Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 152 I choose to beat Old Deng to death or be beaten to death by Old Chang

Damn old bee! Eat candy to death! Go to death! When you have only one tooth left, I will punch you away! I will hit you and turn you 720 degrees in the air! Then I will hit you into the wall of Hogwarts Castle and you can't get out!

Wright cursed Dumbledore in his heart for the 129,600th time.

It's a pity that I said to you last night: I am willing to give you my unreserved trust!


Do you deserve my trust in you by doing this? Do you deserve my feelings for you by doing this? Do you deserve my Chang Chu by doing this?

Hmm? Wright suddenly stretched out his hand and scratched his head, as if something wrong had mixed in.


The owl outside the window tilted its head and crawled a few steps on the window sill. Its black and shiny eyes stared at Wright without moving, as if wondering why Wright didn't feed it some biscuits.

Wright came to his senses and fiercely chased away the round-faced fat chicken that came to announce the death early in the morning: "You also leave quickly, or I will eat you! Go!"

The owl pecked Wright's outstretched hand hard, but Wright dodged it quickly. The sharp beak hit the windowsill, making a dull thump. When it moved its head over, there was only a small wooden pit left on the window sill.

"Hiss" Wright took a breath of cold air. If he was pecked hard this time, wouldn't a piece of meat fall off?

"Gu!" The owl flapped its wings violently, stared at Wright for a while, and then left from the window.

With the remaining anger, Wright was finally able to walk back to the bed and sit down, opening the enrollment letter in his hand.

There was no need to repeat the format of the letter, which Wright had memorized ten years ago. It was almost exactly the same as the enrollment letter he received before, the only difference was that the name was changed from "Wright" to "Velita".

The shopping list has remained unchanged for a hundred years, including student robes, wizard hats, protective gloves, cloaks, textbooks, and some other inherent equipment.

Oh, no, Wright looked at the pile of Lockhart's name on the shopping list. This year, he had to buy brand new textbooks for this idiot, idiot, and famous person.

Sorry, why did you add so many adjectives in front of Lockhart? It was just because he was too irritable in his heart. Wright had completely thrown away his original decency, and the malicious words that had rarely appeared before only came out at this time. But even so, Wright tried not to use some words that would be directly blocked if written out.

Wright put the two pieces of parchment back into the envelope, took out the saprophytic wood wand, and cast a restoration on the envelope. The cracks that were torn violently were repaired little by little by the energy of magic, and the wrinkles on the envelope were smoothed out one by one. The enrollment letter once again returned to its original appearance when it was not opened.

Wright put the enrollment letter aside, and then fell on the bed with his eyes blank.

Dumbledore's move completely made Wright lose his sense of proportion.

Not to mention that Vilita is French; not to mention that she almost doesn't know English; not to mention that she is now fourteen years old, which is completely beyond the age of normal students when they enter school.

Bringing Vilita to Hogwarts, did Dumbledore want to see how Wright performed "A Million Ways to Die in Front of Chang Chu" with his own eyes?

Hi! Chang Chu! Look! I have a surprise for you!

I just went to France and brought you a sister!

Oh, she will go to Hogwarts with us! With a man's intuition, I think she will be our junior schoolmate.

Oh, where does she live now? In my suitcase! And it seems that she will not be separated from me for a long time.

What? Who is she to me?

What? Why should I take her?

What? Do I want you or her?

What? Are you going to ask your dad to beat me?

Wright turned over and lay on the bed shaking for a long time, as if simulating the miserable state of being beaten by Chang Wei.

He didn't make a sound, because he had been beaten to the point that he didn't even have the strength to speak. He could only twitch slightly twice, indicating that he was still alive.

This way, Chang Wei wouldn't have to bear the name of a murderer, so that Chang Chu wouldn't have to go to the hospital to take care of Wright who was beaten into a vegetable, and would have to make an extra trip to Azkaban to visit Chang Wei.

Running Gorgon! Kill me!

After a long time, Wright jumped up from the bed.

Anyway, the potion has been spilled now, and crying is useless. Wright can only try to face life with a smile.

Besides, Wright has always considered himself the real head of the family. As long as he says one thing, Chang Chu will never dare to say two!

Well, Chang Chu would directly say three, then four, then 101 (UK non-emergency police number), then 111 (UK non-emergency medical assistance number), then 112 (international emergency number), and finally 999 (UK emergency police number).

Wright suddenly showed a sad smile on his face.

People always say that boys who love to laugh will not have bad luck. Who knows if Chang Chu will directly ignore such a small problem? Wright can only hold this subtle and cautious expectation in his heart.

The next moment, Wright walked directly in the direction of the suitcase with the fierce momentum of the wind rustling and the water cold, and the strong man never returning once he is gone.

Inside the suitcase.

"Sorry, Wright, I don't want to go to that place called Hogwarts." Villita put the unopened admission letter aside and said softly to Wright.

As if the continuous stimulation had made this childish girl grow up completely overnight, Villita said quite sensibly: "We all know my current situation. I should not, and cannot, go." Anywhere where there are large numbers of underage students.”

"But Villita, you must also recognize one fact at the same time," Wright said in a sincere tone, "You are an Obscurus, but this does not mean that you have to give up your life. The power of Obscurus is completely Above ordinary wizards, you must find a place to learn how to control your own power, so that it will not continue to explode uncontrollably, and its power will not continue to harm the people around you. ”

"Hogwarts is such a place. It is the best magic school in the world, and its principal is Dumbledore, the greatest white wizard in the world." Wright said, "Even if Obscurus suddenly breaks out, I I believe Dumbledore is also capable of stopping this kind of thing."

"Wright, do you want me to go to Hogwarts?" Villetta asked.

"Of course I hope!" Laitian said without changing his expression and his heart skipping a beat.

"Then I'll go."

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