Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 120 Mithril Society·Part 1 (please recommend)

Silver eyes? Wright searched around in his brain. In his impression, he had only seen two people with strange eyes. One was the wand maker Ollivander, the profiteer who sold wands in Diagon Alley, and the other was the profiteer Grandpa Ollivander. One was the fake Accelerator Ork who I remembered again just the day before yesterday.

But this person? Wright couldn't help but take another look at the strange wizard.

After seeing Wright walk in, all three people in the room focused on him.

The moment he made eye contact with Wright, a flash of divine light burst out in the strange wizard's eyes, but it was not obvious under the cover of his strange-colored eyes.

Wright saluted Nicoléme, and then asked him: "Teacher, who is this?"

"Teacher?" Before Nicoléme could speak, the strange wizard spoke first, "I didn't expect that the majestic sage would actually accept his students now?"

Lord Sage? Wright thought silently in his mind. Does this name refer to the other name of the Philosopher's Stone: the Philosopher's Stone?

"What does it have to do with you whether I accept students or not?" Nicoléme frowned, his voice full of unabashed resentment and rejection, "I don't want to see your face anymore around. Especially those eyes of yours!"

"It doesn't matter, I will leave here soon." The strange wizard waved his hand nonchalantly, "It's just that, Mr. Sage, do you really no longer think about it carefully? Although we don't have high expectations, like you It’s a bit unreasonable to reject it without thinking, right? You should know that this kind of opportunity comes only once in a century!”

"I don't want to get involved in anything your organization does at all!" Nicoléme said irritably. Such emotions rarely appear in this old man who has lived for more than six hundred years. It was obvious that he was indeed very unwelcome to this unexpected visitor.

"Instead of talking about this, let's talk about how you found me here!" Nicoléme said.

"I have to thank you very much for this good student." The strange wizard looked at Wright. Although there was a smile on his face, he couldn't see the slightest smile. "If there hadn't been a secret message from the Ministry of Magic telling me the night before yesterday, There is a very special little wizard here, and I will not explore here, let alone find such obvious traces of space magic."

A hidden secret from the Ministry of Magic? Wright frowned vaguely, is it Fernand? Or that Luc?

"But what I didn't expect was that by following the traces of this space magic, I could actually find the residence of the legendary sage." The strange wizard returned his attention to Nicoléme.

"Okay! Now that it's all said and done, you can leave!" Nicoléme stretched out his hand to signal the strange wizard to leave here quickly. It seemed that if the strange wizard did not leave within three seconds, he would not refuse to use force to solve the problem.

"I hope that you, Lord Sage, will consider our suggestions carefully." The strange wizard stood up from the sofa, glanced at Wright after speaking, and then immediately used phantom to leave.

There was only a crackling sound in the living room, but it soon fell into silence.

After a while, Wright asked Nicoléme again: "Teacher, who was that person just now?"

The strange wizard's gaze when he left made Wright feel very uncomfortable and condescending, as if a superior person who had been in a high place for a long time saw a beggar holding a golden rice bowl on the roadside begging for alms.

"He is from the Mithril Society." There was obvious anger in Nicoléme's words.

Wright knew that his alchemy teacher would almost never show such emotions. More than six hundred years of life experience had long enabled Nicoléme to be calm when facing most things in the world. . And the fact that this so-called Mithril Society can arouse such obvious strange emotions in Nicoléme is enough to prove that there is indeed something extraordinary about their organization.

After a pause, Wright continued to speak: "What could Mithril be?"

"An organization formed by a group of alchemists who have deviated from the original concept of alchemy. Most of their members are descendants of those dark alchemists." There was a look of disgust on Nicoléme's face. But it only lasted for a short time and was fleeting.

"But haven't the Dark Alchemists disappeared directly since their defeat in the Alchemy War?" Wright felt a little surprised, "And as the descendants of the Dark Alchemists, aren't they afraid of being noticed by the personnel of the Holy Cult when they appear in such a grand manner? "

"Holy Cult?" Nicoléme sneered. Even though hundreds of years have passed, the harm the Holy Cult brought to him during the Alchemy War is still fresh in his memory.

"The Holy Cult is nothing more than dead bones in the grave! Without a response from Heaven, they can only deceive those ignorant Muggles!" Nicoléme said, "Even these people from the Mithril Society didn't understand It’s in my eyes, why have I ever cared about it?”

Seeing the disdain and sneer on Nicole Flamel's face, Wright couldn't help but feel helpless. Teacher, can you please stop showing such an "I care" expression on your face when you say this?

However, it seems that although Nicoléme's main position during the Alchemical War was on the side of the Holy Religion, the people of the Holy Religion did not treat him very much, otherwise his alchemy teacher would not be able to do so now. Put on such an expression.

Moreover, if the connection between Heaven and the Holy Church had not been severed, who would not take the Holy Church seriously? Who would dare not take it seriously?

"Teacher, what does this person from the Mithril Society want to do with you?" Wright sat down on the chair next to Nicolas Flamel, summoned a kettle and poured a glass of water for himself and Nicolas Flamel respectively, "What is the once-in-a-century opportunity he just mentioned?"

"Voldemort." Nicolas Flamel took a sip of the water cup and calmed down his excitement a little, "The opportunity he just mentioned refers to Voldemort."

"Voldemort?" Wright was a little surprised, "I never knew that Voldemort actually had another identity as an alchemist."

"Voldemort is certainly not an alchemist! Or in other words, since he appeared, he has always attracted the attention of the world only for his superb black magic, and there has never been any alchemical works made by Voldemort." Nicolas Flamel took another sip of water.

"Those people in the Mithril Society got a prophecy from somewhere saying that Voldemort is about to make a comeback, so they think this is a rare opportunity." Nicolas Flamel sneered, "They plan to take advantage of Voldemort's chaos to attack the Holy Church and take back the magic tools that were sealed in the Central Court after the Alchemical War!"

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