Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 638 Seeing Another Dream


Harry shivered from the biting cold wind and woke up in an instant.

He found himself in an endless snowfield, with strong winds howling over the snowfield.

The gravel and ice crystals mixed in the strong wind slapped Harry's face, causing Harry to feel bursts of pain.

Wait, pain?

Harry responded slowly.

Why do I feel pain?

Harry had never had such a lucid dream before.

When he was constantly harassed by Voldemort last semester, he often had this kind of lucid dream.

At that time, Harry was sometimes the big snake Nagini, sometimes Voldemort himself.

When Harry was Nagini or Voldemort, he could feel excitement, happiness, anger, and the taste of blood in his mouth, but he had never felt cold, never felt Living with such real pain.

Harry shivered and prepared to take a few steps in the snowy wilderness.

But as soon as Harry took a step, he became too cold to bear it.

He was now wearing the same outfit he had gone to bed with, bare feet and thin pajamas.

After taking a simple step, Harry felt that his feet were stiff from the cold, and he also felt that he was rapidly losing body temperature.

The consciousness that he had just woken up began to gradually become blurry, and the muscles on his face began to twitch uncontrollably, and his whole body became tingly, as if there were countless hot needles poking under his skin, which made Ha Leigh couldn't help but want to strip naked.

"Haha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha."

Harry felt as if he heard a call, as if someone was calling his name anxiously. It should be a very rapid call, but when he heard it in Harry's ears, it seemed to be slowed down and elongated.

"Haha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Li."

The anxious shout came again, accompanied by a slight pushing feeling that seemed to be slowed down as well.

But now Harry couldn't care less about the weird pushing and shouting.

He is now gradually losing consciousness due to the cold, and soon he will feel nothing and hear nothing, but at this critical moment——

Harry seemed to see Tiera appearing in front of him.

Then Tiera raised her bone hand burning with golden red flames and stabbed Harry hard between the eyebrows.

Harry felt his body suddenly pause. It was as if he could feel his limbs again. His legs twitched, and he felt as if he had fallen into a bottomless cliff and was falling sharply.


Harry screamed and woke up from his bed, flailing his limbs wildly, messing up the quilt covering himself, like a panicked drowning man struggling hard.

Finally, Harry seemed to have found the exit of the quilt. He suppressed the feeling of heart palpitations and hurriedly sat up from the bed, breathing heavily.

After Harry's heartbeat gradually calmed down, he quickly fumbled for his glasses and put them on the bridge of his nose.

Harry found that his bedside was now very crowded.

Neville, Ron, and Seamus all stood beside his bed and looked at him with worried faces.

Sitting on the edge of his bed was Tiera, whom she had not seen in the dormitory for a long time.

Tiera was retracting the bone hand, and then flicked it, extinguishing the golden-red flames burning on his fingertips, as if flicking a match.

"Harry, you just scared us to death!" Ron said worriedly.

"As soon as I came in, I found you shivering under the quilt." Ron said with lingering fear. "I thought you had a cold, so I touched your forehead, but I didn't expect you to be cold all over!"

"I tried to wake you up, but I couldn't shake you no matter how hard I shook you. I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I asked Seamus and Neville to continue trying to wake you up, and then I hurriedly ran to call Tiera over," Ron said. , "Thank God you woke up in the end. You don't know how scary your face was just now. It was purple and blue. If you weren't still breathing heavily and shaking, I would have thought you were dead."

"Tiera!" Harry didn't bother to thank Ron and called out to Tiera anxiously, "I just had a particularly weird dream. I dreamed of an endless white snowfield with hanging hangings on the snowfield. It was wrong to fight against the freezing cold wind. I, I first passed through a huge and deep cave. The stone walls inside the cave were inlaid with various luminous stones and strange-shaped stalactites, and then I came out. After the cave, I appeared on a snowfield, and then I suddenly felt very cold, and I realized that I really seemed to be on a snowfield."

"Then I felt very, very cold, and the snowfield was very real. I took a step forward and it felt like I was actually stepping on snow. I could even hear the crunching sound of snow, and the wind slapped ice crystals on my face. Then I felt like I was frozen. Then I heard someone calling me. Then I seemed to feel someone shaking me. Then I saw you appear, and you stretched out your hand and poked me. .and then I just seemed to fall."

Harry kept chattering, describing the dream he had just had in one breath as if pouring beans, for fear that he would forget.

After finishing speaking in one breath, Harry coughed violently.

It was only then that Harry suddenly noticed that his throat was extremely dry and his face was a little sore. He touched it and seemed to feel a few shallow scratches.

At the same time, he felt a burning itching all over his body, especially his feet.

"Did I just teleport to some snowfield?" Harry asked, trying not to pay attention to the strangeness on his body.

"Don't be stupid, Harry, you have been here all the time." Ron said, "Seamus and Neville can testify that you were still asleep in bed when they came back. They didn't turn on the light because they were afraid of disturbing you."

"But -" Harry seemed to want to argue, and wanted to say how real his feelings just now were, and how uncomfortable he was now.

"It was a dream, and it was indeed real." But Tiera interrupted Harry's explanation.

Then Tiera stood up from the edge of Harry's bed and lifted Harry's quilt directly.

"Ah!" Harry exclaimed.

"How is this going?"

"Harry, where did the red spots on your body come from?"

Ron, Seamus and Neville were also startled.

Harry's body was in terrible condition. Harry's exposed skin was pale and red and swollen. The fingers on his hands were swollen like little carrots.

My feet, which were originally pretty and fair, developed dark brown frostbite accompanied by redness and swelling.

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