Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 362 is causing trouble in this Muggle world

In fact, in the wizarding world of Harry Potter, Regulus Black has nothing to do. If he still has a carefully planned unknown future, he is thinking about how to deal with Voldemort and Dumbledore every day.

So now all that is left is the daily repetitive work, having fun with your harem, coaxing your women, advising actresses, writing scripts, making movies, making children for witches, mediating disputes for the wizarding world, every day They all went to the Ministry of Magic to report and correct documents and make subtle adjustments to their subordinates' forces.

It’s so boring in this world without enemies!

Regulus Black asked himself that he was not a good person, otherwise he would not have a harem, and he should focus on one person.

Since he is not a savior like Harry Potter, he is naturally qualified to be a villain.

Villains always have great ideals and ambitions. They work diligently to achieve self-development in order to achieve their goals. They work hard every day and do whatever it takes to pursue their dreams. They are not discouraged even if they fail. They act in an orderly and organized manner, and they like to laugh.

He is decent but always has no clear goals for his future. Preventing others from realizing their dreams has become his life value. He always acts alone or with a very small number of people. He always waits for things to happen before arriving at the scene. He is always passive. Reactions, and always angry and angry expressions.

The former is Voldemort and the latter is Harry Potter. After Regulus Black appeared, the former was Regulus Black, and the latter was Harry Potter and Voldemort. The reason why Regulus Black is like this The villain was not killed because, at least on the surface, he was always on the side of justice.

And now, in his sixth year in the world of Harry Potter, Regulus Black has dealt with all the problems, solved the Savior and the Dark Lord, and forced Dumbledore to death. Now it can be said that he has no enemies. .

A world without enemies is empty, lonely and cold.

Regulus Black is preparing to become a villain himself, but he will not do anything to cultivate brave men to defeat the demon king himself. This is too naive.

Regulus Black is preparing to create some trouble in this world, and at the same time, he is also trying to squeeze out the last value of the [Hundred-Armed Giant] organization.

[Hundred-armed Giant Briareos] [Hundred-armed Giant Cotos] [Hundred-armed Giant Guges] These three organizations were ordered to

Secret strongholds have been established all over the world, from first-tier cities to eighteenth-tier cities. Wherever there are human activities, the hands of the Hundred-Armed Giant will touch there, and what follows will be a smuggling network that spans national borders around the world.

[Hundred-Armed Giant] has never been connected with any criminal group. On the contrary, [Hundred-Armed Giant] is a formal multinational enterprise.

【Hundred-Armed Giant Briareus】continues to operate in continental Europe and is headquartered in the United Kingdom.

[The Hundred-Armed Giant Kotos] established its headquarters in the United States, and its power covers regular North and South America.

[Hundred-Armed Giant Guges] established its headquarters in China and began to penetrate to the south.

In the mercenary world, a loose organization called "Seven-Man Royal Travel" has emerged. The members are not fixed, and the tasks are not divided into good and bad. There are even two groups of seven-man teams of "Seven-Man Royal Travel". Hostile missions.

There was also a time when a national organization wanted to make this [Seven-Man Royal Traveler] commit suicide by deliberately setting up hostile missions.

But after their intentions are exposed, they will definitely be severely retaliated by [Seven Royal Travels].

One of the problems is that the armed personnel of [Seven-Man Royal Travel] have always been from different countries. At most, they are only people from the same country forming a team of 7 people. But what has the most in the world is of course people!

The value and quantity of the property destroyed and the people killed by [Seven-Man Royal Travel] can almost match the losses in large-scale wars.

The African continent is the hardest hit area. Ten years later, there is almost no complete concept of a country. Everything was beaten into a mess by mercenaries such as the "Seven-Man Royal Travel". Countless primitive tribes were also wiped out and the local people were destroyed. The racial structure has also changed, with yellow people becoming the second largest group on the continent, followed by white people.

[Seven-person Royal Journey] comes from Japanese ghost stories.

