, but I may not even be able to remember your names. Is it worth it?"

The contract that Regulus Black was talking about was naturally made for him by Lucy Piddle. While these squibs were allowed to work, they also had the obligation to become lovers. When the boss Regulus Black made the request, , they cannot refuse.

As soon as they heard that there was going to be a drama, the eyes of these maids and clerks immediately lit up.

"Actually, Mr. Black is the best choice. With your presence, we don't look down on anyone else. We are all willing."

The leading maid immediately spoke her mind. Although they could not enter the wizarding society, they could still buy the Daily Prophet, so there was no news. They had been paying attention to the wizarding world, so they naturally knew about Regulus. ·What is Black's identity in the entire wizarding world?

The wealth, status, and power he possesses are not comparable to ordinary people, and he is still so young and handsome. Even if it is because of his infernal body, any woman will go crazy about eternal youth, and now they The object of his madness was Regulus Black.

"Since that's the case, I accept your wishes and will come here often in the future. You can fulfill the contract one by one according to the schedule! There is no need to squeeze in one day."

Of course Regulus Black knew about their little Jiujiu, didn't he just want to get the matter settled today? This is too urgent!

And this is not in line with Regulus Black's habits. A comfortable bed, a quiet environment, and a private space. Without these, there is no difference between rape and rape. Moreover, when the number of women increases, there is a sense that he will be the victim. a feeling of.

After receiving Regulus Black's assurance, these maid clerks immediately dispersed happily and returned to their respective jobs.

The guests who were originally looking here from a distance naturally focused their attention on Regulus Black after the maids dispersed. The advertisements around him clearly stated that this was an author's book signing.

The advertisements for the three books "Aiolos", "Gold Cruiser" and "Extreme Cold" are placed behind the authors. The advertisements are also very distinctive. These advertisements are the covers of the books, naturally written by Regulus Black himself. drawn.

The advertisement for "Aiolos" is the name on the bow of the ship. On the sea below the ship are several drowning people calling for help.

The advertisement for "Golden Cruise" shows a floating lifeboat with a man holding an SOS sign among piles of gold and jewelry.

The advertisement for "Extreme Cold" shows a large cruise ship directly in front, with tentacle-like clouds extending out of the darkness behind it.

In fact, these three advertisements are still very attractive, but not as attractive as the maids.

However, when the author was surrounded by these maids, the author simply became the idol of many male customers. Many of them have come here countless times, but none of these maids are willing to date them.

But look at this author, although I have seen him appear before, I didn't expect him to be so welcomed by the maid clerk.

This person is really incomparable to other people, and he will make himself angry to death.

Out of curiosity about the author, many customers either went to read the three new books directly after the maid clerk returned to work, or asked the maid clerk about them. As a result, the sales of the new books that day were very good.

Regulus Black never thought that the behavior of those maids and clerks would have such an effect. If he had known that it would have such a result, he would not talk about them, but in the future, he still has to educate them one by one to make them realize The majesty of the boss.

After the autograph session that day, Regulus Black unconsciously shook his numb hands. When he left, the maids and clerks once again surrounded him, and each of them gave him a farewell kiss before letting him go. he.

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