Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 155 It’s the beginning of another year

After enjoying a sumptuous lunch prepared by Mr. Steven himself in the Juan Children's Welfare Home for a long time, Wright declined Susanna's afternoon tea invitation with a smile, excusing himself from the fact that he still had some things to deal with.

After walking some distance away from the orphanage and ensuring that no one was around, Wright once again used Apparition to take Villita back to London, England.

In fact, Wright had already included his donation to the Juan Children's Welfare Home in his life plan, but he had almost no means of normal income before. Although he had earned a lot of pounds by fighting crime before, that money could only be regarded as a drop in the bucket for the overall situation of Juan Children's Welfare Home.

And even though he always put half of the money he gained after fighting crime in the donation box of the welfare home, if Wright were to use the black money to make a large donation, he would always feel some inexplicable conscience. uneasiness.

Wright's original plan was to wait until he graduated from Hogwarts and had a basic and legal way to make money, and then use his salary or other normal sources of money to donate to the Juan Children's Welfare Home.

But this plan was quickly abandoned after Nicoléme presented the Philosopher's Stone.

You know, after Wright graduates from Hogwarts, it will take at least five or six years. He could afford to wait for this time, but some children in the orphanage couldn't afford to wait.

That's why at the beginning of this summer vacation, after Nicoléme gave Wright the Philosopher's Stone, he was so eager to cash in a large amount of the gold he had created. Although the gold obtained through the magic stone is still obtained out of thin air, it is still cleaner than the money obtained by street gangsters, villains and the like!

And if nothing else happens, most of the 120 million pounds will be slowly transferred to the welfare home by Wright.

After all, these converted pounds are of almost no use to Wright now. His main scope of activities is still in the magical world, and most of the expenses needed for life come from the wizard currency issued by Gringotts.

But after the unicorn tail was sold for six thousand galleons, wizard currency would no longer be a problem for Wright. (Wright once again thanked the wizarding world for its price level)

However, those pounds can do much more to a children's home director like Suzanne!

Although as the director of the orphanage, Susanna does have a high level of authority in front of the employees and children of the orphanage, most of her activities are still restricted by Khaled, the majority shareholder of the orphanage. Wright witnessed Susanna more than once, showing a fragile and helpless expression when dealing with some things that she couldn't bear to see.

But after Wright donated so many pounds, he believed that Susanna would definitely make a difference! As for Susanna's character, Wright had no doubt at all. He believed in Susanna as much as he believed in himself.

The last few days of summer vacation passed very quickly. After Wright visited the Juan Children's Welfare Home, he felt as if he had completely let go of a big burden that he had been carrying for a long time. In the past few days, he has always had a cheerful smile on his face, and Villita's mood has also become much better. But when dealing with other people, Villita still looked indifferent.

Wright and Villetta were in and out of the Leaky Cauldron together all day long, spending most of their time talking and laughing.

After all, as the culprit who kidnapped Villita to England... Bah! It should be said that as the host, Wright consciously took on the responsibility of taking care of Villita. Moreover, Villita doesn’t know anyone else now. Ever since the outbreak of Obscurus, Villita has consciously cut off the connection between her and the ordinary world.

It can be said that apart from Wright, Villita has no one else she can rely on.

However, this seemingly intimate but actually orderly communication between Wright and Villita also made the expression on Hannah's face, who still served as the waiter at the Leaky Cauldron, become worse and worse day by day. It felt weird, as if she was sure that Wright was a scumbag.

However, whenever Wright saw Hannah's disgusted expression, he felt really miserable.

Villita is a pure French. Although French and English are very similar to a certain extent, this does not mean that Villita can quickly master the new language of English. Wright had to spend most of his time every day teaching Villita to learn English, but the effect was not obvious.

In addition, Wright is not sure about letting Villita live in another room alone, so so far, Villita still lives in his suitcase, which makes it easy for others to misunderstand that he and Villita live in the same room. in the room.

However, Villita did not express any disgust at such treatment. Instead, she seemed happy that she could continue to live in Wright's suitcase.

In the past few days, in his spare time, Wright was teaching Verita English. He would also teach her some magical knowledge from the freshman textbook, as well as some basic information about Hogwarts, such as the four colleges and the appointments of many courses. professor.

But most importantly, Wright also told Villita about Chang Chu's existence.

Of course, Wright didn't dare to tell Chang Chu that there was a person like Villita yet. The phone calls between him and Chang Chu in the past few days were just daily boring chats.

Um, maybe I need to add a few sweet words of love?

Anyway, Villita calmly accepted the fact that Wright had a girlfriend, and did not show any strange emotions. She still studied, went in and out, ate, and shopped with Wright every day...

As for Chang Chu, Wright, who already felt that his death was imminent, also changed his previous thoughts and was ready to let Chang Chu discover this matter by himself.

The storm will always come anyway, why not let her come later?

Wright brought another strawberry and peanut ice cream to Villita.

On the morning of September 1st, after having breakfast at the Leaky Cauldron, Wright took Villita to take a ride to King's Cross Station.

Both of their luggage was put into the suitcase by Wright, including a lot of clothes, a large number of textbooks, scattered school supplies and the like.

But I didn’t bring any pets.

One of Wright's two pets is at Chang Chu's place, and the other is still roaming in the school's forbidden forest. He had planned to take Villita to the magical animal store to buy a pet, but neither Villita nor the creatures in the store were interested in each other. In other words, Villita is not interested in pets, and when those pets see Villita, they scream, tremble and retreat, or fall unconscious on the spot.

I don’t know if the sensitivity of those pets’ danger perception is adjusted too high.

The two entered platform nine and three-quarters at ten o'clock and found an empty compartment on the Hogwarts Express to sit down.

At around 10:30, Chang Chu and Hermione, who walked into the platform hand in hand, also came to this private room under the guidance of Wright.

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