Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 169 Swinging the broomstick (second update)

Although Wright rarely used his appearance to disparage others, it must be mentioned that Marcus Flint, the captain of the Slytherin team, is indeed a not-so-good-looking guy.

Flint was tall, taller than Wood, and his well-developed muscles showed his extraordinary strength. But apart from his burly figure, Flint has almost no advantages. He has large jagged teeth, a pair of cunning gray ominous eyes and a messy black hair.

Flint had a troll-like cunning look on his face, and anyone with a normal IQ could tell that he was just showing off: "This place is big, Wood, enough to accommodate our two teams for training together."

At this time, all the Gryffindor players stood behind Wood and confronted the domineering group of Slytherin players opposite.

"But I reported to Mrs. Hooch as early as yesterday that I have booked the entire stadium!" Wood said sharply, "I have booked it!"

"Oh," Flint said with a nonchalant expression on his face, "but I have a consent form signed by Professor Snape."

Flint stretched out his left hand, took out a piece of parchment from his pocket, and read directly: "I, Severus Snape, give permission for the Slytherin team to train on the Quidditch field today to train their new Seeker."

"You have found a new Seeker?" Wood frowned, his eyes quickly scanning a group of Slytherin players, "Who? Where is he?"

Wright, Chang Chu, Hermione and Villita also rushed over at this time. After hearing Flint's words, Chang Chu also looked towards the members of the Slytherin team opposite, and sure enough he didn't see Terrence.

But isn’t Terrence only in fourth grade? How could he quit Slytherin? The one who quit is still such an important position as seeker? Chang Chu thought with a frown.

Flint sneered, and he and the other five equally tall team members moved to both sides.

A boy who was shorter than the other members of Slytherin walked out from behind them. His neatly combed platinum-blonde hair undoubtedly confirmed his identity, because Draco was the only one in the school who had it. Such hair color.

"Aren't you Lucius Malfoy's son?" Fred asked with disgust.

Obviously, Fred still remembered the fist-to-knife fight between Arthur and Lucius in Flourish and Blotts Bookstore not long ago. Although the Weasley family and the Malfoy family have always disliked each other, this is the first time that the heads of the two families have openly fought each other! There is no doubt that the relationship between the two parties has officially declared complete hostility from that time!

"It's really interesting that you still mentioned Draco's father." Flint's smile was as proud as the other team members around him, "Then please take a look at Mr. Lucius's generous gift to Slater. Team Lin’s gift!”

The seven team members instantly took out all seven brand-new, smooth and shiny "Nimbus 2001" and showed them directly to the Gryffindor team.

"The latest model, the new product that just came out last month." Flint said pretending not to care. He gently dusted off a little dust on the top of his broom with his fingertips. The whole action looked like foam. It's as funny as a monkey wearing a crown.

"I believe it is much faster than the old Nimbus 2000 series." Flint smiled maliciously at Harry, and then looked at Wood, "As for the more old-fashioned Sweeping Five Stars, I think it is better to use They are more suitable for sweeping floors.”

The Gryffindor team members were speechless for a moment.

Even Fred and George did not speak at this time. Although the two of them made many improvements to the Sweeping Five Stars in their hands based on the New Moon Dream information provided by Wright, even if they were as conceited as twins, they did not feel that it was close. The Moon Dream production technology from a century ago is comparable to the latest Nimbus 2001.

At this time Chang Chu stopped talking, her brows knitted tightly together. Seven brand-new and shiny Nimbus 2001 almost guaranteed the Slytherin team to win the Quidditch Cup this year.

Ron had a stunned expression on his face. With his familiarity with Quidditch, he naturally knew what a huge advantage these seven advanced broomsticks had in the Hogwarts game.

Wright didn't show any surprise, because the current situation was one of the reasons why he didn't like Quidditch. Even the most basic broomstick styles in this sport cannot be unified.

Even if he is the most skilled seeker in the world, he cannot guarantee that he can defeat a Hogwarts second-year student riding a Supreme Rocket Crossbow while riding a five-star sweep. In other words, although Quidditch is very popular in the wizarding world, it is actually a game that competes for money, rather than competing for flying skills and depth of understanding of the rules.

"Very good, isn't it?" Draco had the same arrogant expression on his face as always, "But maybe you can also get some money to buy some new brooms? As for the method..."

Draco pondered for a while, as if he was really thinking about the members of the Gryffindor team, "You can sell those five-star sweeps as prizes. I think the broomstick museum might bid for them."

The Slytherin team members laughed loudly.

"At least no member of the Gryffindor team needs to spend money to join the team!" Hermione stood up and pointed out the root of the problem pointedly, "They came in completely based on their own abilities."

Draco's proud face dimmed momentarily.

"No one asked you! You stinking little mudblood!" he said viciously to Hermione.

This sentence immediately triggered an explosive reaction.

Fred and George immediately clenched their fists and rushed towards Draco, but they were immediately blocked by Flint who appeared in front of Draco.

One of the Gryffindor girls screamed.

Ron pulled his wand out of his wizarding robes and shouted at Draco, "You will pay for it! Malfoy!"

He found an opportunity and pointed his wand at Draco's face through the gap opened by Flint.

A huge explosion echoed throughout the stadium, and Ron was hit in the stomach by a green light from the back of his wand, knocking him to the ground.

Hermione screamed as Ron was spitting slugs out of his mouth.

The members of the Slytherin team were all paralyzed with laughter, and the one who laughed most exaggeratedly was Draco. He fell on all fours and beat the ground wildly with his two fists.

At this moment, Chang Chu suddenly approached Wright's ear.

"Light, give me my broomstick now," she said softly.

With some confusion, Wright took out the handful of Crescent Moon Dream that was as white as snow from the mok bag and handed it to Chang Chu.

Then, he fell completely into a sluggish state.

Everything on the court seemed to be in slow motion.

Hermione stopped screaming.

Harry shifted his gaze from Ron, who was still spitting out slugs, to Chang Chu.

Even Wei Lita, who had never been interested in other people, looked at Chang Chu sideways at this time.

Chang Chu walked towards the unsuspecting Draco step by step. She held the Crescent Moon Dream upside down and slowly raised it above her head. The dazzling sun rays were blocked by the huge broom-tail branches, leaving only the light on the ground. There was left a shadow that looked like a Valkyrie holding a war hammer high.

Just when Draco was wondering why the weather suddenly turned dark.

Chang Chu swung his broom downwards expressionlessly, and the New Moon Dream's broom tail cut through the air, as if using phantom to reach the target in one step, and landed directly on the head of bright platinum hair.

Wright saw that the twigs that he carefully straightened out one by one were violently deformed at this moment.

Draco's head suddenly drooped under the broom, and his forehead almost kissed the lawn of the Quidditch pitch.

The next moment, the platinum head that had suffered a heavy blow was raised upwards under conditioned reflex. Draco's body seemed to be like a spring with huge elasticity. The two palms and two palms that were originally supported on the ground The knee jumped up about six centimeters in an instant, and then hit the ground under the guidance of surface gravity, like a toad lying flat on the ground with its limbs spread out, completely losing consciousness.

The entire Quidditch pitch seemed to fall into deathly silence.

The next moment, a click sounded, as if someone accidentally pressed the shutter of the camera not far away.

"She!" Chang Chu put Crescent Moon's Dream, whose broom tail was about to be scrapped, on his shoulders. He put one hand on the middle of the broom handle and pointed the other hand at Hermione behind him, "I covered it!"

Chang Chu wiped his nose with his thumb.

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