It is said that there are seven ghosts, each of which carries a bookcase on its back. They read while walking without looking at the road, so it is easy to get into a car accident or something. If one of them accidentally dies, a living person related to it will be killed. At the top, that is to say, we must always maintain a seven-man (seven ghosts?) formation, and no one can be missing.

It is also said that such supernatural phenomena have occurred in Japan. It is said that there is a record of witnessing seven people dressed as monks. Rumor has it that anyone who sees the seven walking around will be killed so that the oldest ghost among them can ascend to heaven.

Therefore, people are very afraid and dare not go out at night. Some people believe that the method of walking without encountering the seven people is to hold the thumb with the palm of the hand and walk, but this cannot be proven to be effective. Apart from trying to avoid walking at night, there is no other effective way for people to avoid Drive them!

These are all natural and man-made disasters that happened in the Muggle world. Of course they have nothing to do with the wizarding world, and naturally they have nothing to do with Regulus Black, the professor of Hogwarts. It’s just that all of this is just to let the Black family The power displayed by becoming the largest family in the dark world.

Hogwarts has long since returned to normal. After Dumbledore's death, Professor McGonagall became the principal of Hogwarts.

However, after two years, Professor McGonagall resigned as principal and handed over Hogwarts to Snape.

"Principal McGonagall! I heard you were looking for me."

Regulus Black was no longer the professor of Prophecy at this time. After Sybill Trelawney gave birth to Sirius Black's child, she returned to her position in the Prophecy class, and Professor Snape was already in the Dark Arts department. I took the defense class for two years and proved with facts that the Dark Lord no longer existed.

Regulus Black is now the professor of the Potions class, and he still maintains a happy teaching once a month. This makes the accident rate of the Potions class at Hogwarts remain high, but from the school director down to The students injured in the accident all said that they absolutely cannot cancel the happy teaching day every month. They count on this day every month!

"Regulus! Two years later, there is one thing that I still can't find the answer to. Why did Dumbledore die in the first place?"

Now Professor McGonagall finally wants to investigate the cause of Dumbledore's death. After all, based on the situation at that time, Dumbledore did not have to die. It was not a problem to defeat Harry Potter or Voldemort, but Dumbledore just... He lost like this, and the price of losing was so heavy.

Regulus Black didn't want to hide this either.

"I wonder if Principal McGonagall can understand that Principal Dumbledore sacrificed his life voluntarily."

Regulus Black came to Dumbledore's portrait, and Dumbledore in the portrait smiled and nodded to him.

"You may not be very clear about Harry Potter's situation at that time. No matter who killed him, it was possible that he only killed Harry Potter and left Voldemort behind. It was impossible to separate them. Who would take action? ? Anyway, I escaped."

Regulus Black smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, and Dumbledore in the portrait just smiled and said nothing.

"At that time, Voldemort's only goal was Dumbledore's Elder Wand. Obtaining the Elder Wand was regarded by Voldemort as another victory after defeating Harry Potter. Only by obtaining the Elder Wand, Voldemort's soul would expand and he would be able to survive. Kill Harry Potter on the soul level, then no one will have to take the blame for killing Harry Potter at this time.”

Regulus Black said taking the blame, and even Dumbledore in the portrait laughed.

"In other words, Dumbledore did it on purpose, just to let Voldemort completely possess Harry Potter, and then kill Voldemort."

Professor McGonagall has also understood this. Even in this way, there is a suspicion that he will not save Harry Potter, or even force Harry Potter to death. It is obvious that Dumbledore has thought about this for a long time.

"This is a secret. If you understand it, you will understand Dumbledore's sacrifice."

Regulus Black turned around and came to Professor McGonagall, handing her two potion bottles.

"The red one is Dumbledore's blood. It was given to me before he died. The 'pregnancy curse' has been cast on the potion bottle. Any woman can use it. The green potion can restore youth to people. Although your lifespan cannot be extended, your physical fitness will be the same as when you were young.”

Regulus Black left, leaving Principal McGonagall with a new choice, and Professor McGonagall subsequently handed over the duties of principal.

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