Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 160 Miss embarrassment

The hall fell silent again, all conversations came to a halt. Even the last freshman who was assigned to Hufflepuff no longer heard congratulations from his seniors and sisters. Only the pile of candles on the ceiling, as bright as the stars, were still making bursts of burning sounds.

For almost the first time in her life, Villita was the center of attention, but she didn't like this feeling.

Villita turned her head to look at Wright, who was sitting at the Ravenclaw table, and almost immediately received Wright's eyes that contained encouragement and expectation. She turned her head again, her nose moved slightly, and she took a gentle breath, and the expression on her face returned to its original indifferent look.

Then, Villita raised her feet and walked forward.

After a while, he walked up to the Sorting Hat.

She sat on the stool and slowly put on the hat, which according to Wright was nearly a thousand years old and carried the thoughts and spirit of the four great founders of Hogwarts. The second before the brim of the hat completely blocked Villita's sight, she could still see the concerned look on Wright's face.

The next moment, Villita's vision went dark, and the big Sorting Hat had completely blocked her sight from other things.

"Although the Sorting Hat holds the power to sort students into different houses, in fact, according to my understanding, the Sorting Hat is somewhat similar to a mirror in nature. It can reflect the thoughts and psychological activities of the person who wears it on the head. So it's not The sorting hat is sorting the students, but the students are sorting themselves, but few people notice this." Wright's words echoed in Villita's heart.

"So don't worry, Villita, you won't go to a college you don't want to go to. As long as you want to go to a college, just tell the hat directly. Generally speaking, the hat will still respect the students' choices." Wright said to her like this.


"I want to go to Ravenclaw." Before the Sorting Hat could speak, Villita said directly in her heart. She naturally knew which college Wright was in, and this method of whispering in her heart to communicate with the hat was something Wright had told her a long time ago.

"W-what?" Hat seemed to stutter because he was too surprised.

In the past hundreds of years, Hat has sorted thousands of students into colleges, but no student has ever said directly which college she wants to go to like Villita, and almost No one would ever speak before it.

"I said, I want to go to Ravenclaw." Villita said calmly in her heart again, and her clear English pronunciation undoubtedly showed her determination and belief.

Villita has never told Wright that she actually knows English. Although she cannot be said to be able to recognize all English words, at least her daily communication is stress-free. However, Wright does not know this. For some reason, Villita did not want to and would not refuse to study English with Wright on her temples every day.

So much so that until now, Wright still thought that Villita could only speak some substandard English!

Hat twisted his body unnaturally.

The teachers and students quietly looked at Verita and the Sorting Hat sitting on the four-legged stool, showing no unexpected emotions. Half a minute has passed since Villita put on her hat, which is within a normal range.

"But why do you want to go to Ravenclaw so strongly?" A very subtle voice sounded in Villita's heart.

Villita didn't speak, just quietly waiting for the Sorting Hat to announce the result.

"Oh, I saw it. Is it because of Wright?" the Sorting Hat asked softly.

Villita clenched her hands instantly.

Dumbledore on the podium quietly pulled out his wand. Professor Flitwick, who was sitting aside, noticed the principal's unusual behavior and gave Dumbledore a strange look.

However, the words behind the Sorting Hat dispelled Villita's worries.

"So you also know Wright?" The hat's voice sounded a little happy. It had always wanted to chat more with Wright, who had awakened its self-awareness, but in the past two years, Wright went to the principal's office. The times are very rare, and almost always they leave quickly with Dumbledore.

The hat has almost forgotten what it wanted to say to Wright in the first place. Now that a new student who knows Wright suddenly appears, it can relieve its depressed mood.

Although Villita didn't care about anything except Wright, when something or something touched Wright, she didn't mind listening a few more words.

"Wright was originally going to Slytherin House, but he didn't want to go there himself. Although I can't figure out why, his actions that time were indeed a bit too rough and hurt me. You know I am a hat that has lived for thousands of years, and my body and bones really cannot withstand his torture..." The hat began to chatter.

There began to be some commotion in the audience.

"How long has it been? Two and a half minutes?" a Gryffindor boy whispered.

"Almost, one, two, three, okay, it's just two and a half minutes later." A girl sitting next to him took out a black iron pocket watch from her pocket and stared at the rotating dial. Said the second hand.

"So will this girl be the new 'hat embarrassment'?"

"I don't know. After all, 'hat embarrassment' is too rare, and there's still some time until five minutes! It's only half way over now."

Hat continued talking for another two minutes, and the noise in the auditorium gradually became louder.

"Lite, what's wrong with Villita?" Chang Chu squeezed the palm of Wright's right hand and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, but we can wait a little longer. Anyway, there will be a result eventually." Wright stared at Villita on the stage and replied to Chang Chu's question.

Chang Chu could hear the traces of nervousness in Wright's voice, and she couldn't help but squeezed Wright's palm gently, not knowing whether to express a little jealousy or to comfort him.

"So after all, Wright is still a very good person." After talking for another half a minute, the hat finally closed its mouth with satisfaction, if its speaking organ was called a mouth.

Villita nodded and asked her first sentence after saying "I'm going to Ravenclaw": "Did Wright ever go to Slytherin?"

"Yes," the hat said, "I think Slytherin can help him move towards a greater life, but Wright himself doesn't think so."

"So if I go to Slytherin, can I help him become great?"

"Huh?" Hat hesitated, "I don't know, but according to my experience, going to Slytherin can help you achieve glory."

Villita said nothing, but Hat already knew what her choice was.

"So, have you made up your mind?" Hat asked finally.

Villita still remained quiet.

Hat shouted the last name to the entire auditorium.


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