Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 150 The girl eating cake


Wright couldn't believe his eyes and screamed out.

Apparently at midnight last night, Wright had witnessed with his own eyes the Obscurus transformed by Villita being killed by a group of French Aurors. All the dark energy spilling in the air disappeared little by little at that moment. .

But who is the girl who appears in the corner of the interior of the suitcase at this moment, squatting there with her head lowered and her knees in her arms? That long wavy blond hair, in Wright's mind, there was no one else except Villita.


Wright called out Villita's name softly again, hesitating whether to step forward or not.

After all, he had personally experienced the power of the Obscurus that Villita transformed into at that time. If Villita hadn't suddenly stopped there for some unknown reason, Wright even doubted whether those Aurors could completely defeat her.

Especially since the two of them were currently in a suitcase, in such a small and airtight space, if Villita lost control and ran away into Obscurus, Wright would have almost no chance of escaping.

At this moment, Villita in the corner finally heard what Wright said and slowly raised her head to look at Wright.

"Oh! These legs are so big! Bah! No! This hair is so white! Bah!" Wright was slightly dizzy for a while.

Well, now there is no need to hesitate at all!

Wright walked forward and took off the loose wizard robe. He half-crouched in front of Villita and put the wizard's robe directly on her body.

Villita stared blankly at Wright who was putting clothes on her, and didn't move at all. Her ice-blue eyes were like a lifeless ice field, and her originally heavily made-up face had been washed away and restored to its original pure appearance.

"Sorry, Villita, I couldn't..." Wright pursed his lips and did not continue speaking.

What Wright wanted to say was, of course, to apologize for what happened last night.

Witnessing Villita's "death" with his own eyes last night had a great impact on Wright. Although the number of contacts between him and Villita was not very frequent, and the relationship between the two was not very close, this was the first time for Wright to see a familiar friend die directly in front of him, and There was nothing he could do.

However, as Minister Patrice said, whether voluntarily or not, Villita should bear corresponding responsibility for what she did. It was precisely for this reason that Wright did not lose his temper on the spot. He just made a few sarcastic remarks and left the venue directly.

But now for the French, Villita has been on the "confirmed death" list, and she has paid the corresponding price for what she did before. In this case, even if Villita appeared in England at this time, it would be irrelevant.

"Sorry, Villita, I never knew you were in my box before." Wright changed the subject. He looked into Villita's eyes and said in a sincere tone, "But what we are in now is not France, we are now in England, London, England.”

Villita still looked at Wright silently, her hands slightly tightening the wizard robe draped on her body.

"You don't need to worry about those French Ministry of Magic Aurors anymore."

Wright suddenly slapped his head.

"Look at my memory, you haven't eaten since last night, right?" Wright stood up and showed a gentle smile to Villita, "Wait a moment, I will be back soon, it only takes a while. "

Wright quickly flew up from the suitcase.

Villita looked silently at the direction where Wright disappeared, then lowered her head again, returning to the way he looked before Wright came down. What was slightly different from before was that this time she was wearing a dress. In the darkness where no one could see her, Villita grabbed her clothes harder with both hands, as if that was the only warmth she could rely on.

Just as Wright said, after a while, he came down carrying a big plate.

Wright walked up to Villita, put the dinner plate on the ground, and then sat directly on the ground.

"I don't know what kind of food you like, and I don't know whether British food will suit your taste." Wright put his hands on his thighs and said softly to Villita, "But I remember that you like cakes. . I think at least when it comes to desserts, there won’t be much difference in taste between the two countries, the wizarding world and the ordinary people’s world.”

"Eat." Wright extended his hand to signal.

The big dinner plate on the floor was filled with large and small desserts and pastries. Some of them were ordered by Wright from Boss Tom, and some of them were quickly bought by Wright in Diagon Alley.

Villita looked at Wright quietly for a while and then slowly stretched out her hand.

She picked up a cake and slowly brought it to her mouth. First, he took small bites to peck at the icing on the surface of the cake, and then he took big bites. Her eyes slowly turned red and filled with tears, and tears fell down while eating.

One, two...

A girl looks so ugly and eats so much food alone. This is a very strange scene to others, but Wright's heart suddenly becomes a little sour.

Life can be so cruel sometimes. For Villita, they originally agreed to live a good life together, but the person who made the agreement said it was no longer possible. The kind grandmother died suddenly at an advanced age, the cold-blooded mother was killed by the sudden burst of Obscurus energy, and the girl's spiritual world collapsed almost instantly.

Wright gently stretched out his hand and put it on Villita's head: "It's okay, don't worry, I'll stay with you for a while."

Villita stopped her movements for a moment, sniffed, and then started eating again.

Wright withdrew his hand and did not continue to speak or make any other actions. He just watched quietly as Villita finished the food on the plate bit by bit.

"Have you eaten?" Wright said softly.

Villita's mouth was stuffed and she didn't speak. She just sniffed and nodded.

Wright took out a clean tablecloth and gently and bit by bit wiped off the butter and cake residue that accidentally got on Villita's mouth and face.

After wiping, Wright folded the tablecloth and put it on the dinner plate, and then said to Villita: "Then I won't disturb you anymore tonight. Villita, you can rest here for the night."

Wright picked up the dinner plate, stood up from the ground, used the rose scepter to conjure a bed, and then quietly left the interior of the suitcase.

Villita walked out of the corner and slowly fell asleep on the bed.

Uncontrollable crying came intermittently from inside the quilt.

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