Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 180 Felicia was petrified

"Toilet?" Ron's face instantly frowned. It was never a good thing to associate ghosts with toilets, even in the wizarding world.

"Yes, Moaning Myrtle, her favorite place to stay is the girls' bathroom on the first floor." Hermione said, "So this is also one of the Hogwarts legends that you guys won't know."

"Yes." Chang Chu added, "The girls' bathroom on the first floor is out of order all year round, because the toilet where Myrtle is..."

"Flush toilet?" Harry also had an unacceptable expression on his face.

"That's right, the flush toilet." Chang Chu nodded, "There's always something wrong with that flush toilet, because Myrtle keeps losing her temper and splashing water in the toilet everywhere."

"So girls will try not to go to the toilet there if they can avoid it, and they will also try to avoid contact with Moaning Myrtle," Hermione said.

As if recalling some bad rumors she had heard, Hermione said with some fear: "You can imagine that when you are going to the toilet, something suddenly comes out of the toilet underneath you. Not only does he splash the sewage from the toilet on you, but he also screams at you... That scene is really terrifying!"

Harry and Ron shivered almost simultaneously.

If a boy goes to the toilet, he may just hold back his urine, but girls...

It's really terrible! ! !

The four of them speeded up their pace in unison, trying to stay away from Myrtle they might encounter. Unconsciously, the four of them walked to the other end of the classroom.

"Look, that looks like food!" Ron said with some surprise.

At the other end of the underground classroom is a long table, which is also covered with a piece of black velvet, and a pile of silver plates are placed on the velvet.

The four of them couldn't wait to step forward, and then stopped in horror. Chang Chu took a few steps back, but Hermione stepped forward, as if she wanted to see what the materials were.

The smell is so unpleasant! Not even the former troll can compare.

Huge chunks of rotting meat were piled like garbage on beautiful silver platters, dark, charred cakes were piled on large trays; Cheese full of green hair...

The only thing Harry was lucky about at this time was that the temperature here was very low, otherwise there would have been a lot of big-headed flies here!

In the center of the table, there was a huge tombstone-shaped gray cake, with Nearly Headless Nick's real name and dates of birth and death spelled out in tar-like frosting.

At this moment, a super-fat ghost slowly flew toward the table. Ron felt that he was twice as big as the fat monk. The fat ghost crouched down and passed directly between the table, his mouth wide open, right through a stinking salmon that looked like it had been rotting quietly for a whole year on the hot beach.

"Can you taste it if you just go through it like this?" Harry couldn't help but ask. This ghost reminded him of the Dursleys, although Uncle Vernon and Cousin Dudley combined were not as fat as him. .

The fat ghost stopped and turned around.

"Almost." The fat ghost said sadly, then turned around and floated away.

"I guess they let the food rot to make it taste stronger," Hermione said.

She covered her nose and wanted to move forward to take a closer look at the rotten meat-filled lamb tripe, but Chang Chu quickly pulled her back.

"Let's go! This ghost place is so disgusting!" Ron said with a look of disgust.

What happened next was even more physically and mentally uncomfortable.

I bumped into Peeves, who may be the only colored spirit in the whole classroom; I met Myrtle, who was called by Peeves's cry, and she cried after being teased by Peeves. After running out of the classroom, Peeves went too far and hit her with moldy peanuts; she met a group of real uninvited guests: the headless hunters, who almost completely took over the entire death anniversary party. Even the real host of the party, Nick, Being thrown aside.

Harry was shivering from the cold (actually his stomach was growling with hunger), along with Ron who was hungry (his teeth were chattering with the cold), and two girls with guilty faces (they were still worried about (Sorry about Myrtle just now) left the death anniversary party together. I believe these four people will never forget the death anniversary party tonight.

Chang Chu regretted more than once why he didn't follow Wright's suggestion and why he didn't search for information in advance to persuade Hermione.

Is it because the little pumpkin doesn’t smell good?

They moved toward the door, nodding and smiling at each ghost who saw them.

A minute later they were hurrying down the aisle lit with black candles.

"It should be dessert time now, right? I hope the pudding hasn't been eaten yet." Ron said expectantly, and he headed towards the steps leading to the auditorium.

However, at this time, Harry heard a voice.

"...hiss...tear you apart...kill you..."

It was that voice again, that cold, murderous voice that Harry had heard in Lockhart's office.

You won’t hear it wrong this time!

Harry stopped and put one hand on the stone wall. He listened intently while looking around, squinting his eyes as he searched up and down, up and down the dimly lit corridors.

"Harry, how did you..." Hermione was interrupted by Harry before she could finish her words.

"That voice appears again, don't talk yet..."

"What is that sound?" Chang Chu frowned. Harry's abnormal behavior at this time seemed very strange to her, because she didn't hear any sound at all in her ears!

Harry ignored Chang Chu's words. He followed the movement of the voice and started running. He ran up the stairs on the first floor, rushed to the second floor, and finally climbed to the third floor and came to an empty corridor.

On the wall just before them, between two windows, about five or six feet above the ground, was daubed some dark red writing, which shimmered in the light of the burning torches.

The secret room has been opened. Those who are enemies of the heir should be alert.

The four of them approached the wall cautiously, because in addition to the writings, there seemed to be two things hanging on the wall.

At this moment, a low noise sounded from both ends of the corridor at the same time, and then hundreds of students from Ravenclaw and Gryffindor poured into the corridor from both ends. .

When people saw the two hanging cats, the lively and chirping sounds suddenly disappeared.

Harry, Ron and Hermione stood alone in the middle of the corridor.

"Felicia!" Chang Chu's scream broke the silence here.

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