Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 166 This is Lockhart’s storytelling time

Unbeknownst to Wright, Villita once again used her strength to consolidate her dominant position in Slytherin House.

Naturally, Villita would not mention these scandalous things to Wright, and the Slytherin students who felt that they were losing face would not tell other college students about this matter, so this matter was treated as an open question. The secret is hidden in Slytherin House.

However, the two big holes in the dungeon are still a constant reminder to the students of Slytherin House. They currently have and should only have one attitude towards Villita, and that is: they can't be offended! I was wrong! do not hit me!

In circles, another two days have passed, and in the blink of an eye it is Thursday afternoon. The third-year students of Ravenclaw will attend the second period of this afternoon's legendary teaching by Gilderoy Lockhart. Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Since arriving at Hogwarts, the third-year students have had two teachers in succession. In the first grade, Professor Devont won their favor effortlessly, but in the second grade, Quirrell almost completely destroyed the little hawks' expectations for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

On the first night of this year's enrollment, the most talked about topic among the eaglets in the common room was about Gilderoy Lockhart. From Lockhart's character, to his fame, from his great adventures, to his third-level Order of Merlin. Some people are even talking about Lockhart's invention of Bird and Snake Egg Yolk Shampoo, as if Lockhart's teaching level is half as high as that of Professor Derwent, he will buy it without hesitation. It looks like two large bottles of Bird and Snake Egg Yolk Shampoo are stacked up.

That night, the Ravenclaw students explored almost everything Lockhart showed to outsiders, as if they had witnessed Lockhart's entire life story.

The students originally expected Lockhart to help them regain their confidence in Defense Against the Dark Arts, but what they didn't expect was that this famous hero writer in the wizarding world seemed to be a huge parallel import. And it seems that Lockhart's real level is almost the same as Professor Quirrell, who was also born in Ravenclaw College last year.

In just two days, Lockhart's actual performance in Hogwarts fell in the eyes of many professors and students one by one.

During class, he almost never teaches real and effective methods of defense against black magic. Instead, he spends a lot of time repeating what he has described in the book, and sometimes even asks the students to perform some dramatic performances. fragment. (Although that would be quite interesting, if the person performing on stage is not myself)

This is not worth mentioning to some junior girls who are still confused by Lockhart's appearance. They will feel that what Lockhart is doing now is just paving the way for future teaching activities. Besides, what Mr. Lockhart wrote in the book is indeed very effective, and has been endorsed by many important people.

But in the eyes of some really smart people, they would not let go of Lockhart's daily activities. Because there are many historical experiences and lessons that show that a person's true quality can be shown through his casual daily behavior.

Moreover, according to the second-year students' description of Lockhart's performance in the first class, he could not even deal with a group of Cornish elves. Instead, he allowed the group of elves to cause havoc in the classroom, and even The elf also took away the wand, which is crucial for wizards, which makes people wonder whether what he described in the book is his real experience.

Because whether it is a female ghost, a ghoul, a hag, a troll, a vampire, a werewolf, or a snow monster, none of them are less dangerous than the Cornish elf. But those terrible magical creatures were all in Lockhart's books, and he simply dealt with them one by one.

Therefore, although there are still many students who hope that Lockhart is really not as full of water as he appears, they still know in their hearts that this possibility is no longer high.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and Wright and Chang Chu, who were obviously not very interested, walked out of the Charms classroom on the fourth floor and walked downstairs to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom among the crowd.

When the students arrived at the classroom, they discovered that this Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom had changed a lot compared to the previous two years.

In the first grade, this was a very large staircase classroom that could change its shape according to Professor Derwent's will, because at that time, this classroom needed to accommodate students from four colleges and two grades.

In the second grade, it became a standard classroom again, but it was filled with the smell of garlic that seemed to come from Quirrell's big scarf, making the students unable to listen attentively. Of course, even if you listen carefully, you may not be able to learn anything.

But this year, this classroom has changed again.

The overall size of the classroom has not changed, but there is an entire row of desks near the window, with countless photos of Gilderoy Lockhart's activities on them. The side near the door is much more refined, because the albums on that side are hung on special easels, and many smaller photos are also hung on the wall.

In addition, there is a giant gold-framed portrait placed where the blackboard used to be. Inside the frame, Lockhart, dressed as an ancient Greek artist, is painting a self-portrait of himself.

In addition, there are several skeletons of magical creatures of unknown significance placed in free spaces in the classroom. The most obvious thing is that in the center of the ceiling, a huge white dragon bone is hung.

Wright could tell that it was the keel of a Peruvian Vipertooth, not only because of the sharp spikes on both sides of its skull, but also because the keel was only nearly fifteen feet (about 4.5m) long.

Wright looked at Chang Chu feebly, and the two casually found a seat near the back and sat down. When he was in Flourish and Blott Bookstore, Wright thought that Gilderoy Lockhart might be one of the people affected by the changes in the world line. But now when he saw this flashy and mysterious classroom, he suddenly Gave up the idea.

This year’s Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson is better to just get through it!

After the bell rang, Lockhart came out of his office and went down to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Yes, this year’s new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor has set up his office in the classroom. The door of the office is embedded in the wall in front of the classroom, just to the left of the giant gold-framed portrait. A spiral staircase rising from the podium leads directly to the office door.

So rather than walking out of his office, Lockhart simply walked down the stairs.

Lockhart walked among the students, randomly picked up a textbook on a certain student's desk, and began to introduce his identity to everyone, including the Order of Merlin and an honorary member of the Defense League against Dark Arts. Anyway, as long as he was with him He mentioned all the relevant honors and spoke eloquently for nearly three minutes.

It wasn't until everyone was tired of hearing it that Lockhart stopped. Then he gave everyone a test paper, three full pages, all the questions on it were about himself.

From the first question to the fifty-fourth question, Wright felt that except for ardent fans like Hermione, no normal student would be able to answer all the questions correctly.

Half an hour later, Lockhart collected the test paper and began to read it in front of everyone in the classroom, including his comments.

There were no accidents, and no student received high marks, or in other words, very few even answered half of the questions correctly, which made Lockhart's face look significantly uglier.

Then, there is a whole class of storytelling time.

Yes, Wright now felt like he was sitting in a teahouse listening to a book. The only difference was that tea and melon seeds and peanuts were not allowed in the classroom.

When the bell rang, the students walked out of the classroom with numb faces. It seemed that this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class was not going to happen again. Could it be said that they will not be able to learn anything in this course for two whole years?

The expression on Wright's face was very different from that of the students around him. Ever since he found a new perspective on this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he felt that this class was actually not bad? Anyway, he was listening with great interest just now.

Wright smacked his lips, but it felt like it was missing some melon seeds, otherwise it would have been more interesting.

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