Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 183: Prepare for resurrection! dark lord

Dumbledore suddenly made a silencing gesture towards Wright.

Then he picked up a long wand from the table, about fifteen inches long, which was almost the maximum length that an ordinary wand could reach. There are several spherical branches arranged in sequence on the staff body, and the spherical surface is also covered with dense holes.

Of course, it is not just the appearance of the wand that is impressive, but also the names of the wands: Death Stick, Destiny Wand, Elder Wand. Among them, the most famous one is: the Elder Wand.

Dumbledore raised his wand, stirred it in the air, and chanted a spell very quickly.

Invisible magic waves spread from the tip of his wand to all directions until the entire principal's office was shielded. The principal's office, which was already heavily guarded, may not even be able to fly in at this time!

"You can speak now, Wright." Dumbledore put the Elder Wand back on the table, and then said to Wright solemnly.

"Where should I start?" Wright clicked his tongue, not sure if it was because of Dumbledore's caution.

"You can do it anywhere," Dumbledore said.

"Dumbledore, you should know that I have possessed shadow energy since I was a child, right?" Wright said.

Dumbledore didn't reply this time, just nodded.

"Because I possess shadow energy, I am naturally more sensitive to some forces that tend to be dark." Wright told the lie with a flat face, as if he really sensed it that time instead of understanding the plot in advance. "It is precisely for this reason that in the last few days of this summer vacation, when I was buying books at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, I sensed that Mr. Lucius Malfoy secretly stuffed an item containing a strong dark magic atmosphere into Ginny Way. Inside Sly's Crucible."

"The day Arthur and Lucius fought?" Dumbledore asked.

"..." Dumbledore, isn't the word you used here a little inaccurate? Wright was speechless. Fighting... couldn't he use a more adult description?

"Yes," Wright said, "but at the time I just thought it was an old grudge between the Malfoy family and the Weasley family, so I didn't get involved rashly. But there were a lot of things that happened after that day, and I forgot about it for a while. , I didn’t think about it until today.”

Dumbledore nodded. Wright had come to school that night and discussed with him about Villetta. After all, the seriousness of Obscurus is obviously greater than the seriousness of the fight between Arthur and Lucius.

"So Wright, are you saying that the person who opened the Chamber of Secrets today and wrote those words on the wall is Miss Ginny Weasley?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes and no." Wright nodded first, then shook his head.

"Although it is possible for senior students to cause this accident, they could have done it a long time ago and there is no need to delay it until now. Therefore, the person who caused today's accident is very likely to be one of those who just entered school, just Wei Miss Sly is the biggest suspect at the moment.”

"But Miss Weasley is only a freshman who has just entered school for more than a month, and she obviously does not have the ability to cause today's trouble independently." Wright said, "So, the most likely real troublemaker is just the black man. It's just a magic item. After all, even Gryffindor wouldn't make such a terrible joke."

"A very reasonable inference," Dumbledore said.

"Based on the above information, that black magic item must be a very powerful magic item that has the ability to think for itself and confuse other people's minds." Wright guided Dumbledore's thoughts step by step, "Moreover, it also Know where the secret room in the school is, and be able to control the monster in the secret room to attack other creatures."

Dumbledore listened quietly to Wright's analysis. In the history of the school, the only wounding incident that occurred in the Chamber of Secrets was about fifty years ago, when a Raven named Myrtle Elizabeth Warren died. Crow Academy Girls.

Although Hagrid was ultimately blamed for the incident, his wand was broken and he was expelled from school. But Dumbledore knew that Hagrid was only raising an underage Acromantula at that time. That kind of creature would never have the ability to kill with its gaze, so there was definitely someone else who caused Myrtle's death.

And, it's very likely to be the person Dumbledore has been wary of: Tom.

This time Dumbledore couldn't sit still at all.

Ever since Voldemort mysteriously disappeared twelve years ago, Dumbledore has been searching for him. Others may have thought that the famous Dark Lord was dead, but Dumbledore never thought so. How could someone as smart as Tom not leave a way out for himself?

During this summer vacation, Dumbledore finally learned about the Albanian forest from Wright. But after he went there and checked inch by inch, he still found no trace of Voldemort.

The only thing Dumbledore could be sure of was that Voldemort had definitely spent a considerable amount of time in the Albanian forest during the twelve years without any news.

But those are completely useless!

Now that we have another clue about Tom, how can Dumbledore not be excited?

Not ready to listen to Wright deciphering the location of the secret room and what the monsters were inside, Dumbledore said directly to Fox: "Fox, help call Professor McGonagall."

Fox nodded weakly. Its current appearance was very different from when Wright saw it before. It is very old and has lost half of its feathers, revealing a little bare skin, but it still seems to have the ability to fly.

After a burst of fire, Fox screamed and disappeared from the principal's office.

"Teacher, is your phoenix going to nirvana? Congratulations." Wright said.

"It's no big deal." Dumbledore shook his head.

After a while, Fox appeared in the principal's office with Professor McGonagall in a nightgown.

"Albus?" Professor McGonagall glanced at Wright first, and then put her searching eyes on Dumbledore.

"Minerva, can you please bring Miss Ginny Weasley from your college?" Dumbledore said, "I have something very important to see her now. If possible, please also bring Miss Ginny." Bring one..."

"Black notebook," Wright said.

"Yes, a black notebook." Dumbledore nodded.

Professor McGonagall opened her mouth slightly, but did not say anything. Then she grabbed Fox's paw again and left the principal's office.

After a while, Fox brought Professor McGonagall and Ginny to the principal's office. Ginny also held a pure black diary in her hand.

Without using Legilimency, Dumbledore only glanced at Ginny and knew that this girl definitely had something on his mind. Because when normal students come to the principal's office, they will never look as pale and flustered as Ginny.

But when Wright saw the diary in Ginny's hand, he thought of another way to deal with Tom.

In my impression, this Horcrux diary can absorb the life force of others.

And Wright happens to know that there are other ways to destroy a person, and death alone does not allow him to satisfy his evil taste.

So, are you ready for resurrection? Tom?

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