Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 178 The upcoming death anniversary party

While talking, the two of them had already walked into the auditorium and found an empty seat next to the Ravenclaw table.

"Death anniversary party?" Wright asked.

"Yes." Chang Chu nodded, "On Halloween this year, that day happens to be the 500th anniversary of the death of 'Nearly Headless Nick'."

As a world-famous magic school, Hogwarts has countless ghosts in it, and each house has its own ghost. The representative ghost of Ravenclaw is Lady Grey, the representative ghost of Hufflepuff is the Fat Friar, the representative ghost of Slytherin is Bloody Barrow, and the representative ghost of Gryffindor is Nearly Headless Nick.

Nearly Headless Nick lived in the 15th century and once served as a wizard in the British royal palace. Due to a serious magical accident, Nick had his wand broken and was sentenced to death by beheading. However, on the day of the execution, the executioner's ax was dull because the axe-sharpening stone was placed somewhere.

Thus, Nick's neck received a total of forty-five blows, but even so there was still a tiny bit of skin and tendon attached to his neck (about half an inch, 1.27 centimeters).

But fearing death, Nick chose to remain in the world as a ghost rather than continue to "walk on." After his death, Nick flew back to Hogwarts from the execution ground and became forever the resident ghost of his home, Gryffindor Tower.

However, Wright rarely interacted with Nick, or he rarely interacted with the ghosts in the castle. Although Wright had been Peeves's companion for a short time during the first half of the summer vacation in the first grade because he was renovating the abandoned classroom on the fifth floor of the castle, Peeves had become a friend after being kicked out of "Weasley's Wizard Wheezes". He and Wright parted ways completely.

Although Peeves would not throw moldy chalk or other dirty things at Wright like other students, he also completely turned a blind eye to Wright.

Of course, Wright thought that was a good thing. Because unlike the Weasley twins who always have wild thoughts running through their heads, Wright has never been very fond of some ghosts with crazy heads.

Not noticing Wright who suddenly deserted, Chang Chu continued: "Originally, 'Nearly Headless Nick' only planned to invite Harry alone, but after Harry told Hermione and Ron about it, , Hermione thought it was a great idea."

"Let me think about it, what did Hermione say at that time?" Chang Chu scratched his temples with his index finger, making a gesture of recalling, "Great! I bet not many people alive can say that about them. It must have been an amazing party to have attended!”

"So Hermione came to invite you to go with her? By the way, you also agreed to Hermione's invitation?" Wright made room for Verita who came over, and then couldn't help but ask Chang Chu.

"Yes, I agreed. I also think the death anniversary party is cool." Chang Chu nodded.

Chang Chu added: "But when Hermione knew about this, Professor Lockhart had not performed as well as he does now, so her relationship with Harry and Ron was not bad at that time. But now Hermione Min quarreled with Harry and the others every day about Lockhart, so she wanted to use the death anniversary party as an opportunity to reconcile with Ron and the others. "

Unlike other students, Harry still hasn't gotten rid of Lockhart's entanglement. Although Lockhart was not prepared to recruit Harry, who was obviously a reserve member of the Order of the Phoenix, into the Raven's paws due to his family background. But due to his almost innate fame, and the fact that Harry had to go to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office every night to answer Lockhart's letters, Lockhart was actually still pestering Harry. .

And this is why Harry has always been cold to Lockhart. People who talk about such illusory things as fame all day long are simply terrible in Harry's opinion!

As for Ron, he also loves people. Since Harry's attitude towards Lockhart is not very good, he, a good friend, cannot lag behind. Of course, the main reason may be that Ron has had enough of his mother nagging about the name Gilderoy Lockhart at home!

But taking advantage of the ghost's death anniversary party to repair relationships with others? Wright twitched the corner of his mouth, what a great idea! Hermione is indeed a genius little witch!

"Wright, are you going? Hermione also told me that you can come together." Chang Chu asked, "And Villita, you can come too. Gryffindor ghost Nick's death anniversary party, I want to It’s quite exciting to think about.”

"Chang Chu, I must remind you one thing. The death anniversary party held by the ghosts is suitable for the ghosts themselves. In other words, for ordinary living people, staying at the death anniversary party will be a very bad experience. ." Wright said.

Chang Chu's expression instantly became embarrassed. According to her previous experience, Wright would generally not joke except when his brain was short-circuited. In other words, the "exciting level" of the death anniversary party may be more than she expected.

"And if the death anniversary party happens to be the day of the Halloween party..." Wright paused deliberately, trying to create a sense of suspense, "Hagrid used the expansion spell to cultivate a lot of huge pumpkins, which are big enough. The one that seats three people can also be used to make a jack-o-lantern; Dumbledore also ordered a skeleton dance troupe, which is a truly exciting project.”

Chang Chu's expression became more complicated. He wanted to see the giant pumpkin and the skeleton dance troupe!

"How about it? Do you still want to go to the death anniversary party?" Wright asked.

"No! Once you say something, it's hard to follow it." Chang Chu took a deep breath, and then said with determination, "I have already promised Hermione that I will go to the death anniversary party, so I will definitely go that night! If I don't do this little thing well, how can I pretend to be a man in front of Hermione in the future... Bah, bah, bah!"

Wright instantly had a dark look on his face. Did you reveal something by saying this? Right?

Villita coughed, as if her throat was blocked by the fresh vegetable soup.

"Lite, do you want to go to the death anniversary party with me?" Chang Chu asked again.

"Not going."

"Lite" Chang Chu said in a long voice, and deliberately used a boring nasal voice, "You just come with me!"

"I won't go." Wright continued with a cold face. What is he going to do? It was better to leave it to Chang Chu to pretend to be a man in front of Hermione during a death anniversary party!


"Not going."

"If you don't go, you won't go! Humph!" Chang Chu angrily picked up a piece of bread from the table and took a hard bite, as if he was biting into Wright's flesh.

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