Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 174: Thank you for your hard work, Gilderoy

Before you know it, October is here.

In recent days, the weather around Hogwarts has been frighteningly bad. The temperature has dropped by more than one notch compared to when school first started. A damp white cold air filled the outside grounds and quietly penetrated into the castle.

Not only that, but along with the cold weather came pouring rain one after another. During the last few days of September, raindrops the size of bullets could be heard hitting the castle windows every day, making a crackling sound. The water level of the large lake outside the castle has risen a lot, and the large lawn where students usually play is almost half flooded. However, at this time, no students want to run outside to play.

I don’t know if it was caused by the extremely unlucky weather, but a severe cold suddenly spread among many faculty, staff and students. In the classrooms where classes are held, the corridors outside, and even the dining hall, there are continuous sounds every day. Continuous loud coughing. A large number of people are admitted to the school infirmary every day, making the head nurse, Madam Pomfrey, very busy.

Fortunately, no one around Wright had a cold, and even the French Villetta, who should have been more or less acclimatized, did not have any abnormalities. Chang Chu didn't catch a cold like last year, otherwise she would have to go to the school doctor's office and drink the refreshing potion prepared by Madam Pomfrey with her nose pinched, turning into a steam girl with a rosy face and steam on her head.

The strength control training between Wright and Villita also lasted for more than half a month.

In mid-September, Snape heard the news from somewhere that Wright could help Villita with strength control training on his own, so he directly gave Wright the task of teaching Villita and said that he would wait until later. He will come again when Villita wants to undergo emotional and mental control training.

So after the second training, it was just Wright and Villita. The training frequency has also changed from "Snape has time whenever he has time" to "Vilita will take Wright to train in the Forbidden Forest every night", every day.

Wright was sure it was, there was no doubt about it, he was just sure that it was Villita who told Snape about this, because only four people in the school knew about this training, namely Dumbledore, Snape, Villita and himself. Know.

This conclusion can be drawn using a simple elimination method: Wright himself did not tell Snape, and Snape, an old lover, certainly did not have the extra thought to explore the relationship between him and Villita. As for Not to mention that old gay Dumbledore! The emotional relationship between a little boy and a little girl obviously doesn't suit him!

Therefore, there is only one truth! That's what Villita herself told Snape!

At the moment when Wright came to this conclusion, Snape, who was brewing potions in the Potions Professor's office on the ground floor of the castle, suddenly sneezed loudly, and the large cauldron of potions on the table instantly Knocked over by his violent movements, the dripping herb juice immediately covered the entire desk.

Chi! Snape, who had a dark face, sniffed, took out his wand and cleared the messy table.

This was Slytherin's fault. The terrain was too low, and it was too close to the lake, which brought very serious humidity. These days, the number of students in Slytherin House who catch a cold is only less than that of Hufflepuff, but that is only because the number of students in Hufflepuff ranks first among the four houses. In terms of proportion, there are still more people in the Snake House who catch a cold. More.

Snape walked to the locker, took out a bottle of green, slightly bitter refreshing potion, and drank it in one gulp. As a master of potions, although there is a gap between Madam Pomfrey and Madam Pomfrey in terms of professional medical level, when it comes to brewing magic potions, Madam Pomfrey is still far behind Snape. Snape would also stock a lot of things like refreshing potions, and they were more powerful than the potions prepared by Madam Pomfrey.

Almost in an instant, a large cloud of white air rose from Snape's head, and he immediately felt that his hair became heavier. Pooh! I feel like my cold is gone!

I don’t know how Villita is doing. While putting the medicine bottle back in place, Snape suddenly thought of his students. I believe that little troll Paz should be able to handle such a simple little thing! It was just armor protection training, there was no need for him to participate at all!

This time it was Wright's turn to sneeze and he rubbed his nose.

"What's wrong? Wright?" Chang Chu, who was sitting opposite, raised his eyebrows with a little expectation in his tone, "You have a cold?"

Chang Chucai didn't want to admit that she just wanted to see what Wright would look like when he drank the refreshing potion. She still remembered that Wright had called herself "Steam Girl" before, so if he drank it, he would become "Steam Boy" ?

Chang Chu frowned, "Steam Boy" and "Steam Girl" didn't seem to be competitive at all, so how should they be called?

"I didn't have a cold, I just sneezed suddenly," Wright said. "I felt like someone was talking bad about me behind my back."

Chang Chu snorted, speaking harshly! After reading this, Wright, both of your noses are blocked, how can I feed the refreshing potion into your mouth one bite at a time! Steam boy!

Wright shook his head and no longer thought about who was speaking ill of him behind his back. He was just here to report to Chang Chu about the training process with Villita. Since Snape was not involved in this kind of training, Wright had to report to Chang Chu every day about his and Villita's training process. After all, having a teacher present and not having a teacher present are two completely different concepts.

"Last night, Villita and I..." Wright began to tell Chang Chu about his training process last night in detail.

Late one night in mid-October.

After sending Villita back to the Slytherin dungeon, Wright went to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor alone. From the beginning of this year until now, Wright has not been to the Room of Requirement once. Firstly, because there is no good direction for making alchemy props yet, and secondly, because Zong and Villita were training too late before, so there was no time. .

But when Wright passed by the Charms office on the eighth floor, he unexpectedly found that the lights inside were still on, and there were faint words coming from between the cracks in the door.

"For more than a month, out of the most basic professional quality, I once again explored the entire Hogwarts. From the astronomy tower at the top of the castle to the furthest ranger hut that students can reach daily; from From the Potions Professor’s office on the basement floor to the many Herbology greenhouses in the back, everything seems to be happening again yesterday.”

"I know," came Professor Flitwick's high-pitched voice, "Thank you, Gilderoy."

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