Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 108 *****’s birthday surprise

Different from Chang Chu's happy birthday, Harry, who is also in the UK, is also about to spend his twelfth birthday in Room 4, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. But his birthday party, no, the entire summer vacation looked terrible!

Ever since Harry returned home from summer vacation, the Dursleys had treated him as a ticking time bomb.

Although Harry was very grateful to Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia for agreeing to go to Hogwarts to study, what he did not expect was that although the Dursleys agreed to let him go to a magic school, their family's attitude towards magic was not the same. Nothing has changed.

Harry had had this premonition as early as last Christmas. Even Mrs. Weasley, whom he didn't even know, sent him a letter sweater unique to the Weasley family, and Uncle Vernon And Aunt Petunia just sent a small fifty pence coin.

Harry's hunch was right this time.

When Uncle Vernon first brought Harry home from the London train station, he put all Harry's spell books, wands, robes, cauldrons, broomsticks and other items related to the wizarding world in the trunk. They were all locked in the small, dark storage room under the stairs. Even the quills and parchment used for homework, Vernon threw them into the storage room at once.

As for Harry not doing any summer homework during the whole month of vacation, the Dursleys didn't bother to care! Harry couldn't do business when he returned to school, so what did it have to do with them? Maybe Vernon and Petunia even hoped that Harry would be expelled from Hogwarts and embark on the path they thought was right!

Vernon even locked Harry's owl Hedwig in its cage because he thought the owl might be used by Harry to send messages to other freaks and wizards in the wizarding world, which they would never do. Acceptable!

For a whole month, Harry seemed to have completely turned into a Muggle who knew nothing! He can't fly without his broomstick, he can't cast spells without his wand, and he can't even send letters to his friends to relieve his boredom! The Hogwarts where Harry stayed for a whole year seemed to be just his dream.

But what dream in the world can be as real as Hogwarts?

Harry missed Hogwarts so much that his insides ached.

He missed the old magic castle, and he wanted to know if the stairs between the castles would continue to rotate when the students were away; he missed the secret passages and the ghosts of the castle, and he wanted to know the "almost" that happened during this summer vacation. "Headless Nick" is still worried about the muscle connecting his neck; he misses every professor at Hogwarts, except maybe Snape, the Potions teacher; he misses those owls Letters coming, banquets in the Great Hall, four-poster beds in dormitories, guards in the Forbidden Forest, Quidditch pitches...

Harry was going crazy thinking about it!

One day at the end of July, Harry walked out of the back door of the Dursleys' house. It was a clear and sunny day outside. He crossed the green lawn, sat down on the garden bench, and sang at the top of his lungs: "Happy birthday to me... Happy birthday to me..."

Today was Harry's twelfth birthday, and just like every year, the Dursleys had naturally forgotten about it. Of course, Harry had no hope for them, because no matter what time, they never gave him any decent gifts.

But to be honest, Harry still had a very, very weak expectation in his heart, but it had just been destroyed by Uncle Vernon himself.

Harry had thought that what Uncle Vernon had mentioned at the dinner table would be his birthday, but he didn't expect that he would still only care about his company's transaction. That transaction would take place at eight o'clock tonight, with a man named Ma. Sen? Or maybe it was Mason who would give Uncle Vernon the biggest deal of his life.

Therefore, tonight all the Dursleys will be present to formally treat the upcoming Mason family with the standards of a royal dinner. Yes, just the Dursleys. Harry was only allowed to finish his dinner and then stay quietly in his bedroom without making a sound, pretending that he was not at home.

What kind of birthday is this? Harry stood up from the bench irritably, pacing back and forth in the garden with a frown on his face.

On his birthday last year, Harry could still enjoy the cake that Hagrid had made and delivered personally, as well as recalling the Hogwarts admission letter. But what about this year? Harry's stomach began to feel a little cramped at the thought.

This year’s birthday has no cake, no gifts, and even if you are at home, you can only pretend that you are not there! Harry was almost depressed!

"What's the use of thinking about all this?" Harry lay down on the lawn dejectedly, the dazzling afternoon sun irritating him so much that he had to squint his eyes.

Harry decided not to miss Hogwarts Castle, nor the two good friends who had not sent him a letter for a whole month and a half, nor Voldemort, Quirrell and the Philosopher's Stone...

"The Philosopher's Stone?" Harry sat up from the lawn, "Did Wright successfully deliver the Philosopher's Stone to Nicolas Flamel? Will anyone stop him?"

This is not Harry's whim. On the day Hagrid took him to Gringotts to get the Philosopher's Stone last year, someone rushed into Gringotts and prepared to snatch the Philosopher's Stone, and that person was his Defense Against the Dark Arts. Art professor!

But soon, Harry lay back limply. At this time, all his wands were locked in the storage room. Without his wand, Harry was no different from an ordinary twelve-year-old child. Now he thought that these things were of no use at all and could only add to his troubles. That’s all.

Harry finally spent the entire afternoon in the garden. Apart from teasing Cousin Dudley a little to make him feel better, he was ordered to do labor by the angry Aunt Petunia throughout the afternoon. , he was already exhausted.

It was not until half past seven in the evening that Harry, who was still in the garden, finally heard Aunt Petunia's call from inside the house, and he happily walked into the cool kitchen. The kitchen had been polished sparkling by Aunt Petunia, and the Dursleys in the kitchen were all dressed up.

After hastily devouring his meager supper, Harry was hurried to the upstairs bedroom by Aunt Petunia.

Harry tiptoed to the bedroom door, slipped in quietly, closed the door, and just turned around to plop down on his bed and have a good rest.

But the problem is, there is already a person sitting on the bed, or a little monster.

House elf, Dobby!

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