Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 148 Alchemy with Chinese Characteristics

However, no matter how many times he was stabbed by his daughter's words as sharp as a knife, no matter how devastated his heart was, Chang Wei still did not intend to give up the cooperation with Wright.

All joking aside, in fact, no financial institution or country in the world can really refuse a large amount of physical gold, especially when the gold provided by Wright is of extremely high purity, huge quantity, and endless supply.

Although Chang Wei's position and responsibilities have nothing to do with gold trading with foreign organizations or individuals. But no matter what, being able to contribute to national construction is an obligation and responsibility that every upright descendant of Yan and Huang should shoulder.

Chang Wei doesn't need to worry about this little bit of acting on his behalf.

Wright successfully reached a cooperation agreement with his future father-in-law, who was responsible for providing the gold, while the other party purchased it in pounds. It's just that the agreement made now is just a temporary verbal agreement, because such a large gold transaction still requires personnel from specific relevant departments to personally confirm it.

But that doesn't require Wright's personal participation.

According to the verbal agreement drawn up before, Wright only needs to hand over the gold to Chang Wei, and he does not need to be involved in the rest. Moreover, Chang Wei will also follow the agreement not to reveal the identity of Wright who provided the gold, so as to prevent some people from having bad intentions.

Wright doesn't need to worry about whether the gold will be cheated.

First of all, Chang Wei is Chang Chu's father and deserves Wright's trust; moreover, this cubic meter of gold is just a random big stone. For Wright, if he wants something like gold, it is really worth it. It is inexhaustible; finally, to use an inappropriate analogy, Wright is now almost a hen that lays golden eggs. Almost every Chinese has a certain understanding of the lesson of fishing in the lake and killing the chicken to get the eggs.

But now, Chang Wei really has to go home in person to tell the people there the news.

On the second floor of the Leaky Cauldron, in Room 9.

"Then let's make an appointment first." Chang Wei nodded towards Wright, "After I come back from China, we will re-define the contents of the contract in person."

"Okay." Wright said, "But uncle, I have another question to ask you."

"Tell me, as long as there is no confidentiality agreement involved, I can tell you the answers to your questions as appropriate." Chang Wei said without any concern.

Although the brat in front of him stole his daughter's heart, Chang Wei was still able to maintain a basic polite attitude for the sake of Wright's contribution to the motherland. Well, at least he won't be as cold-faced as before, maybe.

"Well, I've heard before that there is a magic in China called Midas to turn stone into gold." Wright considered the words, "But looking at your appearance now, is gold considered a precious metal in China?"

"Gold is a precious metal wherever it is!" Chang Wei said, "Only one Nicoléme in the world has refined the magic stone, and only he has the true ability to turn stone into gold."

"Then there aren't any outstanding alchemists in China?" Wright asked.

"Yes, for example, the Zou family, they have been a traditional alchemist family since ancient times." Chang Wei said, "You should know that there is a person named Zou Yan, right?"

Before he finished speaking, Chang Wei immediately changed the subject: "No, no, your Chinese is really fluent! I just thought you were Chinese, so you probably don't know Zou Yan. "

"Zou Yan lived in the fourth century BC and was the founder and representative of the Yin-Yang school," Chang Wei said. "He was a very famous alchemist in China. He even appeared on the chocolate you issued. Frog pictures. But Zou Yan’s cards are printed in very small quantities, and few people know his name.”

Zou Yan? Wright muttered the name silently. He only had an impression of a person named Zou Ji, because the name Zou Ji appeared in an article in the Chinese textbook.

"Then there are no other alchemists who can turn stone into gold?" After thinking about it, Wright asked again.

"No," Chang Wei shook his head and said, "At least within the scope of China, I don't know anyone who can really turn stone into gold. That is a real immortal method. What wizards can do now is to use Transfiguration turns other metals or substances into gold, but it also has a relative time limit. "

"But..." Wright hesitated, feeling that his idea seemed a bit impolite.

However, Chang Wei seemed to know what Wright was thinking.

"You want to say that China should not have its own top alchemist, right?" Chang Wei asked, "Just like there is a Nicoléme in the West."

Wright nodded silently.

"It's not a big deal. Our alchemists have never been able to turn stone into gold. That's just because their specializations are different." Chang Wei said, "Actually, alchemist is just what you call it. Over there, we always call them alchemists, and alchemy is also called alchemy. However, this title is too obscure and too professional, especially for foreign children like you, who cannot understand it at all. noun."

Alchemist? Alchemy? Wright blinked, good, this is very Chinese.

"Any questions?" Chang Wei picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip of tea.

"Not for now." Wright shook his head.

"Okay, then I will take Xiaochu home with me now." Chang Wei stood up from the stool, walked to the big bed in the middle of the room, and pulled his daughter out from under the quilt.

Chang Chu, whose hair was messed up by his father's actions, looked at Wright with a pitiful expression, but under Chang Wei's cold gaze, Wright didn't dare to say a word of mercy.

"Then, goodbye!" Chang Wei nodded to Wright, and then apparated away from the house with his unwilling daughter.

This time, Wright was really the only one left in the room. Wright, who was finally far away from Chang Wei's death ray, could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

It is said that the daughter was his father's lover in his previous life, but Wright just felt that his love rival was too difficult to defeat! Looking at Dad Chang's performance today, it is clear that he is a complete slave to his daughter!

What's more, Chang's father's name is still Chang Wei! What to do? This Chang Wei does not look like a person who knows martial arts, but he can do magic! What's more important is that he is Chang Chu's father! Wright didn't even dare to have the ability to fight back.

Wright only felt that his future family life would be gloomy.

We can only hope that Chang Chu's mother can completely control her husband and not let him interfere with the life between Huo Huo and Chang Chu. This is Wright's last and only hope for Dad Chang.

Wright walked to the bed, faced down, and threw himself on the quilt.

Um! It's fragrant and still has that familiar smell.

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