Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 373 Luna Black Blood Vine Red Flower

Lucy Piddle put her newly breastfed daughter into the cradle, which was of course Regulus Black's child.

After working as a secretary for so many years, I watched Regulus Black's women become pregnant one after another. Lucy Piddle was also a woman! Wanting a child is instinctive.

But Regulus Black is also very easy to talk to here. After all, this is a master who has taken all Muggles to purebloods.

For a squib wizard like Lucy Piddle, getting pregnant wouldn't be a big problem.

This is a beautiful daughter, with the same burgundy-black hair as her mother, but her eyes are more red, and there seems to be a gorgeous flower in the dark red pupils.

"The child's magical properties are good. When he reaches the age, he can go to school directly. From now on, no one will look down on you as a squib mother. On the contrary, you can tell everyone that you have an outstanding daughter."

The status of Squibs in the wizarding world is the same as that of mutants in human society. The discrimination they receive comes from all aspects.

Squibs like Lucy Piddle who took the initiative to break away from the wizarding world and only provided services on the periphery were fine. Those who were both squibs and continued to hang out in the wizarding world basically made themselves uncomfortable.

However, Regulus Black was able to make Squib women pregnant with little wizards. This situation changed the view of the wizarding world. Not counting men like Filch, those female Squibs began to be valued by the wizarding families again. .

What if they could give birth to a little wizard!

In fact, this is originally a problem of internal discrimination and strife. There can still be wizards among Muggles! Harry Potter's mother is a Muggle wizard, and Hermione is also a Muggle-born wizard.

The original wizarding world regarded Squibs as an ominous thing, as if having a close relationship with Squibs would turn you into a Squib.

Only Regulus Black always treats everyone equally, treating everyone from Muggles to wizards with the same attitude, and only loves beauty!

So, as long as you were pretty, even a Squib had a chance to spend the night with Regulus Black.

Lucy Piddle often introduced Squib girls to Regulus on such matters.

"It's all because of you that you have such an outstanding daughter. Your children are all over 100 now, right? What's your daughter's name?"

Lucy Piddle looked at Regulus with some mischief. Obviously having too many children with names was a problem. Trying to remember all the names was also a problem. If the children all used their mother's surname, then even if It doesn't matter if they have the same name, but since their last name is Black, they can't have the same name.

A long time ago, Regulus Black no longer followed the Black family's custom of naming children after stars, because there were sometimes several children born on the same day.

"Let me see, you are Lucy, then the daughter is Luna, Luna Black."

Regulus Black is not so easy to fool. Although it is a troublesome thing to name his children, his memory is still so clear. The birth of each child seems to be yesterday, and the name of each child , were all determined by himself in advance, so the name Beelzebub Black appeared, and it was only discovered by the child's mother afterwards.

"Are you going to put a restraint on your child today?"

Lucy Piddle was not nervous about this. After all, placing restraints on young wizards could effectively protect their growth.

"Every baby is my little angel. Their smiling faces are the driving force of my life. The ban is to protect them."

Regulus Black was naturally not in a hurry to do it. After all, he had to ask for his mother's opinion on this matter. However, there would be some hesitation and resistance from Muggle mothers when asking for opinions. Lucy Piddle, who was familiar with the wizarding world, Not at all here.

Regulus Black usually puts a compound spell on his children unless he encounters special circumstances.

Based on the ring of oath, combined with the swan essence spell and the true love spell, this spell has now become a true angel ring, and no one can harm the baby.

A small, thin blood-red angel ring was formed on the top of Luna Black's head. If you look closely, you can see that this ring is composed of red vines and flowers. The branches of the vines are constantly entangled with each other, all the time. .

"Okay! Until the eve of school at the age of 11, this ring can limit and increase magic power, and can also protect Luna."

Regulus Black put his sleeping daughter back into the cradle. It would take some time for the fatigue from the magic to be recovered.

"I am lucky to have you! Now I have another blessing."

Lucy Piddle hugged Regulus and looked at the man she loved deeply.

"I think you rushed to my office so directly. You were so wanton and public at that time. That's your nature!"

Lucy Piddle thought about the scene back then. As an external employee of the Ministry of Magic, she originally thought she would be there for the rest of her life!

"If I don't appear, someone else will appear, but I must be your best choice."

Regulus Black was very confident about this. After all, not all men would treat their partners well.

For Lucy Pinder, it is more likely that she will have several boyfriends or husbands, and then live on her own with her children.

This analysis is entirely due to Lucy Piddle's character, she is still very independent.

"I will never leave you! I will stay with you for life! I will make you immortal and beautiful."

Regulus Black put his arms around Lucy Piddle, and the two hugged and danced silently in the room.

Although there is no music to accompany it, it is still romantic and silent.

As for later, when we were tired from dancing, we went to take a shower together, lay on the bed to rest together, and even explored each other's privacy deeply.

Those are all side things, the main thing is dancing.

After a night of joy, Lucy Piddle fell into a deep sleep, her graceful body glowing pink.

Even if Regulus Black lets loose on this kind of thing, it's not something she can handle alone. In the state of letting go, she was pushed to the peak in less than a quarter of an hour. If she had tried her best, Regulus Black would not have been the one to cum in seconds.

He took out a piece of chocolate produced by the Black family, a lump of slime-like chocolate, and shivered inside the box as he looked at Regulus Black who opened the box.

"She can regain her strength after eating you, don't blame me!"

Regulus Black put this ball of slime chocolate on Lucy Piddle's mouth, and the chocolate flowed into it by itself, leaving no trace of chocolate outside. This is a new addition to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. product.

After Regulus Black took over the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory, the factory's products have been planned to be updated. A considerable number of new products are launched every year, which are completely different for the Muggle market and the wizarding world. product.

What is available in the Muggle market is just ordinary chocolate. No matter how fancy the shape is, it is just a failed product for the wizarding world, because products with fancy shapes are sold in the wizarding world.

Just like the slime chocolate given to Lucy Piddle just now.

Of course, sometimes products from the wizarding world are revealed, often causing small-scale surprises in the Muggle world.

However, Regulus Black also imposed restrictions on this. Those moving chocolates and candies, if they are not constantly touched by wizards and receive magic, will become products sold to Muggles in one day.

Recently, Regulus Black is promoting a chocolate frog game on his mobile phone. Raising a son who is greedy for chocolate has become a favorite of many young people in the Muggle world. After all, everyone has the desire to be a parent. Looking at this newborn son who is completely unable to command, they will have all kinds of worrying thoughts in their hearts.

"Hey! I'm tired of eating chocolate at home, so I'm going to travel in search of delicious food."

In many people's mobile phones, their son will leave a message like this and then suddenly disappear for a few days, and then he will be sent postcards from all over the world.

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