Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi Chapter 353 Even the Wolf King can't defeat the three-headed dog

Fenrir Greyback left and ate all the sausages he grabbed. When he returned to Gunter's old house, he still had two sausages, which happened to be connected together and could be used as nunchucks. He turned them around in his hand. To play with.

Lucius Malfoy drank black tea elegantly and admired the dilapidated scenery of Gaunt's old house, but it was as if he was admiring the garden in a palace.

He turned around and glanced at the werewolf who had returned. It was obvious that the other party had not made any progress. The recent troubles had made the Death Eaters accustomed to it.

"No one was found?"

Lucius Malfoy felt the urge to laugh, but it was unnoble and the wrong time and place.

"Do you want to laugh? If you want to laugh, just laugh!"

Fenrir Greyback dropped the sausage nunchaku in his hand on the coffee table, then picked up the whole pot of black tea and poured it directly into his mouth. He just happened to eat too many sausages and used black tea to wash away the greasiness. Anyway, It doesn't feel hot either.

Seeing the other party drinking his black tea like this, Lucius Malfoy lost the appetite to continue drinking the black tea in his hand.

"Now that you say that, I laughed! Did you encounter anything interesting today?"

Lucius Malfoy would not be afraid of this wolf king. If he wanted to deal with him, he could defeat him even on a full moon night.

"A piece of trash, an old bug, actually begged me to join, and even jumped up to hug my thighs and touch my balls."

Fenrir Greyback didn't care and told what happened just now, didn't he just want to see a joke! Make you laugh enough.

Lucius Malfoy was indeed irritated by such words. He wanted to laugh but held back. This was too ungraceful. Obviously, this stupid wolf was also waiting to see his own joke, no matter it was a smile without any image. When he came out, he still suppressed his distorted expression. This was what the other party wanted to see.

"It seems that there is nothing much to do today. There are still some private matters that need to be dealt with in Malfoy Manor. I will take the first step."

Lucius Malfoy maintained his composure and quickly left Gaunt's old house.

"Hmph! You can't help but laugh! You damn aristocrat. If you dare to laugh in front of me, see how I slap you."

Fenrir Greyback knew that this would be the result. The other party could endure it or leave. Of course, in his opinion, the other party's second option was to run away.

The entire power of Voldemort has not been established at all, but it is wrong to say that there is no power, but it is far from being able to compete with the magic department. At most, it can barely reach the level of the Order of the Phoenix, and those forces that come out of nowhere , divided the entire wizarding world into pieces, which prevented any force from gaining an absolute advantage.

What Fenrir Greyback didn't know was that if all the scattered forces were united and counted under the name of Regulus Black, then the current wizarding world would be able to revolutionize again.

Fenrir Greyback feels that he is getting more and more irritable. Calculating that the day has not yet reached the full moon, it is only the weakest new moon period, but the irritable feeling rising from the bottom of his heart is drowning his reason. .

We can't stay here any longer, it's obvious that the old bug just plotted against him.

Fenrir Greyback could even feel himself beginning to passively transform.

Making a decisive decision, Fenrir Greyback waved his wand, turning himself into black smoke and rushing towards the nearby no man's land.

In this case, even if he transforms into a werewolf, he will not cause too much harm. This is not to protect anyone, but to not expose himself. Of course, it is also possible to stay in Gunter's old house. If he is willing to be If the Death Eaters staying here attack, they can also restrict their transformation.

Of course, Fenrir Greyback won't go far. There is a used car dump nearby, which is a good area.

Every city, even a first-level city in the Wuchang countries, will have many dirty and dark corners. Many of them are places for garbage disposal, but they will be isolated by high walls and uninhabited areas. out of people's sight.

As soon as Fenrir Greyback landed, he knew that there had been no workers here for a long time to deal with these abandoned vehicles.

In the pile of abandoned vehicles piled high, Fenrir Greyback howled and turned into a werewolf form. This was simply unimaginable in the daytime, because transforming into a werewolf during the day would make Fenrir ·Greyback consumes more physical strength and magic power. The strength of the werewolf fluctuates with the changes of the moon. This is not just a matter of talk, but a fact.

Of course, a werewolf is at its most powerful on a full moon night, but even if it transforms during a new moon, its strength will drop a lot.

When transforming during the day, the strength will drop even more, and there will be a situation where a so-called child knocks down a strong man.

Fenrir Greyback has completed his transformation, but fortunately no one came to disturb him during this weakest process.

He reached out to grab the speeding car next to him. The sharp claws were not affected by his strength. When he scratched the car door, it directly cut several cracks in the door.

But when he punched with all his strength, Fenrir Greyback found that he had only made a shallow dent in the car door. This was comparable to the force he used to punch the entire car away when he was a full moon. It's a world of difference.

I looked up at the sky. White clouds were floating in the clear sky. The afternoon sunshine was warm, making people want to sleep comfortably. If it were a pet dog at this time, it would have found a place to lie down and sleep. Go to sleep.

But this bright sunshine made Fenrir Greyback even more tormented in his heart. The urge to destroy everything filled his heart, and his violent emotions began to get out of control.

If Fenrir Greyback was willing to accept the torture of his fellow Death Eaters, then he still had hope of control, but if he ran out alone, other Death Eaters would naturally not interfere with his personal affairs.

Although the damage caused was not great, the werewolf transformed by Fenrir Greyback had disrupted the layout of the nearby scrap car pile.

Regulus Black received a summons from his own men, and later heard a joke from Lucius Malfoy, who also asked if the guy who touched the Wolf King's balls was one of his men.

After a little calculation, Regulus Black arrived near Gaunt's old house.

Afterwards, Fenrir Greyback came to the scrapyard, followed by Regulus Black.

Regulus Black was sitting on the top of the pile of scrap cars in the distance, looking at Fenrir Greyback who was destroying the scrap cars crazily. The thought of watching two mad dogs bite each other came to him, but Lime Si Lupine is a little far away from here, and he has joined the Black family. He is considered one of his own, and other werewolves do not know him.

So the only option now is to unleash your own mad dog.

"Come out! My three-headed hellhound."

In his first year at the school, Regulus Black snatched away Hagrid's three-headed dog, Fluffy.

After that, it was kept in the [Dragon Egg Secret Realm of Golden Memory], allowing Lu Wei to take up the hero profession, and then continued to fight monsters and upgrade.

Nowadays, Lu Wei is already a veteran hero and has learned three skill systems across professions.

The Druid's Summoning Skills, the Barbarian's Shout Skills, and the Assassin's Martial Arts Skills.

With these three max-level skills, Fenrir Greyback has no hope of victory.

As soon as Lu Wei was called out, he looked at Regulus Black with dissatisfaction, because he had promised Lu Wei that after he learned the three skills, he would give him tasks and let him play out, but he never wanted to use them. He could only let Lu Wei, who was at full level, sleep in the dragon egg every day.

"Knock him down, as long as he doesn't die."

As the master, Regulus Black would not admit his mistake and gave Lu Wei an order directly.

But this is exactly what Lu Wei wants, to finally show off his skills and make a career.

Looking at the crazed werewolf with contempt, Lu Wei first used the 'mockery' in his shouting skill to attract all the opponent's firepower to himself.

Then there was the one-sided abuse. The druid and barbarian did not use any other skills, but just performed the assassin's martial arts.

Tiger attack, dragon claw, double dragon claw, flame fist, cobra attack, dragon tail swing, thunder claw, ice blade, flying dragon in the sky, phoenix attack.


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