Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 37: The new Seeker of Ravenclaw House (fourth update, please vote for me)

"Chang Chu, don't you use the broomstick issued by the school?" Eddie looked at the broomstick in Chang Chu's hand and asked in confusion, "And your broomstick is so beautiful! You are from Diagon Alley. Did you buy it from a Quidditch boutique? But I’ve never seen it before?”

The other Seeker candidates around him also cast doubtful glances at Chang Chu, but they thought they were senior students and didn't want to speak yet.

"This." Chang Chu looked at the broom in his hand, and then glanced at Wright sitting in the stands, only to see that Wright was just playing there with Felicia.

"This is a birthday gift from Wright." Chang Chu shook his head with a smile and turned to Eddie.

"Ah, that's true," Eddie looked at the broomstick in Chang Chu's hand with envy, "I want one too."

The broomstick in Chang Chu's hand was the birthday gift that Wright gave her in person on her birthday. Later, after Wright was kicked out by Chang's father, he placed the broomstick directly at the door of her house. This was only seen by Chang Chu's mother when she went out on her birthday.

The foundation of this broomstick still comes from Wright's research on the Moon Dream, but it also combines the excellent data of the New Moon Dream and fully consults Mrs. Hooch's suggestions.

The broom handle is very slender. After Wright carefully ground and polished it, the broom handle presents a slightly glossy and smooth streamlined shape, which can minimize the air resistance encountered during flight to increase the user's flight speed. The twigs at the tail of the broom were also carefully straightened out one by one, and a small black crescent mark was carved on the top of the broom handle.

By the way, Chang Chu’s broomstick is mainly white in color, and Wright’s New Moon Dream, which is mainly black, is actually a couple’s broomstick.

According to the calculations of Wright and Mrs. Hooch, although this flying broomstick is unlikely to be able to match the performance of the Nimbus 1900, which was launched last year, let alone the Nimbus 2000, which was just launched in July this year. But at least for students, this broomstick is awesome!

Especially for Chang Chu, this was a birthday gift made by Wright himself.

However, Wright did not include the name of the broom when giving it to Chang Chu. Chang Chu is still very grateful for this matter. After all, she has long known that Wright is a very incompetent person in naming. If Wright were asked to name this broom, it would probably be something like Crescent Moon 2.

Just as the candidates were talking about Chang Chu's broomstick, Roger suddenly came over.

"Chang Chu, where is Wright? Didn't he come with you?" Roger asked Chang Chu.

"He's there." Chang Chu pointed behind her. Where she didn't see, Wright was lying in a paralyzed position on the stands of the Quidditch field, and Felicia was also gone at this time. .

"Didn't Wright show any intention of joining the Quidditch team?" Roger frowned and asked.

"Just ask Wright about this!" Chang Chu said, "Anyway, in my opinion, he would rather lie in the dormitory and sleep than come here to watch the game."

"Okay." Roger nodded awkwardly. This was also the final conclusion he came to after inviting Wright countless times last week.

"Then I won't bother you," Roger tried his best to smile. Now he will probably have to be trained by the captain again when he goes back. "I wish you good luck in the selection later."

"Thank you!" Chang Chu replied with a smile.

After Roger turned and left, the group of seeker candidates also stopped discussing Chang Chu's broomstick. After all, in a while, the selection of seekers will officially begin, and by then they will be complete competitors!

More than ten minutes later.

Wright, who was sitting in the stands next to him, was bored as he watched the Quidditch selections that were completely uninteresting in his eyes.

As he expected, Eddie really didn't have any flying talent. Wright thought that all his talent was probably spent on being nervous about the exam.

After the official members of the Quidditch team released the Golden Snitch from the box, Eddie first flew into the air tremblingly, and then flew awkwardly while flying in the air.

Putting aside whether Eddie could catch the Golden Snitch and successfully join the academy team, based on his current performance, Wright saw several regular players on the court shaking their heads silently.

Eddie did more than that. He even directly interfered with the search for the Golden Snitch by several students who participated in the selection more than once.

However, those who were disturbed did not include Chang Chu. Firstly, her broomstick was indeed superior to other students in terms of performance, and secondly, Chang Chu's flying talent was really quite good.

The golden snitch released for the first time was successfully snatched by Chang Chu after sixteen minutes, which also represented the end of the first selection event.

But after the students came down, Eddie was ridiculed severely by other people. Although no direct force was taken, it still placed a huge burden on Eddie's psychology. So in the second selection, he performed even worse than the first time.

After finally entering the competition three times, the position of seeker in Ravenclaw Academy was directly taken by Chang Chu.

Chang Chu ended two games alone in three games where he released the Golden Snitch.

There was no winner in the remaining third game, because the golden snitch flew to nowhere during the third game. Except for Chang Chu, who had the winning ticket, all the candidates tried their best to catch it, but they sat on the broomstick for half an hour without anyone moving, because no one found the golden color. Traces of the snitch.

After the selection is over.

Chang Chu flew straight from the stadium to the stands. With a delicate turn, she rode a broomstick and stopped in front of Wright with a rosy face, looking down at Wright in the stands.

"How's my performance?" Chang Chu asked.

"Awesome!" Wright gave a thumbs up and said without blushing, "I have been watching your entire selection process intently just now!"

"You know what's going on!" Chang Chu snorted softly.

Before Chang Chu could get off his broomstick, Roger flew over from the lawn of the stadium.

Roger glanced at Wright regretfully, and then said to Chang Chu: "Chang Chu, come here quickly! The captain just announced that we will have secret training later. You have just become a seeker, and you need a lot of training. Time to train with us.”

Wright shrugged at the two men with an indifferent expression on his face.

Chang Chu gave Wright an apologetic look, then waved and flew away with Roger.

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