Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 376 Great Teacher and Martyr

The Pentagon is a restricted military area of ​​the United States. The entire building is shaped into a pentagon and gathers a large number of staff.

The atrium here is where the staff rest and have meals, and there is the only hot dog stand in this place.

Former Soviet satellites found that a large number of people came and went here, thinking that this was the entrance to some kind of fortification and was very important.

Today, Assassin will enter this tightly secured place in a way beyond people's imagination and walk in directly.

Yes, he didn't use any martial arts skills, he just walked. Assassin shuttled back and forth in the crowd, sometimes fast and sometimes slow. If he was under surveillance, it would be obvious at a glance, but to the people at the scene, he had never seen it. she.

Everyone's attention will have focus points and blind spots, and often the direction of looking and the direction of attention are different, and Assassin seems to be able to sense these focus points and blind spots, although she is constantly moving in the crowd, but in fact No one noticed her at all. Even if she was attracted by the purple hair for a moment, the purple color would soon disappear without a trace.

In this way, Assassin wandered around the tightly guarded Pentagon, and then came to the atrium, bought a hot dog and ate it slowly. Of course, the money was obtained from someone else.

The alarm did not sound, but the Pentagon's security forces arrived at the scene quickly, and other staff around them were silently cleared out of the atrium. Assassin watched their actions with some boredom. Such a tense atmosphere was really not suitable for lunch. Woolen cloth! But the meal provided to Pentagon staff was good, and Assassin ate the rest.

Many of the staff who were cleared out did not go far. On the contrary, they tried their best to take pictures with their mobile phones. Some of them wanted to go back because when they were cleared out, they did not know that Assassin was coming. .

Just like the online video, Assassin's real person also has purple hair and dark skin, and a good figure. Apart from the half skull mask on his face, he only has tight-fitting clothes made of black material, giving him an extremely dangerous and seductive look. impression.

"Oh! Damn, what should I do if I think I'm in love with her? The supermodel's figure isn't as good as hers."

A certain staff member was expressing his feelings in a soft voice, causing the colleague who was also filming next to him to roll his eyes at him.

"As long as you like her. Among the people photographed here, I dare say that the vast majority of people like her. Why can't she dress more righteously! Like Superwoman."

The person who just rolled his eyes directly commented on Assassin's clothing, saying that it would be better to dress more like a hero than to dress more like a villain.

That's true, but who says villains don't have fans!

Many people are obsessed with dark, evil and charming villains.

"What do we do next? Sir!"

The adjutant in charge of security asked his superior. After all, he was broken into... In fact, he walked into the Pentagon. The department in charge of security cannot escape the blame. Many things are not a question of who is right or wrong, but someone must bear the responsibility. Pot problem.

"Waiting for orders, this is not something we can intervene in. The relevant special forces have been notified. We just need to besiege them."

The commander had obviously received the instructions from above, and he didn't seem to be taking the blame, so he was in a good mood.

"Can we trap Assassin?"

A soldier not far away asked softly to his companions. The siege of Assassin was just a joke. Didn't you see how Assassin broke through the siege and took away the girl who set the fire?

"Perhaps we can shoot, but I don't think we will hit. On the contrary, the chance of hitting the comrades on the opposite side is higher."

Another soldier laughed and complained. In fact, with Assassin's usual style, it is better to worry about being injured by his comrades than to be injured by this beauty. This is a conclusion supported by statistical data.

In the atrium of the Pentagon, after about an hour of confrontation between the two sides, Assassin finally saw the team of special forces that had been hunting for people with superpowers for a long time. They sat directly on the helicopter and parked on the roof of the Pentagon, and then directly reached the atrium through ropes.

Assassin still has not moved. As she said before, she is ready to become a martyr this time to prove how far the government will go. In fact, Assassin's situation is now live broadcast on the Internet, reaching hundreds of millions. of viewers watching.

"Catch her! Don't worry about the live broadcast. I believe there will be no live broadcast after she faints."

The command of the special forces cannot bear the responsibility for the failure of the arrest, and analysis has concluded that the current live broadcast originated from Assassin himself.

Although there is no camera device visible, it can be considered to be some kind of ability. No one can guarantee that Assassin has no other abilities besides her super body. After all, there are too many unknowns about this mysterious woman.

Various non-lethal bullets hit Assassin one after another, causing her to fall into a pool of blood.

The people from the special forces rushed forward and used the stun gun at close range, causing Assassin to convulse and pass out.

As analyzed, the entire process was live broadcast and uploaded to the Internet, but just when Assassin lost consciousness, the live broadcast ended, and all the viewers' eyes fell into darkness.

Assassin was successfully captured by the US government. Many people who opposed super powers were cheering and many people from the government were explaining this action. In short, except for the vast majority of the people, a few people were excited.

The name of the martyr Assassin spread on the Internet, and many people were paying attention to this matter. A very important indicator was raised, "When the government captures a subject, how long will it take for him to be unconscious?" How many days? What month? several years? Or for life?

Everyone is waiting for news, and those who promote this as a just government action are becoming more stressed as time goes by.

In fact, after the special forces opened fire, Assassin took off all his disguises, his purple hair and black clothes disappeared. Under the skull mask was an ordinary female face, lying naked in a pool of blood. .

After losing consciousness, Assassin returned to his normal appearance and remained in a coma under the influence of the drug until Assassin woke up half a year later.

He lost a pair of eyes, a large amount of blood, part of the spinal fluid and cerebrospinal fluid were extracted, part of the internal organs, the liver, pancreas, ovaries and uterus were removed, the meridians of his hands and feet were severed, and the location of his heart was cut. A bomb was planted.

This is what happened to Assassin after he woke up. This was precisely because of the live broadcast method that the government could not understand. It was uploaded to the Internet as soon as Assassin woke up, causing a sensation among the Internet people again after half a year.

What a person with superpowers will go through if he is caught by the government is all shown, so cruel and bloody.

However, government personnel immediately came out to refute the rumors, explaining that this was just a seriously ill patient and not the previously arrested Assassin.

However, all these explanations are not as real as seeing the live broadcast intuitively. It can be said that a person is completely disabled.

And who would implant a bomb in the heart of a seriously ill patient? Don’t government officials understand the facts before lying?

There is a concept circulating among the people that becoming a person with superpowers is very random. Anyone may suddenly awaken superpowers. This is a probability based on the population base, which means that most superpowers will inevitably appear. Able people come from the middle and lower classes of society.

"What should you do when your family, children, friends, or even you yourself suddenly awaken with superpowers? Do you seek help from the government? Or are you afraid that your family, children, friends, or even you yourself will awaken with superpowers, and then choose the government's help? ?"

"No! This will harm your family, children, friends and even yourself. Superpowers are not a sin, only abusing them is a sin. But before we argue whether superpowers are sinful or not, we should know one question, that is Once you have superpowers, you become a thorn in the side of the government."

"Look at our great teacher and martyr Assassin. She never killed her captors when she had the advantage before. But look at her treatment after being captured. Her eyes were gouged out, her organs were cut off, and her hands and feet were severed. , being treated casually like a laboratory animal, this is the government’s so-called justice... There is simply no justice at all.”

A man held a loudspeaker to promote propaganda in Long Island's Central Park, but he was quickly arrested by the police. There were many such things, and the government never showed any intention of bowing its head. The entire government and superpowers became complete enemies. But now public opinion is on the side of superpowers. After all, no one can guarantee whether they will suddenly awaken to possess superpowers.

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